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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. I'm also so grateful for my current job situation. I'm currently working as a High School Lifeskills/Special Education teacher for 7 students at a well-established local charter school and just signed on for my second year here with a nice raise. This is a pretty damned well-deserved position considering my nearly 15 years of teaching. And I've taught in some pretty shitty schools with some pretty shitty students for some pretty shitty paychecks in all these years; I've been punched/slapped/scratched/kicked/spit on/humiliated by former problem students, I've been hired and fired, laid off, even been reduced to cleaning toilets and party-stripping between jobs just to make ends meet, so my good professional karma was long overdue. To finally be content in my classroom and be paid what I'm worth and to actually be appreciated both by an excellent principal and likable colleagues at a school that's a five minute drive from my house, well, for all that I finally feel so very blessed. It's so nice to go to work every day and feel like you're making such a difference and that your fellow staff believes in and supports you. And to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel for paying off my $30k worth of student loans? Such a good, liberating feeling...if I can reach age 40 next year with all my debts wiped clean((other than my mortgage, of course)), I can die a happy and complete woman with the travel budget I've dreamt of my entire life. What else makes me smile? Champagne...and lots of it. Dry or sweet, pink or white, with OJ or without...in any form, it's just the ultimate liquid luxury in my book!
  2. Speaking of which, I know I'm gonna catch flack for this even though I'm a HUGE pet/animal-lover, but it sorta disgusts me that so many people sleep with their pets. I'd have a house full of critters if my schedule permitted it, but at the same time, I have the same thoughts on sleeping with pets in the bed as parents who sleep with their children in the bed: It just seems inappropriate, gross, and really makes for an obvious lack of sound sleep and safe boundaries. Like I've stayed at friends' houses and don't mind one bit if their cats or dogs somehow stop in to visit my bed, but I'm always woken up and felt a bit annoyed that the pets aren't taught better boundaries and feel entitled to just hop into a bed with anyone. I remember staying with my grandma as a teen and her cat sometimes getting in the bed with me, but I couldn't sleep because the damned thing spent hours either licking itself or walking around the bed or just coming and going in and off the bed all night. Who could sleep like that?! And the there's the fur/pet dander going all over your bed, their dirty paws and butts being rubbed all over your blankets and bedsheets, the constant coming and going on and off the bed all night...no thanks. I'd have to teach my pets to stay in their own beds, even if it meant keeping my bedroom off limits. And I know cats have a tendency to force themselves onto a bed, to which I'd immediately remove them and close the door upon my bedtime. I was reading a thread on Facebook recently about cat-owners laughing about not moving their cats off their beds if they're already asleep there, or else those cats would get mad and scratch/bite them if they moved them? Nuh-uh, Hells no to that, demon cats---I'm the master of my domain, and if you're sleep in MY house you're gonna sleep where *I* say you do or you can just stay outside. ((maybe that's why I'm more of a dog fan anyway; they typically don't overstep their boundaries and can be trained to stay where they're meant to sleep))
  3. Agreed---it's a known fact that most of the lower-class/gang residents prey on unsuspecting tourists, especially gringos driving around on their own. I've read stories all the time of car-jackings and/or hold-ups outside of the main city centers. And ladies, do NOT ever wander around Mexico alone. Even the taxis can be unsafe for women on their own and there have been rapes reported from cab drivers preying on lone female riders. Either drive/stay with a tour group or travel in teams of 3 or more. The last time I went to Mexico, my husband and I stayed at a beautiful all-inclusive resort in Cabo San Lucas. It was safe and beautifully isolated there, but once we went downtown and left our tour group for a bit, we were constantly chased and/or bombarded by street performers, child beggars and panhandlers. It was not remotely pleasant and really drove home just how third world Mexico truly is---and we didn't even set out to *look* wealthy, but our blonde selves obviously made us instant targets. My husband even chased away a potential pick-pocket child. It's just a tough vibe in certain areas there...hard to even enjoy the idea of a vacation there period when you're seeing toddlers and preschoolers stumbling around at midnight begging for change.
  4. When Ariana and Stassi are voted as the Queen Bee's of this current cast, you start to wonder what kinds of morons are actually voting for these stupid polls... On the flipside, it's funny to see how much everyone apparently agrees that Scheana is an annoyingly self-absorbed twat.
  5. Actually, that was her second apartment---the first one, the one Yolanda bought/decorated with her for college was a little more simple and quaint and had a tiny deck---I remember these details because I'm obsessed with NYC real estate and took in every moment I could while Yo helped Gigi first move in: ((pics near the bottom of this page)) http://cotedetexas.blogspot.com/2014_03_09_archive.html?m=1 Now the one with all the bank of windows was much fancier, and I assume Gigi had made a ton of money enough on her own to buy the Soho place a few years later, the place that she's since had to move from due to her stalker: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/real-estate/model-home-gigi-hadid-2-45m-two-bedroom-soho-pad-article-1.2285784 As for Bella, Yo helped her decorate her own stunning NYC pad too, but I know she's since moved as well: http://www.mtv.com.au/bella-hadid/pictures/fancy-renting-bella-hadids-nyc-apartment-itll-cost-you But of course, Yolanda wants her children to be INDEPENDENT. Because nothing says independence like getting a posh Manhattan pad bought and decorated for you at age 18 by your parents!
  6. I'm still beyond baffled as to how in the Hell ol' Gretchen has money coming in still---she and Slade both, for that matter! They still don't appear to have regular gigs((I hate follow GC on Instagram and Snapchat)), Gretchen now hosts/presents(?) various fashion shows and "her line" of whatever bullshit fashions/accessories she supposedly sells, and Slade just sorta tags along as her lackey still. Does he still even host that godawful radio show? I just don't get how she hangs in her current rich social circles and they both go around traveling and parting together the way they do. I just find their whole situation just puzzling on so many levels. Makes you wonder how much money that old dying guy she was doing actually left her after he passed?!
  7. Bella is so stunning and I know that, 'dress' is Versace couture and all, but I think she looks like a Russian call-girl in that thing. Just lounging around in that tiny dress looking all pouty and "come hither", I dunno, I just think she could've classed it up a bit more for the Oscars afterparty. Then again, if Yolanda hadn't have been fortunate enough to land a rich hubby at her prime young N' fertile years, being a high-priced escort might've been her fate as well, so I guess momma's proud of her regardless. That said, I also hope this is Yo's last season---this is so NOT the calm, cool and classy Euro-chic celebrity housewife we met in her first season((telling movers to "learn English" notwithstanding)). I don't know if that was just an extremely carefully-crafted facade she put on for her "King", or if all the divorce stress and various illnesses supposedly plaguing her brain have finally taken over what's left of her sanity, but I don't find this version of her character remotely compelling or worthy of television exposure. Plus, I'm with Lisa V on this one: would it kill her to slap on some lipstick or comb her hair or something? She's on TV for chrissakes---if you're well enough to travel and attend parties and fashion shows, you're well enough to pull yourself together and not look like you just rolled out of bed. She's gotten so needy, petty, and self-righteously self-absorbed. Plus, I get so sick of her smuggery over her kids successes---great, she popped out some beautiful kids who are all good models. That's fine, but no need to act as though they're curing cancer or Nobel Peace Prize winners.
  8. The single gal in Rosewell(sp?), CA seemed very nice and realistic about her options, and I liked her guyfriend, but wow, she's going to get so sick of climbing all those stairs all day long; and she honestly didn't look like the fittest sort, so she's probably going to be *over* that constant climbing in a year or so. Not to mention being right beside a huge two store commercial construction site?? If the constant stair-climbing wouldn't kill her, all that noise in the meantime certainly would---I really hope for her and her quaint city's sake that it's not a friggin' Wal-Mart. Great looking house for a great deal, but I dunno if I could handle those two factors alone. Also, this was the first time I watched one of these shows and thought, "Huh...that gal 'showing' them the homes is so NOT a realtor..." She seemed like one of their friends and didn't appear to have much of the realtor speak/confidence of a true professional.
  9. Katie's rage-texting is SCARY---because Tom is quite right, there *is* some kernel of truth to all that in the back of her mind, or else those hurtful words wouldn't even be able to come out of her with such frightening ease. It's basically akin to verbal abuse, quite frankly, and being drunk is never an excuse to talk to one's partner in such a cruel and incredibly hurtful fashion. How would she feel if he was in a drunken rage and called her fat, stupid and/or ugly? Worse yet, how would she feel if he hit her in a drunken rage?? I dare say she'd never forgive him and cry her eyes out for days---so how is that so different than basically calling her fiancé a loser that she doesn't want to procreate with or marry?? I'm sorry, but that's some unforgivably heavy shit and I certainly don't think "I was drunk and wanted to hurt you since I was hurt" is EVER reason to berate or belittle your partner, physically or verbally. Period. And if you regularly fight that ugly and in such a cruel manner, then you need some serious couples therapy. Same as that messed up fighting DJ James and Kristen used to engage in---once you're name-calling and belittling each other and spitting on someone's door, put a fork in it: that relationship is DONE. It kinda depresses the shit out of me watching the messed up excuses of relationships all these mental midgets share with their current partners, so it actually made me smile to see Peter so happily interacting with his girlfriend's young son. Fingers crossed that this guy turns out to be the most mature of them all and can handle such a committed relationship. What also made me smile? Seeing Jax interacting with that boy so naturally; so the guy has some semblance of a soul after all! What made me not smile? Watching how pathetic Stassi was acting in Palm Springs, begging Katie for forgiveness like the slimy leech she's become this season. Gross. I don't like this homeless and humbled Stassi---she's still that same hateful bitch she always was, she's just gotten craftier and more creative about using people for her own agenda. I guess it's producer-mandated that Katie had to allow her back into her social circle.
  10. She takes it VERY SERIOUSLY, after all. She's been practicing it for 10 YEARS now, people! It's not her fault we just aren't smart enough to comprehend her comedic genius.
  11. See, I HATE how Bravo treats this series like some red-headed stepchild and barely gives it any love whatsoever. It never gets any of those fancy specially-filmed promos, it barely gets any mentions on the Bravo website, Bravo hasn't yet changed the cast promo pics in 3 seasons... And isn't this one of the *only* shows on their network that never gets its own location for its reunions? That in itself makes no sense to me given that such an Old Southern historic location is considered the actual "star" of this show. I just don't get how a tacky cheesefest like "Shahs of Sunset" gets all the undeserved love((who even watches that anymore?)) while this show is just a blip on the Bravo radar. Perhaps it's because it's an all-white cast...perhaps they're too educated/civilized and not drunkenly melodramatic messes enough for the network((Kathryn excluded, of course))...perhaps Bravo wanted to wait and see if enough viewers were asking about it and wanted to judge any "buzz" on the show before they aired another season...maybe they were even waiting to see just how messy the Thomas/Kathryn affair would get. At any rate, I'm glad it's definitely back on, but the lack of barely any fanfare or publicity for it is as annoying as it is foreboding---hopefully this season isn't a total dud that the network just wanted to dump in a conveniently empty time slot. Then again, at least it's airing in the Spring versus the Summer; that's where the typical "one n'done" trash seems to get regularly dumped.
  12. I'm so stoked! My fave is finally back!! I didn't see T-Rav anywhere in the promo though...wonder if he'll be on the show or just maintain a "friend of" status.
  13. I have an acquaintance who could be Yolanda's soul-sister---she's Dutch, a beautiful blonde/former model in her late 50's, and she's suffered for years from Fibromyalgia. But she also supposedly suffers from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Like Yolanda, she loves to go social media crazy about her diseases, constantly posting self-righteous memes and posting "sick selfies", lectures others on how they should talk to/treat sick folks, and whines incessantly about how awful she feels and how much she wishes she could go do but she can't((yet like Yo for a Gigi fashion show, she'll magically turn up to certain events with certain folks when necessary)). Anyways, it just dawned on me this week after she sent me a message saying how disappointed she was that I hadn't been able to drive 30 minutes to visit HER or text or anything((never mind the fact that the phone works both ways and I tell her to call me anytime because I have a busy worklife))---this must be how tiring it is to be a friend of Yolanda's. Never any interest in your world or what you'd like to do or supporting you, since it's HER world and you're either completely there for her and understanding of all her demanding ways and talk to her in the proper manner or you're not a true friend. It's exhausting dealing with people like these, high-maintenance people who seem to define themselves by their sicknesses. The self-centeredness just as a way of turning itself into immediate self-righteousness. And I'm not trying to sound insensitive because I know such diseases are no joke and do require compassion from all angles, but my goodness...the hoops one must jump through to please such women as these, it's just not easy. David Foster might be a dick, but all I can say is that I can understand why he finally split.
  14. I don't watch very many of these shows since I think the "Tiny House" movement is so hopelessly faddish and ridiculous, but perhaps the stupidest one I ever watched was this young woman who was moving from outside of Nashville((I watched simply because I'm a Nashville native))to some other city father up North for a job switch and she ended up choosing one of the smaller houses she looked at. And where did she park this tiny home? IN A FRIGGIN TRAILER PARK. Good lord...I'd respect these weirdos so much more if they simply lived in trailers or Winnebago's. It's certainly be a much smarter and lest costly option than simply paying all that dough for what's basically a 3 Little Pigs-style house on wheels.
  15. EXACTLY. I know he's a dirtbag too, but good lord, based on her flair for the melodramatics that we've seen in the show, it doesn't surprise me one bit that she's difficult to deal with and probably makes it Hell for him when he wants to schedule his dad time with the kids. I'm willing to bet money that she's the type who uses her kids as pawns in her ongoing love games. It probably doesn't help that she obviously has no other aspirations in life than to be a kept stay-at-home mom/partygirl with a nanny---how about finding a career already instead of chasing after a lazy babydaddy?! She likely could've had Thomas eating out of the palm of her hand had she played it cool and not forced her own agenda on him---but alas, her naive youth and stupidity didn't work in their favor. Again, I'm just so sad for their kids at this point. Thomas is obviously NOT interested in settling down whatsoever. He's just a big manchild who likes the idea of having a wife/kids in theory, but isn't willing to deal with the reality, sacrifice and hard work that this lifestyle requires. It's a damned shame that he's so immature as well...but I hate it even more that he's not even smart enough to realize that bachelorhood gets really lonely and boring for most men after a while. He needs to grow up and find an easygoing, more age-appropriate woman who jives with his personality and lifestyle and quit trying to settle down with young chicks he finds suitable due to their "physicality"!! Shep's going to be T-Rav 2.0 if he's not careful---fingers crossed that he's the wisest of this crazy bunch, because Whitney is a lost cause and Craig's an entirely different story anyway.
  16. According to Andy in a tweeted response to Patricia's question about that just last week: "SOON."
  17. Ahhh, see, I'm getting my BD seasons mixed up with Aleks and his actual career trajectory---I could've sworn he was fired or not asked back for the next season, something like that...I do remember that he wasn't liked by several cast members though and rubbed a few folks the wrong way..
  18. Oh my word, I honestly didn't even realize that was Aleks from Season 1 of BD until I saw it here!!! He looks/acts so damned different on this show now, that's all.Like on that show, he had a blonde sorta crew cut, like he was trying to channel Val Kilmer as Iceman from "Top Gun." And he acted like a totally uptight, humorlessly smug know-it-all who lorded his second-in-command status over all the rest of the crew. He also was constantly talking shit about the captain and gave countless talking heads about how much more knowledgeable and capable the boat would be if *he* were the captain and that he was well on his way to finally being a boat captain on his own. Nobody liked him much either---he really was sorta like the crazy Kristen of that season too, because the captain ended up firing him for his inappropriate comments/behavior and the crew was similarly rejoicing upon his own departure. I will say that I'm sure he's much better and more stable boyfriend material than that creepy Keebler elf DJ James. That kid is either completely nutso and off his meds or he's taking some of the bad shit---he definitely displays all the anxious/paranoid behavior of a cokehead. Or maybe he's just bipolar? Either way, he's no longer remotely amusing or fun to hate, but extremely disturbing on a variety of levels. They need to toss him right back under the rock from under which he came. Farting Jax. He really seems proud to display his fecal processes to the world, almost as much as his mansluttery and his cleptomania. Oh Stassi, I used to love to hate her, but now I just pity her...she really is beyond pathetic this season, groveling to be friends with various cast members again because she obviously doesn't have much else going on in her life. She and her equally unemployed frienemy Kristen living together is just so awkward---but at least people seem to like Kristen otherwise and men enjoy her regular company. And if Kristen is cleaning her place at 5 or 6am after an evening either out clubbing or boinking, she's definitely coming down off a prior drug high, either X, Adderrall, meth or coccaine...I speak from experience, sadly...((I don't look back fondly on my former single girl clubbing/cocktail waitressing days)) Schwartz was very gallant and noble defending his woman's honor to Stassi. I honestly think he only invited her to their party due to producers' prodding---instant storyline and potential drama.
  19. What is up with her "secret" concoction? Is there any particular reason she insists on it staying a secret?? Because if she were a smart business woman, she'd be marketing and selling that "secret" concoction to many an interested buyer, myself included!! I sincerely hope it's her "secret" for now because she's hoping to market and sell it to the masses. Or perhaps include it in a hair care book she's releasing or something---her hair is sorta her "thing" she's most known for, so it baffles me that she hasn't profited from it yet and started some sort of hair care line of products, or at least snagged a shampoo/hair care line commercial/spokesmodel gig.
  20. Wow, this should've been way more fun and wild of an episode than it ended up being...it was just a snoozer overall. No, that doesn't mean I miss the crazed drama or scene-chewing of Kim and Brandi!! It just all felt flat and forced overall, with not nearly enough energy and zest for an episode that had a Moulin Rouge-themed party and real estate porn, after all. Oh, but that LisaV and Ken...seeing her all tarted up and him all pimped out while teetering down that steep driveway---now that was tragic comedy right there!! Erica may be an unreliable run-tell-that character and doesn't quite engage or shit-stir like most Housewives are expected, but I still love her more with every episode. Like Bethenny said, she clearly has no fucks to give and just sorta does her own thing while stuck in every awkward group scene. Her bawdy bravado, classy sass and quietly confident, buxom blonde charms are just so refreshing when pitted against the tightly-wound angst of the other ladies. And YES, she rocked the Hell out of her Moulin Rouge ensemble---best and hottest look of the night! The riding crop helped, of course; she's delightfully naughty. Ugh, and there was Taylor, thirstily desperate and insane-looking as always, dressed like some crazed performer straight out of "American Horror Story"...she was so damned determined to butt her way into every conversation filmed on screen, wasn't she? Good Lord, I hope she *never* worms her way back onto this show...speaking of someone I wouldn't mind seeing on here again, I wonder where Camille Grammer was??
  21. Well, it was vaguely nice to finally see Stassi treated like the vapid wastoid, bridge-burning nasty snot that she truly is---if it wasn't so pathetic on a variety of levels, that is. I remember how smugly high she was on her own putrid fumes last season, bragging about her invisible boyfriend in her "grownup" apartment and how she was so "above" everyone at SUR((yet she was always hanging out there for free booze/goat cheese balls/screentime)) because she was so busy making her fabulous jewelry line and fashion blogging and styling...as of now, all that's gone nowhere and is just stagnating... I think she's back with the invisible boyfriend again, but it sounds like they have a rather messed-up excuse of a toxic on-again/off-again relationship anyway...I think she's still got her stupid Podcast, but does that really pay anything? I guess time will tell. And Lisa totally outted Frank as Stassi's infamous sex-tape director...sadly amusing. Her parents must be so proud. LaLa is just such a thirsty prick-tease, so desperate to seem like such a "badass" with her try-hard cool chick posturing/idiotic commentary. She reminds me of one of those braindead idiot models from a bad 80's hairband video with her skank flag flying so high. Of course Jax's braindead girlfriend quickly finds a gig at an LA Hooters. Of course. That was pure deadpan comedy right there. Not so comedic? Jax's creepy cleptomania...that dude has a real problem if he's so blatantly casual about years of pilfering and shoplifting.
  22. Not to mention those bad hair extensions...why is she going for the long-haired look again? Her shorter hair was so much cuter, bouncier and more sophisticated---now with the new fake tits and hair she just looks like every other generic OC Housewife type.
  23. Man, my hubs and I have had a king bed and we've had a queen bed, and overall, I'd still rather have that queen bed---Kings take up way too much space and are *such* a bitch to make. If you travel around and you hit hotels, you can always just request a "kings room" and live that comfy mattress style for a while without all the work. I just don't get the folks who whine about trying to fit their king mattresses into tiny houses or a small Victorian bedroom...if that's your preference than you'd better be prepared to lose some of those creature comforts!
  24. Thanks, Bilgistic, and now I'm applauding your post! I live in an echoey old loft building that's extra challenging with its lack of noise-proof installation. Living here would be heavenly if it weren't for a few of those types of inconsiderate neighbors like those that you mention---it's like they're either too stupid or too rude to realize that they're bothering the crap out of their surrounding neighbors. I deal with the idiot next door, LOUD MOUTH. I think either he's high on drugs or hard of hearing, because he literally TALKS IN ALL CAPS, OR LIKE HES PERFORMING ON STAGE SOMEWHERE, EVEN AT 4AM! I've literally shouted through the rafters for him to shut the Hell up, and reported him to the board numerous times. Then there are the moron women who somehow think it's acceptable to wear high heels at all hours, clomping around the wooden floors. That's just rude as hell, and how's it even comfortable? Then there's the little brat next door. I feel worse for whoever lives underneath his bouncy ass. He makes my ovaries shrivel in fear everytime I hear him shrieking like a banchee for no reason. This is what I get for living in a "hip" building: "hip" young parents who think raising a kid here makes them as hip as Park Slope parents. Ugh.
  25. I'm baffled by most parents period, which is why I'm a happily ChildFree adult---unlike many folks, I knew from a very young age that raising children didn't remotely interest me, because parenthood is insanely difficult and often thankless, expensive, exhausting work.So when I hear parents complaining about having their kid/s around all day for snowdays and summers/holidays, I just want to ask them, "WHY did you even have kids anyway? Do you know how loud and annoying and tiring and all-consuming most children are, or were you among those fools who convince themselves that *their* children would be different?? Have you ever even spent *any* time around children before opting into this parenthood thing?!!" I guess I'm also pretty realistic about parenting because I know it's such a huge gamble---most parents can't handle raising a "special" child, for instance---every special needs child I've ever worked with over the years came from a broken home, usually with the father bailing out. OR there are the generally difficult children who, quite frankly, I genuinely consider to have been born assholes, despite being raised by good parents. I'm a firm believer in "bad seeds" since I've seen this phenomenon repeatedly in various households among siblings---you get the well-adjusted sibling/s, then there's that other one who acts like he/she was raised by wolves, despite having otherwise excellent parents who successfully raised their other child/ren. On the flipside, I'm blown away by the kids who expect other people to constantly entertain them. I have a few of those students myself; they simply refuse to read or play by themselves. Unless you give them a computer or an iPad, they just seem incapable of chilling on their own. I was raised in a household where we kids were expected to entertain ourselves, not vise versa, so I just don't get the parents who are constantly trying to amuse/appease their kids. Sorry for the rant...I guess my pet-peeve here is just the fact that most parents are really so shockingly ignorant of what actual parenting entails, potential snowdays included!
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