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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I was just watching a YouTube tutorial by the guy who does her makeup. He was telling a story about how he tried a new look on her for the Met Ball a few years ago and he said, "The Beyhive dragged me straight to hell that day." He said he started getting Twitter notifications from people saying they wanted to find him and obliterate him and he was like, "Guys, it's just eyeshadow." LOL - he was a good sport about it.
  2. That tweet was a dumb move but The Flash fandom getting in on the Arrow ratings drag is the best part. Is the view from that .6 you just got so much better? LOL
  3. He did take down a precinct stealthily - that's why there were so many knocked out officers on his way to the door. I think an Oliver who wasn't tripping balls on Vertigo and had time to strategize could've done something with a room full of 20 armed cops, and that something surely wouldn't have been just barging in and going at them head on - which is what this Oliver was going to do.
  4. The fallout from that was so great though - Stephen and his wife getting offended at whatever it was Whoopi said about it, then his wife tried clapping back at her on Twitter about how she didn't have to take showers because she has a saltwater pool. A+, I'm so sad we probably won't be getting a sequel this year.
  5. But this isn't some baddie who has a vendetta against Oliver and wants to ruin his life and has nefarious plans to do that through destroying his city - it's the systematic takeover of a municipality through blatant organized crime. It's in the government's best interest to intervene when stuff like this happens. Any storyline of this nature is going to have people asking why Oliver as the mayor didn't ask for outside help - like any other mayor would do - at the very least through the governor.
  6. I'm sure the celebrity Coachella experience is 100% better than what the commoners endure, but there isn't anyone I'd stand in the desert all day to see. I'll just stream it live and have better sound/views like I'm doing right now.
  7. Or why Lyla, the head of ARGUS, knows about this and does nothing.
  8. Diaz is an idiot and a terrible villain who should be relatively easy to outsmart so he probably will stick around.
  9. I wonder if he really left or if he was just trying to be ~above Coachella since he made fun of it for years, but also still wants to be into it now.
  10. Yeah - I think she was telling Emily that she knew one of her teachers? Something like that.
  11. His interview on her podcast was pretty great although he was more candid about some stuff than he probably should have been, haha.
  12. I don't know - my first thought last night was that Felicity asked Quentin to stop Oliver because he was way closer than she was. Turns out not so much - which I thought was weird, but I don't really care that much. I get why some people might question it, though YMMV.
  13. To be somewhat fair (even though I know 99% of the people complaining have a problem with Felicity in particular doing this), the precinct is probably really close to city hall.
  14. I mean if you really want to fanwank, Star City parking is a bitch (thanks, impeached Mayor Queen!) so she just drove most of the way there and had to ditch the car 2 blocks away from the precinct.
  15. Diggle makes Lyla wait 5 months to get Oliver out so he can have some time under that sweet, sweet hood.
  16. Since they seem to be somewhat cash-strapped if Oliver loses his arm I imagine Stephen just shoving his arm into his shirt so they don't have to CGI it and Oliver just all of a sudden has a really misshapen chest.
  17. Yeah - seems to me like having someone watching your back who has the ability to warn you when you're walking into something bad would be a good thing, but guess not!
  18. In an episode that included her both kicking him out and initiating a separation, they should probably be more careful with their language. So Arrow!
  19. The weird thing about that hallucination is that a lot of the people he saw were behaving like they usually would, LOL.
  20. I’m not sure what actually happened in that scene after Oliver broke William’s science project. Because Felicity told him to get out but then she denied having kicked him out when she was talking to Quentin. So some of the last part of that convo was a hallucination, although I don’t know which part.
  21. I think they probably just didn't want to call him in for one scene where they could use a double since he'd been given an extended time off.
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