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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I have to wonder if maybe David was lying about when we find out about this baby for the sake of surprise because I honestly can't think of what would be so intimate or heart-wrenching in a convo that's treading new territory. They already had a whole conversation about what was going to happen if Oliver went to jail a couple of episodes ago. The way it's set up it doesn't seem as if he's going to take the fall for her for anything, but maybe that has something to do with it? Or I'm overthinking it and it's nothing new under the sun because Arrow. LOL
  2. Ryan Reynolds is in Korea doing press for Deadpool and he made a special appearance, LOL:
  3. Then what’s the point? If the mystery girl is their daughter then that seems like a better way - fans know they have kids and the kids actually get to be part of the story. Otherwise - lucky Cecile, taking care of three babies, two who aren’t even hers!
  4. I always thought Flash would use time travel to bring Barry and Iris’s twins into the story (or just have them present as adults) because it just seems like it’d be a production hassle to have two infants on set.
  5. No, that was Crisis on Earth X. There are a lot of crises
  6. The whole thing could kick off with Barry running in and saying, "Guys? I fucked up again."
  7. My bet is some kind of announcement about the crossover - an overview of the plot, or something about the main villain. Or both!
  8. I'm pretty sure he said they were worried that he was going to spoil the finale.
  9. I hated the move at first, but this year it kept me from hatewatching Scandal and for that I am grateful. Since that won't be an issue anymore, feel free to move again show.
  10. Looking at the rest of her tweets, I'm pretty sure she's talking about David.
  11. It makes most sense if it’s revealed in the next ep. They’ve been having lots of parenting talks, it would put the birth in a prime spot next season, and it would add extra angst to Oliver going to prison. I’m assuming he’s locked up at least until the premiere, and unless there are conjugal visits in Supermax (assuming that’s where he goes) she wouldn’t get pregnant until October, which would put the birth sometime off-season.
  12. I don't think so - the question was about his favorite Olicity moments, and he couldn't have misunderstood because the other things he listed were also to do with Olicity.
  13. Maybe this tweet indicates that she tells him in the finale?
  14. If she's pregnant now and finds out in the finale, the nearly lethal amount of toxic gas she ingested last week is unfortunate, LOL.
  15. If I were writing the show this wouldn't be my choice. BUT, the show seems largely uninterested in doing most of the things I would generally like for Felicity and I don't really have any expectations at this point, so I don't hate it. I probably would if I hadn't surprisingly enjoyed the family stuff with William this year.
  16. I was thinking sometime this year meant sometime this season, which only left this next ep, LOL. This calendar year makes more sense.
  17. That is such a rude, personal question to ask someone. I hope someone takes that girl aside and lets her know it's not cool to ask about a woman's reproductive plans unless you're her doctor or her partner.
  18. Bless you for enduring that panel - just reading some of the questions people thought were appropriate to ask made me want to die of secondhand embarrassment through the computer. I can't imagine actually being there, LOL.
  19. Don't like the superpowers thing - I wonder if it's a Helix special or...something to do with his deal with Watson? Bleh.
  20. I don’t think it’s a job she’d want anyway. She hasn’t had good things to say about Arrow the last couple of years.
  21. Sorry, I didn't mean it like that - because the "i" in Felicity isn't the same sound as they "y" in Lyla, I don't think you're wrong! I just never really thought anything of it until you mentioned it, haha.
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