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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I feel like Candice posted an Insta story or something of the like where she showed boxes and talked about moving, so I'm pretty sure she did move out.
  2. Bringing people back after they've died isn't something this show has ever had a problem with - in fact, they need to do about 90% less of it.
  3. I'm okay with Arrow moving - it was kind of weird that it was off on its own little island on Thursdays a day after the other superhero shows.
  4. I like that biggest baddest Diaz asks Oliver to meet him, but has 3 assassins as backup, LOL. I hope he has a really long, graphic death and that you can't understand his dying words. What a waste.
  5. Hey - it has VERY stretchy foundation garments.
  6. Glad to see Digg is 85% off his bullshit - why is Oliver the ONLY ONE APOLOGIZING still.
  7. He has to get actually arrested though because Canadagraphs made a post about visiting the set on a day when they filmed Oliver giving a statement in front of the Star City Police Department and then getting hauled off my the FBI and US Marshals - so it seems like the Life Sentence probably does pertain to that (especially since SA said that Oliver ends the season all alone, and mentioned growing that stupid beard). That could be the scene where he looks directly into the camera, and at that point he could be denying it again. I'm glad we'll find out tomorrow.
  8. I wonder if he could be warning the residents of Star City about something? Or telling them who Diaz is or not to trust their city because it's overrun by criminals? IDK - just trying to come up with other stuff because I don't want him to do an Iron Man, LOL.
  9. I know what they're doing and why - it just comes off like an informercial in the middle of show promo to me, and I find it slick and offputting.
  10. I think it just depends on the frequency you're most tuned to - I hear Laurel the most - it's a deeper tone and the most obvious to me, but I can also hear the faint, high-pitched "Yanny" too - just not as well.
  11. This is the second time he's done this and it gives me such secondhand embarrassment.
  12. 1. Passage looks good, and 2. So does MPG
  13. Since her event isn't until Monday, it's tough to say when she's coming in.
  14. It's an AOL thing where they have entertainers stop by to be interviewed and promote their stuff. There's a small audience and you can go on their site and submit questions.
  15. I think he'd do just fine, and I get that he has his hackles up over the whole situation with Tara Butters, but his whole "not wanting to go where I'm not wanted" when (to my understanding) he pitched an idea for a two-parter when they have to have the major arcs planned/approved at this point and like Beth told him they had their directors lined up already is just so whiny LOL.
  16. Oh man - I had forgotten about that. That is so over the line and gross. Ugh.
  17. I find John Barrowman to be simultaneously both entertaining and unbearably obnoxious.
  18. Everything I saw mentioned about it indicated that he said we weren't going to find out about it next ep.
  19. Maybe, but honestly I don't think so. I don't think they'd take time out in a finale for a sex scene, especially since they're married and most people probably assume they have sex pretty regularly - they don't need to establish that in order to reveal a pregnancy. But maybe they will?
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