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Writing Wrongs

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Everything posted by Writing Wrongs

  1. I don't care for the effects they use for Elsa's magic. The building the bridge was cool except for the animated swirly things coming from her hands.
  2. No, William Shatner! Don't encourage them. https://twitter.com/OncersSource/status/526578800121757696/photo/1
  3. I know. The fact that Josh was in the first Thor movie is what made it funny.
  4. It can't be random that the girl's name is Lilith, can it? That is a biblical/mythological reference. And the star thing has to mean something.
  5. I kept waiting for the Snow Queen to double cross Sidney, but she let him go. Unlike what Regina would've done.
  6. Oh my. "The name of the savior is Emma"? Is this gonna be like the Henry picture that Pan had?
  7. Not sure if this is exact, but it made me laugh: Snow: I'm married to the sheriff. Will: You're married to the blond? Snow: No, that's my daughter. I'm married to the other sheriff. Will: What, now?
  8. Why did Regina bother tramping through the woods, when she can poof anywhere? That always baffles me. I don't like the way The Charmings thought they could just leave Will in jail indefinitely, because they felt like it.
  9. I was expecting more from the Emma flashback. Some display of magic or something. When the dad called the girl "Lilith", I was afraid we were going to get into some kind of demonic/biblical territory. I refuse to get my pressure up by talking about the Emma and Regina scenes. I will sum them up by saying, "Fuck off, Regina." and "What kind of kool-aid has Emma been drinking?" Yay, Sidney. You go, boy! We still haven't found out about Emma's tattoo, have we? "Portal to Asgard." Hee. It's funny that we hardly see any scenes between Emma and Henry now.
  10. Marcia Strassman from Welcome Back, Kotter has died: https://tv.yahoo.com/news/marcia-strassman-dead-starred-welcome-220306315.html Damn.
  11. They keep pulling me in with possibly interesting episodes that just turn to crap. So everybody just gets to hang out in the Tardis now? Annoying kids. Sad, but true. It makes me miss Amy & Rory. And I got sick of them, too.
  12. It's finally happened. I'm really starting to dislike things Frozen. I hate that I can't hear the words "let it go" without having to sing them immediately afterword.
  13. The cyclist team crack me up. Especially the one who always wants to eat stuff. I wasn't expecting them to be my fave team. Yeah, I didn't get what all the drama was about. I don't care for the mother/daughter team. The daughter seems to have permanent bitchface.
  14. It seems like Sidney is as tired of Regina's shit as the rest of us. Finally.
  15. I liked that Dre didn't want to wear his wife beater to beat his kid. LOL Pops sounds like my grandmother. After I did something bad, she would wait till I was unsuspecting and then pop me with the belt. I only had to be whooped twice until I learned to behave.
  16. Ginny will be voicing a fairy in the new Tinkerbell animated movie: http://entertainthis.usatoday.com/2014/10/21/ginnifer-goodwin-fawn-tinker-bell-fairy/ I'm an adult and I admit that I have watched all the Tinkerbell movies a few times and love them.
  17. LOL @ Laurel's epic fail as a vigilante. That stunt double was so obvious during the Thea/Malcolm fight that it took me straight out of it. There was a lot going on in this episode. Isn't Ray a good guy?
  18. This has become one of my new fave shows. I could do without the sarcastic cop. "Did they catch the guy?" I'm sorry, but you don't know the Jack The Ripper case? Whatever, dude. Do medical examiners usually go with detectives to interview suspects? I wonder if his secret will get revealed to her by season's end?
  19. This was a wtf for me. How 'bout some useful information? What a waste of powers and a bird messenger. I wish we'd go back to seeing more Headless and less Abraham. Because, yawn.
  20. Alex needs to slow down on telling people they are correct. They shouldn't have given Emma points for "Harlequin" when it's "Harley Quinn".
  21. Tommy and Tuppence, huh? Eh. I do like David Walliams, though.
  22. What is with the costuming? Belle continues to have the worst outfits and Hook and Emma looked like they were in a high school production of Grease. I want more Snow Queen.
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