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Everything posted by supposebly

  1. I asked ChatGPT to tell people on a message board why NCIS is a terrible show. Warning: This is a AI generated text. If I read this post, I would think this is a very reasonable person that I wouldn't mind seeing on the "Unpopular Opinions" thread. It's a bit overly cheerful for my tastes but overall, not a problem. I also asked it to write me a script that would work as a CSI Las Vegas episode. Keep in mind, the free version has limits on length. Again: what follows is created by ChatGPT. It's not great, it has Grissom and Langston in the same episode, huge chunks are missing, and Grissom's final sentence is completely awful and out of character. But the scenes themselves could be in any CSI episode.
  2. I've been hoping but I'm not too sure. There is discussion about AI writing my student's term papers, possibly whole theses, apparently, an AI has written a Beatles song that one of the Beatles (I can't remember which one) deemed quite good. I can tell you that student essays are already written by AI and they are very very hard to distinguish from work by humans except they are often better than my students' writing 😉. And considering the templatic and boring output of certain types of TV such as procedurals, I have no problem imagining that they could be written by a bot.
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss, @AgentRXS. She looks like she had a wonderful life with you.
  4. Zac Efron is starting to remind me of a young Kevin Kline. Early-mid 90s.
  5. There is ignorant and then there is refusing to believe facts because they think they know better. Better than science and better than the person who actually has said boobs. It takes mansplaining to a whole new level. Such a waste of space and time, that one.
  6. What the others suggested. Are later albums on vinyl? Garbage, perhaps? Enya? Evanescence? Jem? Jewel? Tori Amos. Kate Bush. Marla Glen. Madonna? Nina Simone. Donna Summer. Patti Smith. Tina Turner. Stevie Nicks. Portishead. Just digging through my albeit digital collection.
  7. Isn't that what these movies do? For most of them, spies got replaced without much comment. I have to admit, they are a guilty pleasure for me. Guilty for all kinds of reasons. I haven't seen it yet and won't go to the theater for it but eventually, I will watch it. They are the only action movies I enjoy. I'm so sick of all the CG and superhero franchises.
  8. That was me for about 5 years. I got really heavy periods every 3 weeks or so. What bugs me in retrospect is that I even had Iron deficiency and my doctor never once mentioned that it could be perimenopause. Thank God my period now comes only every 3-4 months. I get momentary hot flashes though. Not bad just for a few seconds.
  9. I went to a Catholic school for girls in Germany. Our uniforms were skinny jeans, Adidas Allround high-tops (with white socks over the pants), and jeans jackets. It was the 80s, don't judge! We had a sort of dress code though. No miniskirts and no tank tops. Sleeves of any length, and skirts/pants needed to cover the knees.
  10. I've enjoyed reading the discussion quite a lot, thank you. I haven't watched the show yet but saw a playthrough of the game a few years ago. I wasn't planning on watching it since I actually had nightmares about the fungi-zombies and that clicker sound. And I have quite some trichophobia, which didn't help. Based on what I'm reading here and on youtube clips, it seems there is a lot less of that, so I might go and watch it some time this winter, I think. If a show creates this much interesting discussion, it seems worth the occasional gross-out moment. A few comments (I'm pretty much spoiled about the showat this point). While the doctors and Marlene not only take away Ellie's choice, so does Joel. Not by lying, but by killing the apparently last doctors who still have the education and knowledge to possibly figure this out. At least doctors they can reach. Another thing that occurred to me while reading the discussions, Joel not only takes away the option for Ellie to save the world, he also takes away from all the other daughters in the world to maybe grow up somewhere that's not quite so dangerous. All the while, the chances of Ellie getting killed in this nightmare of a world are pretty high. It sounds like the writing was a bit of a letdown for this final conundrum. I felt a bit like that when the game was over, too. But in the end, Joel doesn't care. "Find someone else" really tells me that even if Ellie had chosen to die, even if there had been a conversation, if he had the chance, he would have tried to get her out of there with or without collateral damage. I often wondered if the end of the game would have been more interesting if the player had to choose among different options and then see the consequences of that choice. For the show, I think it would have been interesting and helpful to have the show follow Marlene from Boston to SLC and flesh out her character. Maybe one episode that traces her trip and elaborates more on what the plan actually is. Spend some time and thinking on what the plan actually is. From what I'm reading, the way she and the fireflies are written, they don't seem to make much sense or are utterly incompetent.
  11. I only started having these visceral reactions to animals getting killed or injured on TV since I got my own two cats a few years ago. Ever since, I noticed, I'm having a lot more issues in that area. Although I always cringed when horses would fall down. I always worried about them breaking something. It takes me right out of a show/movie. As to this part of the show, it's the one I like the least. It has too many elements where the suspension of disbelief doesn't work for me anymore. And, as also mentioned, the cliché of the pedophile/preacher with a cult of cannibals who monologues. Just too much.
  12. I'm so sorry to hear that. It sounds like it's already quite advanced. Maye it's time to make that decision to get some help without his input. There must be services where someone comes to the house and helps with things. Or at least have someone there for a few hours so you can take a break and leave the house. I don't have experience with this but I hope you can get some help. Sounds like you need it. And maybe unplug the appliances over night?
  13. Humor is important. I like self-deprecating humor unless it's a Chandleresque need to cover up insecurities. Making fun of other people in public, not so funny. There is always a time and a place.
  14. Some people have no filter and will volunteer all kinds of things to strangers. I find this happening especially when traveling. It's possible it's just easer to do that with strangers since you'll never see them again. Or they have kept it inside for such a long time, the first somewhat friendly face will open those floodgates.
  15. That's just funny. If all he talks about is women's ass and tits, maybe, he should bring something meaningful to the table? Just a thought. He doesn't seem to recognize the irony.
  16. This has become my ideal birthday since around the time I turned 40. Replace dog with cats and that's me.
  17. Mornings with Fox and Scully in the summer.
  18. We do. Some were cancelled because of the fires, but yes, I will find my cat hiding in the closet for hours even after it's over.
  19. Sue Johanson, beloved Canadian sex educator, dead at 93. She did the Sunday Night Sex Show in Canada which led to a successful U.S. spinoff called Talk Sex With Sue Johanson. I have one of her books. Every country needs someone like her. https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/sue-johanson-obit-1.6892524
  20. Let me get this right. Someone's mother died, possibly fairly recently. They then put some of the ashes into a plastic baggie, proceed to go to a Pink concert, and throw it onto the stage? What was the intention? Was the mother a Pink fan? What did they think would happen? Pink would hold a funeral? People are very strange.
  21. This is why I feel we are making progress. Very, very, very slowly and certainly not fast enough for my taste but when I was in my 20s, there wasn't even a word for negging in German. I don't know if there is one now. So, there wouldn't even have been a way to talk about it even if my parents had known how to address something like that. I do remember finding comments of the husband of my mom's best friend about my height already annoying when I was 10. I don't think it was sexual, though. But then, I wouldn't have recognized that at that age.
  22. I agree that at that age, a lot of girls would think of it as a compliment. To be seen as adult. I sure would have although I don't recall it happening. I don't have children and I often wonder what makes the difference between raising a girl to recognize it as the creepy behavior it is early on and thinking it's a compliment. Some women never get over that and think any attention is a compliment. I used to have a friend like that.
  23. If you're uncomfortable, you're uncomfortable. That doesn't make you a prude. It's just a label people apply to judge others. Frankly, some filter at the workplace is important IMO. Just tell him to cut it out and when he does it again, interrupt and tell him you don't want to know.
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