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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, I didn't like Tommy all that much when he was alive, but Oliver seemed to love him so much so I could deal with him. But after the way he treated Tommy with Laurel before he died, and then screwing her on top of Tommy's casket while people were exiting the funeral service, I can't even believe that Oliver cared about him that much or would be moved at all by seeing him in any way apart from thinking, "I was a complete garbage friend to this poor guy."
  2. Sure - if you don't get caught, no one would ever know.
  3. It's a flashback of Angel Tommy looking down from a cloud at Oliver and Laurel humping on his fresh grave, then Laurel fawning over Oliver talking about their future together while they both sit on his obituary. As a heavenly light shines upon him he says, "What a waste of rebar through the chest."
  4. Caity being brought back after she was killed off is definitely a point in her favor, but even if she was KC’s best friend, I wouldn’t blame her if she were a little gunshy about having KC on the show full time.
  5. I wonder how MG’s commentary will actually translate into the story.
  6. I don't think he'd team up with the newbies, primarily because they're pissed at him too. Unless it's an enemy of my enemy is my friend type thing. If anything, I guess maybe he'll go off on his own or quit. Although the latter would be a terrible look.
  7. Also, we have ep titles: Arrow - Episode 6.21 - Docket No. 11-19-41-73 Arrow - Episode 6.22 - The Ties That Bind
  8. Episode titles: Arrow - Episode 6.21 - Docket No. 11-19-41-73 Arrow - Episode 6.22 - The Ties That Bind
  9. Apart from us not really having any idea why he wants this so badly besides seeing it in an alien brainwashing, why is he getting so upset about it NOW? Why on earth would he be so hung up on putting on the suit when there's extra scrutiny on the identity of the Green Arrow - why would he want to take charge of a team of TWO when there's such a big fracture between the two teams and a guy trying to take over the city? Is Diggle expecting Oliver to just give it up and then he'll lead a team of...himself? So typically Arrow kind of stupid.
  10. It would make sense for Shady Susie's research into Oliver to play a part in some kind of prosecution. But I'd rather the show just drop that plot line like it does so many others than to have a reminder of what an utter moron he was with her.
  11. Pretty sure she meant calling her Black Canary was a dead giveaway their hangout or the tweet was PR. I don’t think it was. They’ve hung out before, and calling her Black Canary seems like the kind of thing he’d think was cute.
  12. All the positive tweeting and chumming around in the world wouldn’t be enough to undo what the show has done to them.
  13. But the discussion was about Iris and her leadership - the "hey, there are worse leaders!" is just a way to divert the conversation away from Iris. So is mentioning what kind of leader Oliver is. If Iris didn't notice one of her team members was missing and that added to them feeling undervalued, then that's Iris's mistake. What Oliver's done with people on a different team doesn't matter.
  14. But no one's making an argument that Oliver's always the best team leader (he's been shown throughout the course of the show to be bad at it at times!). The argument here about Iris seems to be that she's pretty great? Which has nothing to do with Oliver leaving Roy, editing mistake or not.
  15. I mean, he's definitely sitting there between takes, haha. Whether they're filming on the bunker set or if that's a staging area for another set, who knows.
  16. Shifting Alliances or whatever that ep is titled.
  17. I wonder how much actors ultimately care about the storylines they get. Since there aren't any guarantees of getting other work (or said other work being of better quality than the show they're already on), if they're happy with their work situation/environment and their pay, I wonder how often storyline quality plays into a desire to leave.
  18. Who on NTA has deep pockets for this stuff? Is Curtis skimming off the seed money he and Felicity got?
  19. I think that’s OTA’s bunker. If NTA was backlighting their outfits in green too I would never stop laughing.
  20. “Tommy, my best friend in the world...in a few months Laurel and I are gonna bang right on top of your fresh grave LOL.”
  21. But...she specifically wrote that she wasn't arguing that Caitlin should be the leader of Team Flash, which was why I was confused. Yes, let's!
  22. Quarks didn't argue that Caitlin had leadership and management skills that Iris doesn't - just that she show had shown Caitlin in leadership roles and she would've liked to have seen that with Iris. I'm really not sure where the lines are getting crossed here, LOL.
  23. But you're asking her to show you examples where Caitlin was shown to have leadership skills, and that's not what she's arguing? You can write a story where someone is a CEO of a company without ever demonstrating the skills that got them there. That's why she mentioned that a side comment about Iris getting a management position at Jitters would've done the trick to make this story click more for her, not that she needed to see Iris actually being the manager.
  24. You guys aren't disagreeing, though? Quarks wrote that she wasn't arguing that Caitlin should be leader, just that Flash had written Caitlin in leadership roles, beats she believes should've have been written for Iris before she was made leader of the team.
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