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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It's either one of two things: they aren't addressing it because it's never going to be an issue, or they aren't addressing it because they need it to be an issue. Don't they all call each other by their real names over the comms? I mean, Felicity still calls Oliver by his name even though he has a code name. Granted, no one can hear her out in the field. It is tactically stupid, but that comment from Sara in 3x01 never amounted to anything, so...IDK. maybe it's something we're supposed to ignore, like how incredibly stupid Laurel is for wearing fingerless gloves.
  2. I'm glad all the social media trash talk is over, but that was entertaining.
  3. Ditch the wig so her natural, Laurel Lance DA hair is showing, no eyeblack to conceal those eyes, fingerless gloves... The citizens of Star(ling) City have proven themselves to be morons repeatedly, so maybe they really won't catch on, haha.
  4. It makes sense to me that she'd have a bike. Roy had one as well, didn't he? I mean, how else do they get to crime scenes from a central location? I agree that she needs to black out her eyes and ditch the dark lipstick. It looks awful, IMO. And I think the outfit would be fine without the buckles. The buckles seem like a disaster waiting to get snagged, and she doesn't need them to hold whatever smaller weapons she's trained with, because there aren't any.
  5. He did say that at the panel yesterday.
  6. It makes sense to me that she'd go off with Malcolm regardless of what he'd done in the past if he had something to offer that she wanted. He did - which was the promise of not being weak anymore. I think she's matured a lot, and I love her, but Thea had a tendency to be a spoiled brat when she was angry, which she was at the time. I mean, this is the person who wouldn't even sign some papers to make sure her family didn't lose EVERYTHING THEY HAD because she was upset with them.
  7. Yeah, he did say that he says her name about half as much as the scripts call for. I was worried that question was going to go into secondhand embarrassment territory, like she was going to ask him to say it or something.
  8. SA talked about Diggle's costume, but wouldn't come clean on the code name. No one asked about Diggle's story or Felicity's. One guy asked if EBR was single, and then another one asked if what his chances were regarding getting a date with Felicity (although SA responded to that question by talking about EBR, not Felicity).
  9. And mostly asked by men! It was funny, I was there, and someone stood up and asked about SA saying that Felicity was the only woman in Oliver's life at Comic Con last year, and SA said that's no longer the case this year. I swear, my entire section let out a collective gasp, and then someone yelled out, "FLASHBACKS!" and you could practically hear the sigh of relief, haha.
  10. I met him yesterday, and they sure look nice in person, I'll tell you that.
  11. Lexi Alexander isn't directing the ep that's filming right now. Per the script title page, someone named John Badham is. I think she's directing the actual 4th ep, the one that's shooting next. She's probably doing prep work?
  12. Obviously scenes can be interpreted in different ways, but at this point it seems like asserting that Felicity doesn't even care about Thea on a basic level is just purposely ignoring canon for whatever reason.
  13. Yeah, I was really surprised when I received my first one. I thought they were bigger!
  14. Plus, she never said she they weren't going to let him save Thea, she said they weren't going to let him join the League of Assassins, even if it was to save Thea. That's not the same thing as not wanting to save her. Didn't she basically follow through with that sentiment when she drugged Oliver to get him out of there after Thea had been revived?
  15. What "so" comment are you talking about? Why would Felicity demand Moira tell Thea? Felicity didn't even know Thea. Felicity's concern wasn't the actual secret - it was how her knowing the secret, and it keeping it from Oliver (or it somehow getting out that she knew and didn't tell him) would affect her relationship with him.
  16. I have zero issues with Felicity monitoring anything having to do with known criminals and/or conspirators, like Moira. If Oliver and co. all minded their own business, they wouldn't be able to effectively fight crime? Like...what's the issue here? She's keeping an eye on the known shady people, as she should.
  17. I'm guessing Felicity purposely didn't unflag Moira's offshore account, because she herself said to Moira's face that she didn't trust her. And there's, uh, reason to not trust her considering she was part of a plan to destroy a very large part of the city (by using a machine that Felicity put herself in danger to help disarm, but whatever). It's not like she had Moira's personal accounts flagged - she had her super shady offshore account used for nefarious purposes flagged. But yeah, she should've just ignored it. Just like Felicity should've left Oliver to get shot and killed up on that bridge when he was fighting Ra's, LMAO.
  18. They should've just left Dinah out of it this season. I know the whole point of her in S3 was to egg Laurel on in her mission to avenge Sara or whatever, but they wouldn't been better off just making her look like an absent idiot who believed Laurel's story that Sara was hiking on Mt. Tibidabo or whatever.
  19. Dinah is a straight-up terrible person for not telling Quentin about Sara. God, that storyline makes me angry. I get being reluctant to tell him, but what in the actual fuck did these people think was going to happen when he found out A) his daughter was dead, B) everyone he loves knew about it and kept it from him, and C) his shitty living daughter buried her without telling him (or telling anyone - she's rotting in a pine box), and D) his shitty living daughter DRESSED UP LIKE HER DEAD SISTER TO FOOL HIM INTO THINKING SHE WAS STILL ALIVE Like...forget about a plain-old heart attack at that point. His heart should've exploded and ROCKETED HIM TO THE MOON. Quentin sucks now, but Dinah and Laurel did him wrong.
  20. IIRC, MG said they intended to, but they lost the actor to another show. Why they wouldn't have locked him in if they had plans for him, I have no idea.
  21. I don't mean training in general, I mean Ted Grant-esque, Laurel-only training plots. Don't care, don't want to see it. Sparring or whatever? Meh. Sure.
  22. If Laurel not having a learning curve any more means I don't have to watch her train, or fumble around like a moron one minute and beat an assassin the next, then that's good news to me. Personally, I don't care when or how or if she improves as long as I don't have to watch it.
  23. I think the OP might have been talking about the scene with Roy, Sara, Felicity and Diggle in "Deathstroke" when Roy lost it over Slade kidnapping Thea. I don't recall Diggle really "sticking up" for Roy in that scene, apart from telling him to calm down, so who knows.
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