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Everything posted by supposebly

  1. I use it for overnight flights to Europe, so I can sleep a bit. Doesn't work for everyone. Drowsiness can be a side-effect. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-melatonin/art-20363071
  2. Or I'm sure everyone was ok with certain interpretations that assume Andersen wrote this story after and because his secret gay lover got married to a woman.
  3. I liked The Expanse a lot more once I started watching on my big TV. It depends.
  4. I can't speak to companies but this is common in academia. If you're on a shortlist, you give a presentation about your research and also a teaching presentation. I've never heard of something like that outside of academia either in North America or Germany.
  5. I've been using one for my lunch sandwiches for almost a year. They last. No comparison to Ziploc.
  6. She does that. Daily. Sorry, I should have been more specific. Our SPCA also posts any pets that come in on their FB page as well. It all breaks my heart. She's had cats for decades and none of them ever went missing. This one was adopted about a year after her companion for 17 years had to be put down.
  7. What do you guys do when a cat goes missing? One of my friend's cats (1 year old) went missing 10 days ago. He's an indoor-outdoor cat and chipped, but between a bad thunderstorm, smoke from the wildfires, quite some heat, and being nearby a large river, she is quite worried. She and her family do the usual, like leaving scent-infused things out, walking the neighborhood with treats in hand, informing the SPCA, posting on the various local FB groups for lost pets, plastering the neighborhood with flyers. Anything else you can think of that might help?
  8. My Meetup groups are all about walking, biking, sometimes going out. I volunteer with one of the local cat rescues. What I can say is that, if the main reason you're hanging out with a group is to find someone, people will notice. And to be honest, I would find it quite awful, especially when it's about volunteering for a good cause if the moment you decide you won't find someone in a particular group, you ditch it. Or even if you do and then ditch it. That certainly won't make you any friends. Find something you like first. Make friends. Things might come from that. Or not. I can't give any dating advice since I gave up on that a while ago but all we do in one of my groups is make fun of the people who use a meetup group that is especially NOT for dating as a meat market.
  9. A friend of mine with his mother. He cared for her but at the end, he needed a lot more specific help for her to keep comfortable. They were great. He was very grateful for them.
  10. A few years ago, I can't remember which year, the smoke from fires in British Columbia blew all the way to the Atlantic. So, if the wind is right, it can go quite far.
  11. So, I finally got my first COVID. It's so embarrassing. I was at a conference last week and wasn't wearing my mask for most of the time. I could have caught it on the flight or even a bit earlier but anyway, I'm so embarrassed that I might have spread it among my colleagues. As to symptoms, I have no taste, some fever between 38C and 39C and sneezing, coughing, and the like. My first in-person conference and this happens!
  12. Well, even delusional, at least he's honest. Honestly delusional.
  13. I'm about to buy my first car in 30 years. Whatever happened to just turning on the lights? Is that too much to ask these days? My old-fashioned ass doesn't trust those automatic lights anyway and I just turn them on. I suspect your husband isn't alone in this.
  14. I haven't seen Succession but I don't mind terrible characters. It's when that's all I can say is: they're bad people, that's when I get bored. Good writing for me has characters with layers. Good or bad isn't generally my hang-up. Flat and boring is my problem.
  15. You're right, I had five doses. Sorry, I miscounted in my head.
  16. I have managed to mostly ignore it during teaching this last year and I feel overall better for it. I had just one student getting it this year. I'm of course as vaccinated (6 shots in total) as was available. I had my last one last fall. However, my mortgage broker managed to catch it just when I was about to meet with her last week, and that served as a reminder that it's not gone. In any case, I do watch where I go when there are crowds in small indoor places and my mask is with me if I can't avoid such situations.
  17. @Mountainair, I'm so sorry for all that you are going through. I'm glad you decided to get help. My best wishes for the health of your son. And for yours.
  18. Wow! I never realized that Germany would be so much more progressive than the US back then. I lived in a mixed residence (there actually weren't any gender-separated ones by the time I started university in 1988 as far as I know) and I had no problem renting an apartment with my boyfriend from a nice old lady who also lived in the building. That this could be an issue didn't even occur to us in 1991! And this was the southern parts of Germany, traditionally more conservative than the rest of the country. I did have trouble renting from a place because a woman thought I was Turkish when she saw me walking up the street to come see the place, so racism was (and likely still is) a problem but my gender or my chastity was not.
  19. Ray Stevenson and now Tina Turner. They both hit me hard. I suspected it was coming with her but still..... My favorite Bond movie and one of my favorite songs by her.
  20. I'm the opposite, I need to eat something about every 4 hours, sometimes more often. When I don't do that, I get headaches, sometimes my hands are shaking, and I get stomach pain. Or the next time I eat, I might overeat because I feel utterly starved. I also get quite irritated and short-tempered when I don't eat three times a day. Eating just once a day would turn me into the hulk and you wouldn't like me when I'm hangry! I agree, not every size fits all. But I also think that not everyone can handle the amounts of sugar in soda or ice tea on a daily basis and not get addicted to it. It's not an issue for me, I was never too fond of sweets and I wouldn't like it. The only coke in my fridge is as a remedy for migraines. Diet coke would actually do the opposite. Eating once a day is probably on the extreme end of intermittent fasting which doesn't work for me. But, everyone's metabolism is different. What I do know is that things changed over time for me. I used to eat once or twice a day during my 20s and early 30s, but that doesn't work for me anymore.
  21. I just saw. He had such screen presence! He was only a few years older than I am. I always hoped he would have a bigger career. Thirteen! Titus Pullo forced to fight in the arena Lucius saving his ass
  22. We used to have cream of wheat cooked in milk on Friday evenings (catholic home, no meat and we kids hated fish), poured on a plate and we made faces with jam on it. Thanks for the reminder. Maybe that's something I should try doing since I've already regressed to some version of my childhood breakfast. Maybe you could find another choir if next year doesn't improve?
  23. I don't cook my oats. I use large flake (steel cut?) oats, soak them in milk (any kind will do) a bit (or over night) and add walnuts and fruit. It's not a slimy as cooked oatmeal. I basically grew up on this, often sweetened with jam or simply dried fruit. We call it muesli. This is a good Swiss recipe for Bircher muesli but it really doesn't require all that stuff. https://cookieandkate.com/homemade-bircher-muesli-recipe/
  24. I'm fairly certain it's an addiction that often starts in childhood. There is also research that shows that processed food lights up the pleasure centers of people's brains more than other food. Other research disagrees but there is certainly an element of physical/psychological addiction to certain foods and junk food, aka processed food is high on the list. And like with every addiction, eventually you need to have more and more to get the same high. I weaned myself off of most processed foods and now I find most of it overly salty and unpleasant. But that's not how I started out. That doesn't explain how some people get addicted and others don't. I once read about how modern processed food is developed. Apparently, there is a certain bliss point that tries to get to an ideal balance between fat, salt and sugar. https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/health-and-wellness/should-we-really-beware-the-bliss-point-hiding-in-healthy-foods-20200625-p55686.html That point is different for different kinds of foods. Salty for chips but sweeter for breads. I bake my own bread and buy only from small bakeries and I noticed every time I buy a sandwich from our cafeteria that uses bread from huge brands, it tastes like cake to me, it's so sweet. But again, if that's all the bread you've ever had, "real" bread would not taste good. Actual bead would not contain any added sugar. I can't think of a bread recipe that would have that unless it's to help with raising.
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