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Everything posted by LennieBriscoe

  1. X is all a-Twitter (see what I did there?) over the PDD sketch for the Hamas "joke." Also for the entire "suicide, haha" premise. Dang, Timmy! You better not have just sunk "Dune: 2"!
  2. Lest some think I have not an ounce of modernity, I must say that I highly enjoyed Timothee's first hosting gig, and that his Rap skit with Pete Davidson was---how should I put it?---YEET! This time, yeah, no. And I cannot abide Marcello. I think his Angry or Offended or What About My Being Hispanic Do You Not Get, Lucy?! Character is too close to the true Marcello, aka, Chip on His Shoulder unfunny. (Didn't like him at all as the Low-Achieving Brother to Austin Butler's character.)
  3. This was a big "Nope!" for me. Unfunny opener, especially considering the real people. And Trump's lines were completely NOT TRUMP, because he spouted statistics. Britney's book: I can do a better John Mulaney, and I'm a 74-year-old dame! Plus, they could have done Bill Hader as Bill Hader doing someone else, like Keith Harrison. "Timothee Chalamet" was totally him, though. But mostly, I cannot believe that Chalamet STILL wants to present (or rather, reprise) himself as some Rap star! And SNL notwithstanding, he's kidding on the square! FEH, TIMMY! FEH! ("Wonka" will flop. MMW.)
  4. Maybe to Gerry your conjunction "or" is "and." J/S 😉!
  5. Re: Living near a lake. All I can think of is "brain-eating amoebae," and there goes any attraction of a lake!
  6. Gerry interacted with the women; we've seen only an edited version (Captain Obvious at your service!). He is the only one who knows who stirred his heart and other organs, who to him as the man he is, is "much better." Maybe some women we thought were cool, bored him silly. Maybe some women we thought were fun, held no sexual attraction. Maybe some women we thought were pretty, struck him as bland or superficial. I don't buy for a second that Gerry is seeking primarily "care" and "companionship." It can't be that hard to settle for such in Indiana. Nor does he want, Pickleball notwithstanding and IMO, primarily a gal-pal for sports. I think Gerry wants the entire array of romance, and he clearly wants it with a brunette.
  7. I can believe that Gerry has felt at times emotionally overwhelmed by the sheer number of women, never mind his feelings for more than a couple. I want to believe that Grandzaddy Gerry, rumored Sugar Daddy Gerry, decided to buy into the show's Fairytale premise and suspended any cynicism or ulterior "not there for the right reasons" motives. Thus, in the hot-house "GB" atmosphere, from declaring love to bidding adieu, Gerry might indeed have felt only his wife's passing had affected him as much.
  8. Wait just a goldarned minute! "A break for...Thanksgiving"?! That's the BEST night for this Finale! Nice and full of tryptophan, all cozy under a QVC blankie, Black Friday battle attacks completed, we want the ring! Show us the ring! Harumph.
  9. "Grammar Nazis 'R' Us." 😉 😁 Perhaps they should have eliminated her from the get-go. I think before Clare, though, Michael should have been a non-starter, and I'm not so sure about Orion, either!
  10. Susan is fun, Susan is lively, Susan is personable---but Susan is not going to be chosen to have 20 Silver Bachelors compete for her. Faith? As in "Must Love Horses" Faith? Nope again. If anyone from this season, it would be Gerry’s F2, who now is looking more and more to be....Leslie! I'm still clinging to her as F1, though. That the scene with Faith would be more emotionally fraught if he led her on any further, as opposed to with Theresa ("He hasn't said 'I love you'."). I really hate to say this, but his tears tonight just made me mad! Like, STHU mad! He's like The Little Boy Who Cried "Wolf," except he's The Old Guy Who Cried..... And Gerry, please FTLOG, SHAVE!
  11. Yes, Toni was his high school sweetheart. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/tv/a45583711/golden-bachelor-gerry-turner-late-wife-toni/
  12. He didn't and doesn't need to explain anything, other than he preferred another!
  13. I'm in PA, but thanks for the advice. FTR, I responded about a post that used the words "feel free to spoil [italics mine]." Not "chat," "spoil."
  14. Gerry’s Mission #2 Accomplished! To make these women---and their sisters under the skin in the viewing audience---feel that "we're optimistic...more hopeful. We've realized that at our age we're not invisible, that we have meaning, and that we have many things to offer." Now, will he find his next True Love and accomplish Mission #1? On another note 🎵: I am betting the next Bachelor/ette is the usual. ABC might like to study this season. Who knows? There could be an entire spin-off!
  15. The "experts" can hardly be "blame[d]" for adhering to, you know,THE ACTUAL POINT OF THE SHOW [HINT: "Married At First Sight"]! OF COURSE they matched Becca with a stranger! Re: Airport, C&C: Just re-watched. Yes, Cameron was maybe a couple paces ahead of Clare, but those behind them weren't exactly in lockstep. When C&C passed through the doorway, they were essentially side by side. Then we see more in Clare's relating the moment while they are in the hotel room. She thinks Cameron is insensitive and ungentlemanly (I can see this, as he is not behaving as a besotted groom at all). He thinks Clare can look after herself. They both might be right. He is taken aback by her "we're not romantic yet, right?" So he saves face and agrees. I can appreciate Cameron's droll sense of humor, but when your new bride thinks you're being sarcastic (or you really are) instead of truly complimentary, you need to switch gears, Bike Boy. But I also find Clare extremely inarticulate, in the sense of saying seemingly contradictory things interspersed with "like" and "you know what I mean?" What did she find so difficult about saying straight out (she eventually gets close), "I need to be shown a man cares for me before I can feel comfortable with getting physical." Or, more succinctly, "Romance before sex, Husband." Good luck getting your luggage and your relationship back on track. P.S. About the cute plush kiwi gift: Clare is an adult. That pre-wedding gift ought to have had a nice piece of jewelry attached!
  16. Thank you, JenE4! I missed that entire C-C suitcase contre-temps; must've dozed off! 😊
  17. We don't get MAFS: UK in the US, alas. How? Where? Never saw on either Lifetime or YouTube.
  18. I don't recognize the above episode description compared to what I just watched!
  19. I remember the poetry Trista's Fireman would write! If after all this---Pickleball, highway wind, dune buggies, talent show, Meet the Family, roses, tears, and "I love you"---instead of proposing Good Ole Boy Gerry (Indiana!) would say to ME, "Let's see where this goes," I'd reply, "How about you see where this goes, pal!"
  20. First of all, where are my manners! THANK YOU for the Happy Birthday wishes! My friend and her brother fed me cake and wine, and then we watched "I, Tonya." Good times! Secondly, if I may add to the interesting digression: My husband-to-be, basically right after I said "Yes," informed me that he already had a plane ticket for England that summer (i.e., post-wedding), and would I care to join him?! 😳 🤪 🛫 (We were not your usual couple.) That began a series of summers in Europe (and some Morocco) (a couple trips in the States, too), which were glorious and fabulous and tasty and educational, even with ER visits, a lost passport, stolen camera, and sleeping in our rental car! But we were in our 20s and 30s when we began, when schedules and bodies are often most flexible. Travel has the same "rule" as the bathroom: Go when you can. 🌎 🌍 🌏 Topic: Horses are in Indiana, too, but I still favor Leslie. Watch him pick Theresa. Psych!
  21. I have one query: Is everyone posting about what WE 70-Somethings believe or want or value ("cash rules"?) or feel--- also in their 70s? J/S. Moreover, Gerry is not going to "pick no one." Such an empty result would completely invalidate and even destroy the network's entire investment in this demographic. So that ain't gonna happen. Plus, Gerry wouldn't walk away empty-handed as it were and then (reportedly) go on a Talk Show to declare he's "in love." Unless he and the show's producers are blithering idiots. P.S. Bachelor Brad Womack of Season 11 chose no-one, so Gerry wouldn't even be the first. P.P.S. If Gerry went on this show only to be a celebrity, he would be incredibly disrespectful to his late wife with his reminiscences and tears, so I choose to believe he's been sincere.
  22. I'm 74 today, and I feel it my duty to edumacate some young'uns here. How shall I put it delicately? 😇 Older people are "different" from 20-Somethings and seek "Care"? "Companionship"? All well and good, but this ain't "Golden Nursemaid" or "Golden Retriever"! It's "Golden Bachelor," and, like gold, "Lust Don't Rust!" 😉 😎 🔥
  23. I disagree with your "Apparently" conclusion. Just because an older widow doesn't feel like marrying again doesn't mean her marriage was "lousy." It could be exactly the opposite. Even Golden Gerry wasn't so sure that he wanted to try to catch marital lightning in a bottle twice.
  24. Leslie already has a ticket to a Fantasy Suite, having received the first rose of the F2. 🌹= 🎟 😉 And I'd wager that Faith has a horse trailer. 🐎
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