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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, Dinah’s been off the rails for a while now, and til last night - at the very last minute - no one had been able to get through to her. Insinuating that Siren would only be dead if Curtis somehow allowed it is kinda absurd.
  2. You're really getting some mileage out of "if Laurel's here, she's not warm." LOL Anyway, Curtis going along with Dinah and not drawing a line in the sand with her pursuit of Black Siren is enough evidence prior to the bunker storming that suggested he'd be cool with murder. Or at least not doing much about the situation if Dinah had murdered Black Siren on her own, considering they all agreed to stick together no matter what.
  3. So what? Curtis isn't her keeper - there's nothing saying Dinah hadn't gotten to Black Siren on her own and killed her when Curtis wasn't around to stop her. Felicity didn't sign off on all of Oliver's kills before he shot the arrow. ETA: Also, I'd argue that there's evidence that at this point Felicity (and the others) probably aren't really sure exactly what NTA is capable of. If you asked them just last episode if they thought that Curtis would ever purposely mess with Diggle's implant, the answer would've been a resounding no.
  4. Why is it jerky? Dinah's been trying to kill Black Siren for weeks now and Curtis was still working with her and hadn't managed to convince her to stop - he was even helping her.
  5. Seriously. I'm so disappointed that he wasn't called out on that.
  6. I just got a good laugh at how ridiculous "Rene. Put the axe down" would've been in context, so thank you.
  7. Yeah, I mean Felicity has a lot going on in her life. I don't take any issue with Felicity not knowing something and Curtis showing it to her. I didn't take it as she needed him to walk her through it to be able to learn it, rather that it was probably something she hadn't needed thus far and he shared his knowledge. It happens all the time with coworkers - even subject matter experts.
  8. I saw a lightened-up gif of it and it looks like the bullet just barely misses her arm.
  9. I'm fairly certain she's faking. She's been shown thus far to be pretty smart, and if she actually doesn't have the bearer bonds and was negotiating in bad faith (or even if she does), outing herself as the thought dead DA that's been kidnapped for a couple of years is a great way to get some cover from Dinah and Team Arrow since her original plan fell through. I thought they made it pretty clear that she was manipulating Quentin when she asked him to tell her all about his Laurel. I'll be disappointed if they go with that instead of the obvious thing that someone like BS would try to do, haha.
  10. If that’s what’s happening, I have a list of like tended to, Marc. Not unlike Oliver’s when he returned to Starling City from Lian Yu.
  11. If they don’t hit an .03 for this mess of an episode I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they hit it for the one after. Yikes.
  12. Once they started marketing them no one would have to say anything. That would probably be one of the main criticisms of the chip.
  13. Or that they're hackable at all - can you imagine waking up paralyzed again because your kid's pissed off you wouldn't buy him a video game or something? Bad for business.
  14. Yeah, the idea for the company was born from them creating an algorithm together. It wasn't always going to be the chip - they were struggling coming up with an idea, Alena suggested it, and it was already done so why not?
  15. She's only made very unimportant contributions, like funding the original prototype. Little things.
  16. I thought he was going to try and nail Oliver with embezzling the city's stolen money - I figured Laurel's story was the only way to get around not being in Star City for the past couple of years.
  17. If the idea for the company came from the desire to sell the chip, then I'd say it's probably a partnership that couldn't easily be dissolved. But they decided they wanted to start a business before they even knew what they were going into business for, so...Curtis can be gone. They don't trust each other - no point in working together now.
  18. Well, he probably would have if Thea hadn't opened her trap.
  19. So, the DA is going to argue that Oliver embezzled the missing money, and he'll still wind up staying on as mayor for the foreseeable future, correct? ETA: orrrrr could be that the dirty cops capture Roy and try to get him to admit he wasn't the Arrow. In which case WHERE IS THE MONEY
  21. Aside from the obvious that the newbies are all the worst, I'm really upset that no one bothered to check if BS actually had the money. WHERE IS THE MONEY
  22. Oh god so 3-Dragon didn't actually get that money? If he had it, wouldn't he have given the people on his payroll that play?
  23. I thought she meant that he considers her his daughter, so she is his daughter? IDK it's a logic leap to make it not seem nutbars.
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