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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It's just a little bit - a really thin spread.
  2. Monte Cristos are usually served with some kind of berry jam either on the sandwich or on the side. The sandwich is usually sprinkled with powdered sugar, too.
  3. Didn't he post once about feeling the need to rearrange furniture in restaurants and other public places?
  4. The only thing that could entice me to watch an ep of The Flash again is if Barry isn't in it. But I'm glad that it seems like Iris is getting something going in journalism again per CP's Ebony interview. Hopefully that's something that actually happens and isn't just a talking point in the article.
  5. She's grown Sara Diggle, born from the Speedforce, sent to make Barry pay for all the times he screwed with the timeline.
  6. Sadly, seems that way. Very yuck. I guess that's why Thea felt comfortable banging DJ Douche on the couch - it had just as much privacy as her room would've.
  7. We actually have seen the other! Diggle and Felicity had a chat up there last season (it's an office now) in the episode where Curtis put nanites in Felicity's pancakes to track her to Helix.
  8. Ah, okay. I wish the writers really did put that much thought into Diaz's character. I'd feel a lot better if I thought they actually meant to write someone deluded.
  9. I'd like to believe he set things in motion with no plan in mind, but just last episode he said "I see all, I know all. I control it all. I've been working on this for months." He then rambled on about how BS and Cayden were all part of a larger puzzle and that BS shouldn't worry about chumps like Dinah and Oliver who can't see "two inches past their face." I think they meant to write a real mastermind, but wound up writing a real moron.
  10. He looks like a creep in that last panel.
  11. I love two things about this tweet: 1. His continued use of his own pics as Dragon promo, especially this one - where he looks confused about why he's standing in a pool 2. The use of a the cute dragon emoji I wish this was a clue that he's gonna get offed, but I'm not hopeful. I think he's just doing a little bit of promotion there.
  12. I'm disappointed that Black Siren wasn't lying about having the $70 million. It just adds another layer of idiocy to 3D, to the point where it's hard to take him seriously. It didn't even serve any story purpose - Siren didn't seem to care that it was gone, so it's not like 3D took it back as leverage to entice her to do his dirty work. He could've kidnapped her from the hospital regardless. He's such a loser, LOL.
  13. Yeah - it makes zero sense for him to want to suit back up when legal focus is on the identity of the Green Arrow. Those drugs must've affected the brain as well. Felicity and Oliver's first comment when Diggle expresses this desire to them is, "Seriously? Now?" Unless he's just itching to go back to jail again.
  14. Oh it definitely could. But she’s always shifting allegiances. Seems dumb to name a whole ep for it, but that’s Arrow for ya.
  15. Or some of the cops, or the DA, or like...anyone. Maybe one of the newbies uses their professed hatred of Oliver to go to the 3Dark side and infiltrate.
  16. Shifting Allegiances? C'mon Anatoly - you can do it!
  17. Yeah, the time for the villain episode would've been when they were first introduced as a team - to give us even the slightest idea why they all threw in together. That way we could've gotten to know 3-D better, and him coming out as the main wouldn't have been as out of nowhere as it seemed. If they manage to get up any momentum after the break, that's gonna kill it.
  18. I'd love to believe that Oliver doesn't have a case of the plot stupids here, but this show makes its living on plot stupids, so...
  19. Oh no - in the preview for the next ep, Nyssa's talking about not being able to run from her father's legacy just like Thea can't run from her's. She's going to life-changing realization Oliver into daddy drama, isn't she
  22. Tell her Oliver - although you are all v. dumb to be trusting Laurel but whatever
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