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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. You can always tell because A) their image quality is crap and B) they put their site tag in the bottom right corner of the thumbnail. :)
  2. The site admins on SpoilerTV love Laurel and wanted to use a promo pic that has her in it is my best guess. She's also in the site banner (dressed as Black Canary).
  3. Empty the jar and throw it in the garbage, that inside joke needs to die. Otherwise a cute pic, LOL.
  4. From what I've seen, a lot of them seem to think that redeeming her would be the first step toward getting her back as Black Canary - either by killing Dinah off or her leaving town.
  5. I bet she goes through the laundry list of ways Oliver is the worst person alive before she tosses him in his jail cell (with yet another reminder that Rene was in the hospital!!!111!!!).
  6. Not thinking about Green Arrow (or any of Star City's other ~heroes) is typical Diaz though, who is an idiot who rarely (if ever) thinks anything through.
  7. Juliana, waht is going on there girl?
  8. The only reason I thought he might be talking about the Van Dyke is because he posted a pic of comic Green Arrow along with his promise. I don't know if he knows the actual name, but he does seem to realize that it's a specific style (otherwise I don't think he would've been so adamant against it). But I'm hoping he just means a goatee - that will be much better.
  9. I'm just trying to figure out how the Van Dyke would come into play - if he goes to jail, it would make more sense for him to have just a general beard or a goatee instead of impeccably groomed facial hair. If he goes on the run, there's no point in drawing that kind of attention to your face. Maybe they're just talking about a goatee - which I guess would make marginally more sense IDK.
  10. I think it looks fine in comics and I guess I understand fans wanting to see it, but I've never seen a person actually pull it off without looking like an awful douchebag. Which...I guess is the point LOL but no thank you.
  11. Laurel had at least two chances to do something heroic since she clearly was supposed to find Diaz’s treatment of the mob baby and his bully over the line and she didn’t do a damn thing. LOL
  12. Yeah, I was confused when I looked at the comments on YouTube and people were ragging on her for hating Laurel - that's a really long bit of sarcasm though - it's tough to read out of context, haha.
  13. Probably a rando from ARGUS. Words cannot express how much I love the set photographer.
  14. He can tuck it under that really shiny jacket!
  15. Chances he travels with that giant dragon? Pretty high!
  16. The somewhat comforting thing is that the comment section - on EW and AV Club and SpoilerTV seems to be heavily rooted in favor of it being too little too late, and Diaz being a pretty weak character.
  17. Hopefully this turns out better than Civil Bore, but a monkey could sit down at a typewriter and come up with something that makes more sense than that, so.
  18. It's so lulzy to me that they're selling BS having some sort of a line in an episode where she helped blow a guy up and canary cried a table leg into some guy's chest.
  19. Yes, I'm pretty sure it's heavy-handed foreshadowing.
  20. Yeah - do numbers usually go down for that? I would've thought more people would watch to catch up on what they missed but I guess not.
  21. That's a huge drop - is there a reason for that apart from the general sucking?
  22. If only we'd been so lucky! Is this writer new or is there some hope she gets the boot over hiatus?
  23. Yeah, it's whatever for me. I don't think for a second that Oliver would usually dismiss this (if for no other reason than going it alone isn't strategically smart at all!) or that Felicity would just stand around looking at the news and not finding a way to help him whether he wanted it or not by hardwiring something into his suit that he couldn't turn off. It's just their turn to have the plots.
  24. He put his arms around her for the first hug, he was holding onto her hand as she backed away from him. He took his hands out of his pockets during the kiss and was reaching for her when she pulled away to hug him.
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