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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Nine times out of ten I hate the episodes he hypes up. Please be that rare one tonight. Pls
  2. My first thought is: go work for a shady organization you’ve expressed many ethical issues with if it’ll get you away from that terrible Oliver you sad, sad baby. I don’t like thinking about Diggle this way. Thanks, show!
  3. The only way I’ll accept that is if Dinah, Rene and Curtis aren’t either. Or ever, but if I can’t have that...
  4. It makes her look like she’s about two seconds away from demanding to speak to a manager.
  5. I thought Oliver would step down as mayor given the obstruction issue and Felicity speeds up on the chip because they need some income.
  6. Naturally they'd want to dip back into the well that hasn't really ever done them any favors, LOL.
  7. I’m disappointed he didn’t use my favorite hashtag.
  8. I cannot imagine how insanely boring that must be, haha. As for the rest - thank you for sharing!
  9. They’ve done danger angst well before. With the Count, when Felicity thought Oliver was dead. It just depends on how lazy the writers assigned to the episode are.
  10. I don't think anyone who's looking forward to Oliver's reaction to Felicity possibly being in danger actually wants her injured, tortured, abused or hurt. I certainly don't! I also don't mind Oliver thinking she could be any of those things, because usually that's where the good stuff comes from - or where the good stuff would come from if the people who write Arrow were even remotely good at their jobs.
  11. Whenever there's any sort of "catastrophic" event in fiction that involves a character that is in a relationship or heading toward a relationship with another character, the way the partner who isn't in peril reacts is usually my favorite part. It's just another expression of love, caring and dedication between the two (if done right, which Arrow clearly didn't do!) - and usually some kind of tipping point that advances their plot forward. It doesn't make that person's peril or pain all about the "safe" partner at all. The story usually follows the safe partner - who is all about the injured partner - while the injured partner is for whatever reason unable to participate in the story (because they're unconscious or gone or whatever). I think it's a reasonable kind of angst to enjoy if you're into tropey romance stuff and not in any way as awful as you're making it seem.
  12. I hope Roy comes in for Rene, trading a sausage for a sausage.
  13. It's okay! On Arrow they're interchangeable, they're all the same.
  14. So is Roy just never going to set foot outside or are we supposed to forget that Roy is supposed to be dead and took the fall for all the stuff Oliver did as the Hood/Arrow? The latter, I guess.
  15. I know - I'm just saying if he's not the one (although I think he is) - I hope he takes some time to himself because he needs a sabbatical but good.
  16. If Lance isn't dying, I hope he takes a trip Offscreensville to get his head right.
  17. So which one of the newbies is dying/leaving so Roy can take their place?
  18. If Stephen is being honest and there really isn't any kind of outing, I wonder what happens with the FBI charges? If Oliver's found guilty it seems likely that everyone would then know that he was indeed Green Arrow - although I guess he could be being super specific and not technically consider that a legit "outing"? Otherwise I guess those charges amount to nothing?
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