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Everything posted by supposebly

  1. Someone posted this episode on Youtube separated into parts but it appears to be mostly complete. I agree, very good couch. I loved when Arnold Schwarzenegger said he always reads up on the guests beforehand. While I'm not a fan but I seem to become more fond of him in his old age.
  2. That was the first one that came to my mind.
  3. I'm so very sad. It's going to be very difficult for me to rewatch now.
  4. Actually the response sounds to me pretty much like something Dan Savage would write.
  5. Thank you. Any sources on that? I'd like to read a bit about it, if stuff is still available. That's the same BBC that could barely be bothered to do anything for the 40year anniversary, right? Ah yes, it was off the air.... I have to admit, I wasn't too fond of the 'old generation' jokes about the new generation who points the screwdriver, might have had a midlife crisis, started kissing their companions, and flaps their hands. I mean Ten and Eleven are quite a bit older than the War Doctor. They should have played it counter to the actors' ages. While it made sense that the War Doctor feels somewhat different, I don't actually think he nailed the "Doctorness" in his portrayal. And I adore John Hurt. So, while I don't mind it and it's not bad, it feels a little underwhelming, and like stunt casting. Which it is. But then, I often feel like that with Moffat's episodes after the initial Bang! Surprise! and plot confusion has worn off. A little bit is missing. Usually time for the characters and the moments to breathe. And rewatching the Night of the Doctor (thanks for digging it up, @JustHereForFoodjust reminds me of how great Paul McGann's portrayal of the Doctor really is.
  6. This seems the best place to post this. I am rewatching the 50years special The Day of the Doctor and I keep wondering why they did not ask Paul McGann to be the War Doctor? I adore John Hurt but I also really like the little I've seen and heard of Paul McGann. Just typical Steven Moffatt trying to add more complications? Or was there an actual good reason for this? I know Christopher Eccleston couldn't or wouldn't do it but was there a reason Paul McGann wasn't asked to do this episode? I just don't see how the same story couldn't be told with the actual 8th doctor. It keeps bugging me.
  7. That is what I always find so interesting about Rose. They let her be a fairly typical mouthy 19year old who thought she knew better and looked down on her old life after having had all those adventures. And once the Doctor turned into David Tennant, I dare anyone not to at least develop a little crush on him, let alone an already impressed 19year old. Well, except Donna. 😉 My 19year old self was no better after having moved away to the big city and gone to university. I ditched my boyfriend within a year and barely visited my parents for months. And my new boyfriend was no Doctor!
  8. Dizziness is a symptom of long COVID. I've been having those spells since I had COVID this summer. Just for moments but they think it happens if the infection affects the inner ear.
  9. I had this conversation a few years ago with my dad who started to wonder what I would do if I never get married. No lifestyle is perfect. 95% is pretty good!
  10. All scents or perfumes can potentially be toxic or at least quite problematic for cats. Perfumes in hair or other care products, cleaning products, scented candles, any air fresher things, scented diffusers or oils, scented litter, even humidifiers can affect the respiratory system of cats as I found out when I tried to help my asthmatic cat by buying one. It made it so much worse. Second hand smoke could also be a problem. @secnarf, maybe it's time to hunt down anything scented or perfumed in the house. Any new furniture that might emit toxic fumes?
  11. That "fragrance" is quite terrible, I think. All those plastic fumes. But I can open the roof and get some fresh air!
  12. Yes, I did.😇 Sure, I wouldn't know what else to do.😇
  13. I picked up my new car today! It's my first car in over 30 years. Since I've always lived in cities with decent public transport and car sharing facilities, I never saw the need. After 10 years in the prairies, I finally broke down and bought one. I'm actually quite excited. Despite the costs associated with car ownership.
  14. I can't speak to saturation and obviously I don't live your life and also speak from a place of privilege (sort of, I finally ended up with my dream job and salary in my late 40s) but wouldn't being happy in your job be better in the long term? And you would actually be good at it if it's something you enjoy and have some experience with? Wouldn't that turn into career more likely than just another job?
  15. I don't like the term overall but I don't think it's entirely unjustified to argue that they have it easier. It's not just about getting the foot in the door, if you grow up in that environment, your parents probably have friends in the business, you might interact with their children, you learn the etiquette, the lingo, it's a supported career choice and you know a lot of people simply by being exposed to that environment. How to find an agent, where to go for auditions, what might be good for you, getting advice from experienced people including parents, how much money to negotiate. Compare that with a kid from Minnesota who has no idea where to even start because they don't even know where to ask. And their parents might not approve of that career choice. And most of your friends might not either. I see it all the time with students whose parents are academics compared to students who are first-generation college students. They have an enormous advantage just having an appropriate mindset and the knowledge from their parents on how to negotiate the system, how not to waste time with certain courses, what to look for in an advisor. Never even mind having a lot less impostor syndrome. I find students with a less privileged background tend to take longer on average to find their major or take a bit longer to graduate because they spend a lot longer trying to figure out the system in their first years.
  16. I can't wait. Katherine Tate's Donna Noble is just wonderful. She brings so much humanity to that character. Of course, I adore David Tennant's Ten but have to say, I'll be primarily watching for her.
  17. I understand that. For them, more people being a little less protected against two diseases is better than people being well protected against just one disease. For the CDC, it's a numbers game to keep as many people out of hospital as possible. I had the flu and the Covid shot in the same week last year and the flu shot was worse. Since I had Covid in June/July, I will wait with the next booster until the end of the year and get the flu shot once they have it here. I haven't decided if I need to get the RSV one.
  18. That is not true. And if they draw blood, you could be in trouble. https://peteducate.com/how-clean-is-a-cats-mouth/
  19. I had someone who is retired stay with my cats this summer. It was great! She does this as a job and picks and chooses. And my Scully had no trouble accepting the asthma medication from her. I also used a more professional service and they did well too.
  20. My Catholic mom prefers to go to the local protestant service. She says it's better and shorter.
  21. I found when I visited my parents in Germany that the new windows also help with the heat. Two weeks of over 30C and no air condition. Keep the windows closed during the day, blinds down and then open it all at night. It wasn't too bad although it was quite humid.
  22. That's the one I have. I love it. No Samsung apps that I can't delete. If I don't want something, I delete it. It's Android without the nuisance.
  23. Maybe she also would like to grow up with a father that's not a rapist. I stopped reading eventually, so I can't remember how old his daughter is at the moment, but do these people really not think further than their own perspective?
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