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Writing Wrongs

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Everything posted by Writing Wrongs

  1. I've laughed at a lot of the antics on this show, but I have to say the funniest I've seen so far is when Jeremy was driving the Reliant Robin 3 wheeled car. The way he kept flipping over on the side was hilarious. I can't believe they thought that was a good car to have in the '70s.
  2. I've already seen Endless Night a while ago and I thought it was awful. I didn't even finish it. As I recall, I thought it was extremely boring. Maybe I should give it another try?
  3. I've found something to like in all the actresses who have portrayed Miss Marple, even Margaret Rutherford. They each bring their own style to it. No matter how many times I've watched the episodes or seen various versions, I can never remember who did what or why. I kept having a hard time figuring out Caribbean Mystery. I kept remembering bits and pieces, but the ending eluded me.
  4. If anyone has Netflix, they have the animated Snow Queen movie that came out around the same time Frozen did. It's not that bad and for someone (like me) who didn't know the original story, it's a good start. Here's the trailer for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJrTHEDgHfY Apparently they are making a sequel to it : http://variety.com/2014/film/news/the-snow-queen-2-sells-to-10-territories-adds-hollywood-voicecast-1201303067/
  5. Touring the Once Costume Dept: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frKEEGFJrfg#t=32 I really love the costumes.
  6. Other Side of The Mirror has a good podcast, but they are pro-Regina all the way, so be warned. I love the Greetings From Storybrooke one. They are very entertaining.
  7. Random observation: I don't understand the promo they did. Why have them in their fairytale outfits in Storybrooke when that's not how they are there? It's a dumb promo and doesn't really reflect the show. People who tune in for the Frozen stuff will wonder why all the characters are dressed like regular people.
  8. If they ask "What's it like playing the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming?" I'll scream. They ask the same thing every time. It's year 4 people, move on.
  9. As much as I enjoy Hook (and Colin), I'm so sick of hearing about Hook and Emma's romance. I don't ever watch movies or tv shows and get excited over "ships". I just want to see a good story and some fun and action. The love stuff bores me. That goes for Regina/Robin too. I can only tolerate The Charmings. I'm looking forward to the Frozen stuff.
  10. As a bi-racial person, I thought that part was funny. I've been told by black people that I'm not really "black", because I have a white mother and was raised by her side of the family. I just say "whatever" and move on. I try not to get offended by that stuff. I'm also not a sitcom person, so I don't know how long I'll stick with it even though I found it funny enough.
  11. We may need a quote thread. I laughed at a lot of Lawrence Fishburne's lines: "We're not African, we're black. Africans don't like us." "I'm just trying to get him to be in touch with his roots." "He'd be better off watching Roots."
  12. Is that 7 minute preview anywhere else? I had it saved on my Youtube, but it's been removed.
  13. I decided to go back and watch Season 1. Wow, what a difference. I'm so glad they added James May to the show.
  14. If Jamie Dornan had returned to Once: http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/09/22/once-upon-a-time-jamie-dornan-return/ That would've been interesting.
  15. I loved the shots of the guys studying the picture wall and then the shot of Victoria studying the pita bread package. LOL
  16. I don't know if it's unpopular or not, but I hate that Faith isn't considered the "true" Slayer. If you go by the show mythology, after Buffy died and then Kendra, shouldn't the Slayer line go through Faith? I know Faith went all crazy for a bit, but still. I hate that she gets treated as second best.
  17. Got my digibook today. So excited. It came with an ad for these books: http://sleepyreads.com/
  18. I just saw this tweet from Jen: Oh Lord, I hope she doesn't get slammed for implying the haters aren't "real fans".
  19. OMG. You don't know how badly I want to reply to that writer's Twitter. But then the hate might get directed at me. LOL
  20. The Target exclusive blu-ray set is a digibook. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bS-TO_uOdOc/VBYblAo6hMI/AAAAAAAABN4/JOvRWFjEQEE/s1600/TargetSHS1.jpg
  21. I follow some of the actors on Twitter, just for the bts stuff they post. But it annoys/creeps me that a lot of the posts to them from fans are all "I LOVE YOU!" "DO YOU LOVE ME?!" "DON'T IGNORE ME!" blah blah. It's bizarre. It's this thing we have with celebrity that we think we know them because we see them on tv or in movies. I used to be obsessed that way. I had to watch every entertainment news show and know every detail of their lives. I finally just had to stop. I don't give a shit what they do in their personal lives anymore. Twitter does make it easy to connect to them and get heard. I've fallen into posting negative things to actors on occasion, because I know that they may actually read it. Mainly, I try to stay out of it.
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