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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. So is Felicity going to pour Oliver a glass? He'll take a sip and be like, "Mmmm what is this?" "Nocking Point (insert name of wine here)." and then she holds the bottle up for the camera and winks?
  2. Excuse you, Rene only secretly made a deal to testify against Oliver which would put him in jail for the rest of his life, and Dinah just hid the fact that she knew the identity of the guy who'd tried to kill them all multiple times because she thought she might have her boyfriend back. OLIVER SPIED. ON. THEM, which is OH SO MUCH WORSE because I SAID SO.
  3. 3D didn’t even have a plan for Cayden’s bomb that he helped put together, that he knew Cayden intended to detonate, even though he’s the one who put the whole thing in motion, Oliver. He’s a raging moron, LOL
  4. He must be talking about FBI Agent Whose Name I Can’t Remember
  5. I like that Lyla - the head of ARGUS - is being targeted and yet somehow Diaz STILL has a numbers advantage, LOL. Also, shut up Curtis. PS. Shut up Curtis. Shut up.
  6. Raise is the only one I can think of. Even his own kid has done it LOL.
  7. But the prosecuting attorney's job wasn't to shine a light on what their actual relationship is, it was to manipulate what she knew about Felicity and Noah's relationship and weigh the likelihood that Felicity wouldn't rat out her dad in court to present the relationship in a way that made it seem like Felicity was naive and unreliable when it came to insisting that Oliver wasn't the Green Arrow.
  8. There is no “better” version of Rene. But making her a redundant version of two characters on the show sounds about Arrow.
  9. Cool, the show really needs another Rene!
  10. I wonder if they’re going to have her team up with The Quadrant or something over the hiatus. Like if one of the last things we find out before the ep ends is that they promised her a seat if she can off Diaz because he’s too unpredictable or something. That way they can basically put the pause on whatever they’re doing with her until the show comes back next season (provided they’re going for full redemption and not making her the next Malcolm - in which case they wouldn't need to pause because that would logically be her next move).
  11. The answer is very simple: because plot.
  12. I like to think that they just had a ton of people tagging them and that's how it came to their attention. Because if they're at the Derby and looking at press coverage, that makes me very sad.
  13. The only way I could see it being even remotely satisfying is if Oliver and Felicity were both set up for something and Oliver took the fall for the two of them. Like, Felicity's digital fingerprints are on the firewall that she took down that Cayden exploited by uploading the virus he used to shut down the city's power grid (and kill Pike and whoever else). That's when he started blackmailing Oliver for city funds - that Oliver was never able to account for. So if they got charged in tandem (Felicity for the virus and hacking of the grid, Oliver for embezzling the money and setting up Cayden as the fall guy/murdering him), then I would be okay with it (apart from the fact that that DOES make Diaz look like an actual mastermind - because that takes some planning and manipulation). That way they both are getting accused of doing something wrong, but Oliver takes the heat for both of them.
  14. Since Diggle and Rene were the ones who thought of it - and seemingly the only ones who knew for quite a while (since who knows what Oliver, Felicity and William did after they left the courthouse - did they go have a celebratory dinner? Have family time together?) - they should've thought of it. Since the show moved away from them all after we don't know that Oliver or Felicity didn't think of it at some point - but by then it would've probably been too late.
  15. I really like Cassandra's dress from last night - it's so pretty and springy. It really irritates me that the patterns don't line up where the fabric meets on her left side LOL. I like Emily's dress from today - she looks pretty and comfortable. I wish the dress fit her a little better though. I think the bag is super cute, but it seems a little too big or something with the outfit.
  16. I think she’s close to 6’ without heels. I met her once and she seemed to be about as tall as I am.
  17. I wonder what 3D is blowing up? Is it the moon?
  18. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. And she's just clutching at her neck because it hurts.
  19. She wouldn't have had any info for someone to threaten her into giving up if Oliver hadn't been an absolute dumbass about her investigating him without his knowledge last season.
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