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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. We have! Felicity went in there while Oliver was packing in the Slade episodes.
  2. I don't get why the cookie scene would bother anyone. Clearly they wanted to have William and Felicity in the same place for time purposes. We get a real example of the budget issue affecting schools from William, and Felicity was right there so that he could pull her away from the cookies to get the info about the money BS stole. And the show has had Oliver being good at the actual cooking (and enjoying it!) so it's not like they were being offensive with gender roles. Seems silly to be upset about it IMO.
  3. I mean, I guess I can see holding onto hope to some extent. Katie seems to be interested in sticking around, and who knows how long the show will last. I guess they can always hope that Emily will want out at some point and the last two left standing will be Stephen and Katie so maybe a hand would be forced? As for why Oliver would divorce Felicity, they seem to think that Olicity is the ratings killer and Katie is the show's saving grace, so I guess they hope that TPTB will go with Oliver/Laurel again to regain viewers? That's the best I can tell from reading the threads. Then again, they all seem to think that Laurel was killed off so Olicity could happen, when Olicity was happening - and engaged - while Laurel was alive, haha.
  4. Not to defend Rene, but is he even conscious?
  5. She could've known about the plan to do it to at least give him a name, even if she wasn't involved or present, I guess.
  6. I hoped he was kidding about that, haha. Although I guess it would be in line with something Oliver would do - since he did seem to genuinely care about Rene's relationship with his kid. And also because he's not a petty, angry, childish dick like the newbs.
  7. It seems like it, and it would've had to be sometime before Cayden got murdered. But...would he not know that someone drained his account? Also, if I'm reading this correctly 3-D knowing all/seeing all, letting this chick walk around with bearer bonds like that isn't the dumbest shit ever is pretty lulzy.
  8. This is a little tough to follow, so lemme make sure I understand properly. 3-D has been planning this for months, he knows all and he sees all (LOL) but BS did actually manage to steal the money he just got it back from her?
  9. Did Curtis manage to get rid of whatever the FBI had on him? I can't remember because I hate them both. Is Samanda Watson gone forever? Did no one but her have record of that?
  10. 6x15 spoilers from the spoiler guy on reddit:
  11. Same. He's the worst one for me - his indignation over not being trusted when he admitted that he betrayed Oliver, his axe-swinging idiocy, and my need to never hear anyone on the show referred to as "Hoss" again all contribute to me wanting him dead.
  12. For all we know the director *did* do that and what we're seeing is the best he/she got.
  13. Before he messed with Digg's chip I was all for him getting a boyfriend if only so he'd shut up about it. Now he can die alone. <3
  14. Barry probably wants to get in all the kisses he can, just in case he fucks up the timeline again and Iris forgets about him. :(
  15. To be fair, at this point no one on the cast has any friends that aren’t each other. It’s sad how small its world has gotten.
  16. Yeah, that writer is largely complaining about how the characters are written or adapted - which isn't the actor's fault. Only a few are on there for actual acting reasons (and in some of those cases I would tend to agree those people just aren't great actors).
  17. There must be some kind of outs for the show (contract stipulations, buyout conditions, etc) if they don't meet the number of episodes in the contract, right?
  18. I thought everyone's goal was ultimately to get the city's money back (except for deputy mayor Quentin) - they just had different approaches about how to get it from Black Siren. OTA's was to give in to her demands because she allegedly had bearer bonds (which you can't get back once the person is D-E-A-D dead, Dinah!) and because Quentin trusted her (LOL), and NTA's was to do it through brute force because they thought OTA was stupid and because Dinah wanted her vengeance for Vince. If Black Siren actually had the money, then they both failed. If Black Siren was bargaining with leverage she didn't have, then they're all right back where they were when the episode started. Except for OTA who now know that NTA is willing to personally inflict pain on a former teammate to get what they want, and NTA because Rene is an axe-swinging lil bitch who doesn't know when to stand down because it's good for him, I guess.
  19. Oh, I don’t know. I don’t follow any of them on social media, it just seems like every other post I see from this group involves a jar reference, haha.
  20. Yeah, I agree. Going after him for liking a tweet like that one is a little silly to me. The only likes I really take issue with are of the "Save (show), kill (character)" variety, because it's shitty coworker behavior.
  21. Please please please let Black Siren be yet another villain’s lackey. One who maybe has two brain cells to rub together.
  22. Your argument was that Felicity was a jerk for implying that Laurel might’ve been dead because that was insulting to Curtis as if she could only be dead if Curtis was complicit. But if Curtis might not have been able to stop Dinah, then how is Felicity’s comment an insult? Anyway, that’s my last comment on the matter too.
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