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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Only 20 minutes in? It feels like 10 hours.
  3. Blackmail yourself into one, sis. That's WLWD
  4. I love that so many government employees are ripe for blackmailing - that's what background checks are for OMG. Get this city back on track and get that under control Mr. Mayor.
  5. He's printing money, Felicity.
  6. Is it just me or does everyone sound like they're struggling with allergies this ep?
  7. God, shut up Dinah. You hypocritical asshole.
  8. This reminds me of his tweet @ ing Kevin Hart, all the Arrow accounts and basically every Nike account he could think of about his marathon time, haha
  9. JH's husband's name is Peter, so I'm guessing the other hashtags are the names of the other people who were there. Here's the KA interview:
  10. Oh man. Hashtag sad alter ego, the knife and the chick. LMAO, this dude...
  11. His personal photo shoots and hashtag sad alter ego have entertained me more than his character has thus far. Although it's not his fault the writers wrote his character as a complete moron masquerading as a badass.
  12. He's a dipshit who has lucked out in pretty much every idiotic step he's taken. The people he has on the inside are probably just disgruntled employees who are on the verge of being out of a job so they'll do whatever they have to to survive. I know if I found out that the guy I was following to whatever end had allowed a planted stooge to nearly blow up the city and then was fucking dumb enough to let a fellow goon walk out of a bank with the $70 million he'd gained from said planted stooge, I'd be rethinking my loyalties.
  13. Susan's existence was maddening because Oliver was such an incredible dumbass where she was concerned, but she was good for a couple of laughs. Like when she had to remind Oliver that they hadn't had sex yet, or when she'd been kidnapped and he found her and he was just like, "Okay the exit is to the right, bye." LOL
  14. Oh I know it’ll be expressed onscreen. I just wish they’d fully gone with that throughout instead of ever having Diggle say it was because of the brainwashing. And they should’ve built up to it more, because even though it’s a better reason I still don’t buy that Diggle suddenly disagrees with the way Oliver’s handled things to the point he wants to fully take over.
  15. The weird thing is this is a way better reason than wanting it so desperately because it was in some alien-induced brainwashing! But the problem is that Diggle has voiced his dissent when he felt the need to, and he didn't go along with everything Oliver did, but he went along with most of it. So if you're going to do this kind of storyline you need to plant seeds of discord that last for a while, like...he could've disappeared when the newbies did, or at the very least started arguing with Oliver more so this didn't come out of nowhere. And you can't bring up Laurel, especially considering HE blamed himself for part of that. But that's Arrow for you, I guess.
  16. I like that Stephen came out and said, "Yes, it's pretty much bullshit." Because yes indeed it is.
  17. Way to pull those feelings right out from the deep, dark recesses of your ass, my guy. Like, you went along with it! And you nearly got people killed earlier in the season too. LOL
  18. I thought so too, but no that's just an extra.
  19. I don't watch Flash anymore so I'm not sure how much Caitlin is in it, but maybe she only films a few days a week so it's more like a crash pad for her while she keeps her home in LA (or wherever).
  20. If it stressed her out so badly getting fired the first time, not sure why she'd subject herself to the whims of those people again, haha.
  21. If I were that mad about how I'd been treated, I would've said no on the spot when asked back. Didn't MG say something about Susanna Thompson telling them no when they asked her back after they killed her off? That if they had more story for her they shouldn't have done it in the first place? Or am I misremembering?
  22. This made me laugh. Generally these two things are pretty unexpected!
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