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Everything posted by supposebly

  1. I recommend taking the Covid test a few times. When I had it last summer, it only showed a positive on the fourth day after I started having mild symptoms. A negative result doesn't necessarily mean you don't have it. By the time it registered positive, I had a full-blown fever.
  2. River's character for me was often saved by Alex Kingston's performance for me who managed to shave off some of the ridiculousness Moffat made her say and do and managed to imbue her with something more than a weird combination of hero-worship and "I'm so sexy because I have a gun" weirdness. A collection of Sci-fi trope-ish female characteristics with a gun. Still, it's difficult not to roll my eyes sometimes. Both Amy and River were interesting to start with but he never made them compelling characters with a rich inner life. A compendium of catch-phrases and tropes whose life revolved around the Doctor. More so with Amy but even River.
  3. My cats ignore the toy box. It's like the toys don't exist when in the box. The box is like an alternate universe. I have to take them out and then they go Oh! A toy! How nice! I'll play with it a bit! Or not, depending on ... I don't know what.
  4. I have a cat who eats fast and then tries to steal from the other. My solution was to get the thief a slow-eating plate to give the other one time to finish. Also, I keep the slow one' eating on the counter and the fast one on the floor. So even when she's fast, she needs to get there and I can see her sneaking up on the other ones (most times). They're quite used to it and are mostly out of teh habit of stealing. Maybe get them used to eating in different rooms? Or at different times? Or put Ginny's bowls somewhere that really only allows one cat access? I'm thinking a tunnel-like structure? With everything I've tried my cats to do, giving them a "better" or distracting habit-forming works probably best in the long run.
  5. I've been watching some reviews and retrospectives and learned that Matt Smith took some time to decide if he should leave. I wonder if that affected the writing in season 8. I always felt that Moffat wrote like for Eleven in season 8. Or it was simply he couldn't switch gears until later. I wonder if that's why I didn't click with Twelve. I loved all NuWho doctor's before. Or maybe it simply was Clara who made me clench and cringe from her first appearance and that never went away.
  6. I'm quite grateful that I don't have much storage space in my condo. I'm also grateful that my temperament won't let me accumulate stuff (well, except cat toys, it's a sickness!). It stresses me out more having stuff than throwing out things that I think I might need. And then don't in 5 years. Overall, I'm not very sentimental about stuff. A mug from a friend, a picture from another. A collection of postcards. What I feel sentimental about could fit in a small box. Having said that, I have a whole drawer of screws and brackets left over from various furniture assemblies. I think, together with my clothes closet, that will become a victim of next spring's purge. I'm quite looking forward to that! I don't have family here in Canada, so whoever will have to clean out my place should have an easy time of it. Assuming I won't change my habits in my old age. I would say it's worse with houses of any kind. More space.
  7. Yes, I'm sure that wasn't the problem. I don't remember if Noel Clarke already behaved like an ass on Doctor Who but I am now wondering if stuff like this also made Eccleston speak up and it got shut down. It seemed also like the production was a terrible mess in the first year (and later too for a while). I was watching David Tennant's video diary from his first season and he was talking about how they were already behind with shooting and apparently someone on the crew mentioned that this was nothing and that the year before they were already about 2 weeks behind schedule after one or two episodes. So, depending on how Eccleston might have voiced his concerns and how RTD and co were reacting to it, it sounds things were just as messy as Eccleston said they were. Not that I ever doubted it. He doesn't seem to be the type to blow things out of proportion. And the BBC telling some weird lies about his exit certainly didn't help, especially when there was silence from the production team on that too. Eccleston seemed to feel a responsibility to voice his concerns as a more established actor and when nothing was helped or done, he got mad, partially, it appears to me, on behalf of the crew. Whereas, David Tennant was just happy to be there and probably didn't feel like it was his place as the new guy. Just my impressions after watching those video diaries with the Eccleston exit in mind. Don't get me wrong, I adore RTD, his enthusiasm and his writing most of the time but it was his responsibility and he handled it very badly. To get things to such a point your experienced main actor runs off on you, you mishandled things.
  8. Etymology of the word and its pronunciation. https://www.etymonline.com/word/aluminium#etymonline_v_26091 Btw, it's also aluminium in German with similar pronunciation.
  9. Such a nice sentiment. He should be careful saying that. This is Disney after all. If this is successful enough they'll be milking it until everyone is thoroughly sick of it. He might survive after all. Or there will be a sequel.
  10. They're unlikely to be actual truffles. https://10best.usatoday.com/interests/food-culture/youre-probably-eating-fake-truffles-heres-how-to-tell/ Real truffles go by about 3,000$ per pound and are generally quite rare and cannot be found very often. I seriously doubt that Popeyes will have that actually on the menu. White truffles are even more expensive and can go by up to 200,000Euros per kilo. And what is often sold as truffle oil, is usually not. https://www.tastingtable.com/693090/truffle-oil-fake-no-truffles-priceonomics/
  11. Since I signed up for Disney+ because of Doctor Who, I thought, maybe this is finally the Star Wars show that I like. And surprisingly, it was! Grown-up writing, editing, directing. No stupid lightsaber duel in sight where people survive fire and getting stabbed, and the cute droids that serve the function of the dog that should not be killed was kept to a minimum. No little muppet that stands in for character development of a guy whose face I can't see while everyone seems to project something onto him. Every character we spent some time with was interesting and engaging. I was hoping for a bit more from Syril other than a constantly nagging and passive-aggressive mother, but I guess with that much damage, he would just latch on to the next woman and some sort of ill-fated revenge quest. As to Mon Mothma's plot, wasn't her money funding a lot of Luthen's and others' endeavors? So, without it and her, Luthen's fancy ship wouldn't have been possible, I think.
  12. I don't like Radiohead. It's Thom Yorke's voice. I often think that most of the bands I really like are those with great or interesting singers regardless of the band's overall quality. Mike Patton is my all-time favorite.
  13. I just modified my tried-and true no-knead bread recipe I perfected with 2/3 white, 1/3 7-grain + rye flour to make buns leaving out the rye. I put the dough in a muffin pan and they came out excellent! Little buns for little lunch sandwiches!
  14. In my family, only my parents get presents. They finally decided to stop gifting us "kids" this year, so we're almost there and I never have to think about Christmas presents ever again. Maybe next year, they tell us outright not to bother instead of the "you shouldn't have" AFTER they unwrap things.
  15. These types of articles/links are just clickbait. And for shaming people who dare to get old or leave the house without the hair and make-up job we are used to seeing on them when they are on TV. Quite disgusting. And no, I don't mean how Caruso looks.
  16. There's the saying too many cooks spoil the soup. I'd say it's better when someone looks at things who knows you and has some context. I don't see the point of having some stranger on the Internet go over it.
  17. I'm about to fly to a memorial for my friend's mother who died this weekend last year. She was 96, had dementia and he'd been taking care of her since before the pandemic. It was time but it was still difficult. They were very close, both survivors of an abusive father/husband. She didn't want to have a funeral, so it mainly hit me when I visited this summer and he picked me up without her being there. She became my "Canadian grandmother" over the years and I consider her, him and his husband my Canadian family. I'm sure it will be sad but also a celebration of her life. I'm almost looking forward to it. Thank you for this space, thank you all for sharing your grief. You will be in my thoughts while I'm traveling today.
  18. Assigning English prepositions consistent meaning is almost impossible. I mean: I'm on time in 5 minutes for days and we will be friends in no time at 10am, on Monday in March. Things are on the house, by the by, to my surprise, from memory. 😉 When used for space, they seem more consistent. Going to the house, up the stairs, sitting on the stairs under the roof. I'd say that's because of the meaning of purpose and accident?
  19. Your Christmas sounds like a nightmare to me. I'm not a fan either but I live a continent away from my family and it's nowhere near this exhausting. Maybe you should move. Far, far away..... I'm not serious but this would send me running for the hills every year. Or at least to a nice vacation away from family.
  20. As a person who doesn't have kids or grandkids but had grandparents, the best memories I have were from the time I got to spend with them. Just gift them an afternoon with grandma. Make a plan on what to do, maybe teach them to cook or bake something. My grandma taught me to make whipped cream once. My other grandma got me to watch her cat and taught me how to get them to trust you. My grandpa taught me how to milk a cow by hand. They were farmers. It doesn't break the bank and as a former grandchild, I wouldn't miss those memories for anything. I cannot remember the gifts. At all.
  21. I'm so very sorry to hear that, @BooksRule. At least she went peacefully with you at her side and no more vet appointments and stress. It must have been quite a shock, though. My thoughts are with you.
  22. I'm so sorry for your loss, @Sweedish Fish. I'm sure Harley picks up on your vibes. My Fox does that and she always is especially cuddly when I'm down. Maybe this will cheer everyone up a bit. In my never ending quest to get my indoor cats used to becoming adventure cats, today I spent more than 2 hours in my parked car in the underground garage. Why you might ask? I want to get my cats used to my new car, so we can take short trips and they don't just associate cars with vet visits but with fun. How did it go? Well, Scully came out, explored quite excitedly for 20 minutes and then got comfy on the dashboard. Now, I'm wondering how that will go when she has to stay in the carrier when the car is moving. Fox spent the 2 hours under the passenger seat and I spent the 2 hours trying to get her out of there and at least back in the carrier. A whole bag of treats was almost finished. Scully had most of it. The worst part. After we came back to the apartment, she wouldn't leave the carrier..... 🙄 I love them dearly but they do teach me patience. Lots of it.
  23. I don't know but I sure hope it had at least 2 bedrooms. At some point, Rachel and Emma lived with him.
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