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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. My head canon is that he's not a good guy, and pushing him toward Susan was his first attempt at taking Oliver down - he just didn't count on good 'ol Susie catching the feels and backing off of being a good journalist.
  2. I think it can also be read that SA’s indicating that CD’s appearance is present day, too.
  3. He gets killed off all the time - maybe he doesn’t have a choice, haha.
  4. If we're going full batshit soap here, Dicky 3-D would find out about Human Target, and have whatever his name was come in and pretend to be Tommy and testify against Oliver as a character witness or something. Not because it would make a lick of sense, but just because these writers love their gotchas and I can just picture a courtroom scene like, "I call to the stand...TOMMY MERLYN!!!!" ::collective gasp:: (never mind me, just stuck on Ken's completely rando mention of Wil Traval on Twitter, goodnight)
  5. I think he's more likely to be working with them than fighting with them, since Oliver's out of the picture during his trial.
  6. "It's Vertigo. I printed the bottle myself."
  7. That's what I'm wondering. It seems like a rando name drop otherwise.
  8. I figured he'd be accepted back considering they were still working together after the team split up, but to not even address it after the ep where Curtis and Dinah got all bitchy about Digg and Felicity wanting to see Rene? So Arrow lazy.
  9. I think they’re talking about limiting the runs of the existing DC shows, not adding more.
  10. Yeah. I mean, she didn't seem all that into it anymore, just based on comments she'd made at past cons (just a little snarky and weird about stuff). It's one thing to put that together based on what you read, and another for someone from the show to come out and say it. I'm surprised Stephen came out and said it. Makes MG's side of the story more believable IMO.
  11. Good, I’m glad. I wouldn’t have wanted them to be angry at each other for a long period of time. Especially if Oliver’s just venting some frustration - there’s enough idiotic drama on this show right now as it is.
  12. I saw a meme floating around with Laurel, Nyssa, and Samantha’s pics on it with “Loved her first” Married her first” and “Had a kid with her first” written across each one and it made me laugh. As if being the first if you aren’t the only or last means...anything at all. But enjoy the good feeling it gives you I guess? That’s all ya got. LOL.
  13. But Felicity was clearly bothered by it throughout the episode. I don't think Felicity being annoyed by someone who seems to be holding her husband to a League ritual that the two of them were forced into = insecurity. It's probably not a great feeling to have someone repeatedly insinuate that your marriage isn't valid (which seems like it's one of Felicity's sticking points considering she mentioned Nyssa joking about her marriage) or that you're sharing your husband with someone else. It'd be annoying simply because Oliver isn't Nyssa's husband. And never really was.
  14. It reads to me like everyone in that inside joke “jar” crew is working on some kind of pet project together - whether some are writing, some are producing, and some are acting or if they’re all going to be in it, who knows.
  15. Felicity's marriage to Oliver would be valid even if Nyssa never ~annulled the League "marriage", since Oliver and Nyssa's union wasn't legally binding and was only recognized by the League of Assassins, which doesn't even exist anymore. But whatever makes people feel better, I guess.
  16. Whatever it is, I hope it doesn't have anything to do with that played out jar joke.
  17. At this point with the way it seems Diggle's going to act, the only part of team left to shut down will be him. I mean, Felicity too, but if he's not willing to hood up, that's that.
  18. She's slipping narcotics into his pot roast, so he just blacks out for long periods of time while she goes out committing various crimes.
  19. The Quadrant, LOL. 3-D would form an alliance with a crime syndicate that has such a loser name.
  20. I don't mind the cooking thing. I loved that they actually had Oliver be the one who enjoys and is good at cooking, not Felicity. For as long as we've known her Felicity's been a pretty busy person - it makes sense to me that someone who's focused and overloaded wouldn't waste time on cooking when she could just pick something up that's already made. Gives her time to do something else. And I think they've shown that Felicity's better than Oliver at quite a few things. Math, sciences, computers, emotional intelligence. Common sense.
  21. I guess maybe they were referring to them as the only regulars around who have been regulars since the beginning. Katie wasn't a series regular in S5, she had that weird Arrowverse contract.
  22. The worst plan was welcoming her into his home in the first place, but the man has custom made bad idea jeans.
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