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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I'm just confused about Stephen saying that Oliver doesn't get outed - if he's going to jail for being Green Arrow, then he's definitely outed, LOL. Unless he pleads guilty to some of the other stuff they charge him with but not that. But then...he goes out dressed as Green Arrow in the finale. So...stumped.
  2. And Diaz's utterly idiotic plan was to use James as a stooge and was clearly so wrapped up in that that he helped James get the things he needed to build a bomb to blow up the city Diaz was trying to take over and had no way to stop it to the point where he was looking for a helicopter to evacuate him before Cayden detonated it. At least Cayden was being played - Diaz doesn't have any excuse. He's just a raging moron.
  3. I don't think he was after the signature now, but when I was watching when he pointed to the paper and indicated he was after the signature (before he indicated it was a loyalty test), for a split second I thought maybe he was going to forge some documents to set Quentin up for something so he was removed as mayor too so he could put his own guy in there. But that's too smart, no way would he be that calculating LOL.
  4. It’s because he’s a ginormous idiot.
  5. He’s definitely someone with awful fashion sense and a terrible haircut.
  6. All you have to do is let an arrow fly directly in front of you. Rip off the handcuffs and do it. For all of us.
  7. Oh, he doesn't need blackmail material on Quentin. He'll do dumb shit for notLaurel voluntarily!
  8. She's testifying in the promo - I'm guessing her testimony will be interrupted before she can answer who the Green Arrow is all dramatic like.
  9. It's the sign outside the police department. ETA: Sorry, late response
  10. And they just stand there staring at each other while a shrill “eeee errr eeee errr” goes on in the background.
  11. With Anatoly and Black Siren flipping, who's going to fight alongside Diaz at the end? Is someone going to do a last-minute flip? Or is it going to be everyone who's still alive in 23 vs. Diaz, his 3D printer, and a bunch of nameless Quadrant goons?
  12. Because he's an idiot. At this point, Felicity, Diggle, Rene or Curtis could conceivably think of calling him in since they were all around last year when Human Target showed up. I hope it's Diggle, just because he's been such an utterly ridiculous a-hole lately and I'd like to see him not be one for someone who is his friend.
  13. I'll believe it when I see it, DAVID.
  14. Yeah, his acting is terrible but I don't care because - surprisingly - for most of the season he hasn't been responsible for stupid, unnecessary angst and his presence facilitates some relatively cute stuff. He can stay.
  15. I know. The thing I thought was going to be the absolute worst turned out being the best - probably only because the rest of the show is mostly crap, but still. I'm surprised.
  16. I'm so glad that Oliver got himself captured on purpose, and that he and Anatoly know each other well enough that Anatoly recognized what Oliver was doing and gave him a chance, and that Oliver wasn't just being a moron. More of this please, show. Much, much more.
  17. Bragging about beating someone's ass when he only won because he cheated? Very Diaz. So method!
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