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Writing Wrongs

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Everything posted by Writing Wrongs

  1. How did I miss these cute BTS pics of Jennifer and the kid who plays Roland? http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/08/once-upon-time-season-4-fans-ouat-cast.html
  2. JMo interview: http://nypost.com/2014/09/10/jennifer-morrison-rules-the-red-carpet/
  3. I love that she flipped a coin to decide whether to play Maleficent in Season 1.
  4. "If you want sympathy, look it up in the dictionary. It's between 'shit' and 'syphilis'." LOL Classic Kenda. I wish they wouldn't put the dates of the cases up on the screen, because last night's was supposed to be in 1979 but all the people and cars looked like 2014. It distracts me.
  5. I'm kind of surprised we haven't heard of any talk show appearances to promote the season.
  6. Not much happened this episode. They're gonna be in my state next episode. Yay, I guess. It's always St. Louis or Kansas City. They should come to my hometown, Columbia. It's a college town and during football, I bet they would sell alot.
  7. For anyone planning on buying the dvd or blu-ray, Target has an exclusive booklet with theirs: http://francavillarts.tumblr.com/post/96120864381/the-art-inspired-by-sleepy-hollow-illustrations-by
  8. I just watched those episodes again today and Kathy cracks me up. When she finds Buffy's weapons bag and just shakes her head, mumbles and then shrugs it off makes me laugh every time.
  9. The way they threw Dorothy into one episode was really annoying. What a waste. Just like Rapunzel.
  10. More lines about how old The Doctor looks. Yay. I'm just not feeling the new Doctor. I think if he was by himself, I'd like the show better. Clara doesn't do anything for me at all. I think I'm out.
  11. I really hate that with all the time travel crap, they changed Snow and Charming's backstory. I loved the original way they met. Snow Falls is one of my favorite episodes.
  12. Ok so I just finished re-watching A Curious Thing and the heart splitting thing has to be one of the dumbest things they've done. Is it being sustained by magic? Because I'm pretty sure a heart doesn't split symmetrically like that. I wish Emma would just be all, "You know, I'm glad I finally found my parents and know my backstory, but fuck all you guys. I'm going back to New York."
  13. Julie Chen on "Big Brother" boos: http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/09/05/big-brother-julie-chen-chistine-boos/
  14. I have been skipping episodes because the chefs are always being assy to each other, but this was a good episode. I liked both the chefs. It makes me giggle that Gail and Curtis cuss on this show. When Takashi said he had never seen armadillo before and Gail said, "Oh, shit." (beeped, of course) I had to rewind it. LOL
  15. I find myself watching my Season 1 blu-ray quite a bit. I'm struggling to finish my Season 3 though.
  16. Even if Snow is all about forgiving Regina for Enchanted Forest past stuff, what about the more recent past crap she's done? Did she forget that Cora killed Johanna in front of her with Regina standing with her and gloating? How Regina deserves a happy ending is beyond me.
  17. Oh my God, the retconning of Leopold, Ava and Cora in Bleeding Through is so annoying. As is the bonding between Snow and Regina. So Ava had a dark side because she didn't let Cora trick Leopold into a marriage when she was pregnant by the gardener? Whatever. Yeah, she may have been doing it for selfish reasons, but that's hardly being evil. The whole episode makes me roll my eyes.
  18. Total waste of time. So they really did change the entire Snow Queen story to fit "Let It Go"? Wow.
  19. I haven't been keeping up on spoilers and was surprised about Charlotte Ross. I remember her as Eve Donovan on Days of Our Lives.
  20. Are there going to be many crossovers with The Flash? Because I have no interest in watching that show. I also really have no interest in a Felicity/Oliver romance. Sigh.
  21. The biggest disappointment is not including the Good Morning, Storybrooke Wicked Witch updates. I was really hoping for those.
  22. You could totally see the C part of the key when Caleb put it in the slot. Frankie needs to go now.
  23. I fell asleep during this episode and didn't bother rewinding my DVR. I'm so tired of The Daleks. I just can't get scared by a whisk and a plunger. These last 2 episodes haven't been to my taste, but next week's looks fun.
  24. New companion: http://www.tvguide.com/News/Doctor-Who-Companion-1086285.aspx I hope this isn't Amy & Rory redux.
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