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Everything posted by LennieBriscoe

  1. I'm weary of Matt's his ploy to use only surnames to identify "correctly" a person (even though accepted), and pleased he got hoisted upon that particular petard by saying only "Joyner." One other aspect of Ken's hosting I like: Knowing/betting HE KNOWS; that HE could answer; and that he probably has depth to the answers besides!
  2. Re: Ken Jennings. The Man Met the Moment. A most worthy successor to an icon.
  3. All God's chillun gots preferences. Ain't nothin' "apoplectic" 'bout it. I trust everyone is aware of this website: https://thejeopardyfan.com/category/recaps
  4. My thoughts on S18, from the top: Ikechi & Emem = 💘 Allen & Madison = Could go any which way. They look well-matched. ðŸĪž Camille & Thomas = Nope. 👎 Michelle & David = Nope × 1000. 😖 Juan & Karla = 😍 ðŸ”Ĩ 😉
  5. MAFS couples still together (definitive): https://www.mylifetime.com/shows/married-at-first-sight/pages/which-married-at-first-sight-couples-are-still-together#:~:text=Briana Myles and Vincent Morales (Season 12)&text=The two learned how to,at First Sight's unique process.
  6. Last season was in Tasmania; now, New Zealand. As for the NZ conditions: As one participant says in Episode 5, "It could be a helluva lot worse." For sure! It's not even snowy!
  7. Trust me*; these fast players won't run out of board time. What their strategy of "Highest First" is, yes, get the money/points, but also find the DDs ASAP. *Here’s where I get to say, "I was on 'Jeopardy!' before some of you Whippersnappers were born! Now get off my lawn!"
  8. I'm still struggling to get up off my fainting couch after James didn't know "ephemera"! ðŸ˜ē And no-one in Game #1 recognized the great actor Robert Mitchum. 😕ðŸĪĻ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Mitchum
  9. I find the latter's "buzzer stick" (??) technique very annoying!
  10. Maybe Treesa could be persuaded to fix that.... ðŸ—Ą
  11. I just read two gossip items: ---Gerry already has a "decades younger" girlfriend; and ---Theresa might be suing him over money.
  12. By now everybody knows his or her "role," her "persona." IOW, it's like they're in some Off-Off Broadway production of "MAFS, MFS!" I hope I'm surprised.
  13. I'll see you, and raise you a Bowman the Showman.
  14. I knew Roman was leaving, just "felt" it. But kudos to his gutsiness in choosing the Four Seasons' "Beggin'" as his Last-Chance song! 😄🕚
  15. Ah, I get you now. They didn't know they looked exactly like B&B, nor even who B&B were! 😊
  16. Emily was in her best "Look What You're Missing Out On!" dress, cut up to here and down to there. And to no avail, except yes, to remind Brennan as he gives thanks! I have wondered if Becca's hair color was off-putting for Austin. (ETA: And by that I mean the pink was washed-out unflattering.) The men behaved in accordance with their feelings of "NGAS" anymore about their exes while still respecting Kevin and this show. But Emily and Clare, especially, plus Lauren in her "I'm a Tough Broad Who Bites" persona, evidenced that they still care about something related to this show.
  17. Um, what? Is this a joke I'm not getting? Beavis and Butthead are not "actual" anythings in the 3-Dimensional world. (Of course, if you mean Eric and Junior Mint, my point is moo.) "[A] continuity error"?! SNL isn't some long-running drama where characters and plot are usually linear!
  18. I think Clare and Cameron's opinions can be exchanged. IIRC, Cam was initially attracted to Clare, but she made it very clear very early that she was not similarly attracted, much of which I attribute to her disdain for Cam's job and his lack of ever having had therapy. So he backed off and cooled his jets. Never recovered from this. ETA: The experts are falling all over themselves to claim they were misled, scammed, and played, so nothing was their fault.
  19. Re-watching some. WTH does Emily think she is, talking over, challenging, accusing, and making her ugly faces at Kevin?! And IMO, Emily's unremitting negative attitude towards Brennan no matter what he says is evidence that she is stuck on him âĢ😉! "Vocal Fry Scale, 1--10 (10 = OMGSTHU)": Chloe --- 3 👎 Clare --- 4 😎 Lauren ---4 😎 Emily --- 8 😖 Becca --- 10 🙉
  20. Emily thinks she is an 8.5?! That of course every man would want her?! Does she shop at "Delusions 'R' Us" ?? Emily = ðŸĪŠ ðŸ˜ĩ ðŸĪĄ Wow. Brennan is clearly the sane person in this ex-couple! Never thought I would think anything positive of him! 😊 Great. I already know Becca has a...misguided self-assessment, so maybe I'll think better of Austin tonight, too! ðŸĪ­
  21. That Easton was (purportedly) in danger of elimination was a "WTH? GMAFB! YGTBKM!" moment for me. I mean, were the judges for real here?! On his very best day, Maks was incapable of doing much of what Easton can.
  22. PSA: The amount of nails-on-chalkboard Vocal Fry is off the charts. 😎 😕 🙉 👎
  23. MEA CULPA! I gave Treesa too much credit. As with the Spanish Inquisition, I didn't expect there to be a "FAMILY FEUD" episode of the Turners and Nists! Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist's Family Feud episode will still air https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13312129/Gerry-Turner-Theresa-Nists-Family-Feud-episode-air.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton ðŸ˜ĩ 🧐 👎 🙅‍♀ïļ ðŸĪĶ‍♀ïļ
  24. Where do I begin? ðŸĪ” First, there is at least a slight chance that not all the "GB" participants were in it for fame, money, or either. I have a feeling that Theresa, e.g., won't be a future TV contestant or host. I see that chase only in the eyes of Gerry, Susan, Kathy, and Leslie. Secondly, if the "GB" showed us anything of the participants, it was that they were not in the least deluded about their being old! Hello, hearing aids, anyone?! ðŸĶŧ That they had kept physically fit and could show the viewers that horses and sports cars and ATVs were not beyond their capabilities are not---and maybe should not be ---actions "embarrass[ing]" or "painful to watch." Lastly (italics mine): "...pretend they are...sexy"? Class, it appears that some of you were absent for the lesson on "The Eternal Knowledge of Riding a Bicycle." 😉 A wise person once observed: "Youth is wasted on the young." 😁
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