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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Oh that's so awful!!!! I feel terrible for her...wonder what happened? They seemed so blissfully happy and Danni had been doing all the happy bridal stuff...hope he wasn't cheating on her, or vise versa.... Maybe she can go join her buddy Stassi from VR in Mexico right now---she and her bestie are having a breakup breakdown a'la Carrie from the first "Sex in the City" movie right now. She can go have a "Mexi-coma" too.
  2. Seriously. I'll NEVER get their ongoing excuse of a "relationship". If you make up and break up as much as those two have, obviously that's a pointless and toxic situation period. An ongoing drama addiction, I'm sure; I'm willing to bet she's the main instigator who can't handle his typical toolishness. Just stay away from each other and move on---get on with your shallow lives alone!
  3. In Carole's slight defense of her screen-free windows, she lives in what appears to be an older loft-style apartment in a likely historic building. I live in a very similar style historic building that was converted to lofts a few years ago---due to our strict bylaws here, we're not allowed to install screens on our windows. Mind you, I have a great AC and no critters or kids running around, so my windows are able to open when I need to just get some fresh air in here. So Carole likely isn't able to get screens installed in there((HOA's/boards are notoriously picky in Manhattan)), but I'm still confused by the AC situation. It looks like she's on a very sunny street though and the natural light streaming in can get ultra warm on sunnier days; my loft turns into a hotbox sometimes too, hence my mega-necessary extra AC. That being said, I've always loved and still begrudgingly love her apartment((that "little" place is an absolute palace compared to most typical Manhattan apartments, let's be honest)), although it's a damned shame how rundown she's let it get after the cats and Adam moved in---it's almost shocking to see the difference now, although maybe now that Adam's gone she'll get it redone and improved once again. After her big revamp on it a few years ago it was absolutely stunning: http://thedesigndaredevil.com/2014/04/carole-radziwills-nyc-apartment/
  4. Seriously. She looks like a stand-in on "The Barbra Mandrell Show." Enough with the Southern debutante curls and ruffles already! I like Dorinda's cocktail dress but I dunno if it works for a reunion show---the long gowns are best suited for sitting on couches without worrying about keeping your legs together. Oh Sonja...how ghastly. Tragic and desperate. Ditto Ramona and Lu. Indeed, Beth and Carole are dressed the most elegantly and appropriately for a reunion.
  5. JD has another restaurant? I had no idea!! As I've mentioned here before, I really dug Sermet's on King Street; great food, nice vibe, excellent cocktails. Looking forward to trying its new iteration when I'm back in Charleston this October. I'll have to add this one to the list!
  6. Around Sonja's second or third season((can't remember which)), she hosted an art reception for the artist who painted this piece of art/crap and it was the main featured piece at the show she hung at the townhouse. Looked crowded and ridiculously low-rent as the usual Sonja gathering Don't remember the details, but she was very proud of being the artist's "muse" and the other gals were a combo of shocked/amused by her pose there. Great episode and amazing season though! I'm sad to see these gals leaving the screen soon.
  7. I was actually very touched by Reza and Adam when they met with the adoption agent in their condo---I never dreamed he would be so pro-adoption/foster parenting. His crying about all the orphans in the world seemed very genuine; I guess it struck a nerve for me since a girlfriend of mine fosters children of all ages and her passion and commitment to what can often be a painfully emotional process is beyond impressive. I'm shocked that someone who comes off as materialistic, narcissistic and shallow as Reza would ever consider such a process, but major props to him if he is indeed truly considering fostering/adoption. There's more than enough people in this crowded world indeed---adoption is about as selfless as a hopeful new parent can be. Not so selfless? Trying to get pregnant at age 44 when you're a huge drunk with mommy issues...MJ needs to accept that natural birth at her age and situation in life just isn't fair. Nothing about her screams mother material to me, and given her own mother's cold selfishness I just can't even imagine the poor kid that would be stuck with her as a grandmother. Gettung detained at the airport for 5 hours?! Yikes...how awful for them. Being 5 months pregnant on a 20 hour flight?! Yikes...how awful for Asa. Mike is coming off so douchey and gross this year. And bragging about his supposedly huge dick((love that GG immediately squished that))? Gross. Like Asa, Shervin seems way too sweet and mellow for this trashy bunch. Destiny is just "meh" for me so far, but at least she seems to mesh with the group much better than Lilly G did; homegirl can seriously party!
  8. T-Rav posted this on his IG Story the other night; one wonders if he does that just to mess with Kathryn.
  9. I loved it when Drunk Tinz ever so subtlety schooled Lu on the true Palm Beach standards of desirable areas! There went Lu trying to go all stealth bitch on her when she kept saying "Oh you live with your mom there? Your MOM??" And then Tinsley just left her mute with a simple 'whatever' stealthier bitch sorta moment---despite her public fall from the highest of Manhattan's society scenes, Tinz's roots still run much wealthier and healthier than Lu's *ever* could hope to be. Good Lord, Bethenny is beyond tiresome. No wonder she clashed with several fun folks on this getaway. I like her and all, but the way she rants and raves and shrieks and pushes everyone around on vacay, and then acts all criminally butthurt the next morning when someone dares to drunkenly shouts her ass her down, it's just ridiculous. She's sure not the most considerate travel host since she's so goddamned demanding on a trip full of drunks who just wanna chillax and eat at their own leisure---calm down and drink a margarita pitcher, Beth! That said, I loved nasty drunk Dorinda this episode. She was like a slurring Joey Soprano. Anyone who took that shit she was bellowing seriously needs a head check. She veered into nasty drunk land, but at least she made it nice with Beth by the next day. Oh Sonja...just when I think LuAnn was the drunkest of the ladies on this trip, Sonja goes and shows just what a wild lush she truly is. The crown of Drunkest of them All still belongs to Sonja In the City!! Oh yes, now that was hilarious!! Good take on an otherwise pointless stealth bitch moment.
  10. Her poor surgeried-up eyes...her eyes have gone from bug-eyed to wonk-eyed: o O
  11. Even though I go to the one closest to me maybe once or twice a year at the most, I really dig Aldi and their system. Not only do they enforce that brilliant cart system((because it appears that most Americans are either too lazy to return carts, or in some urban areas, will often *steal* carts)), but they allow their cashiers to humanely sit down while they scan your groceries and they don't bother with sackers or providing paper/plastic bags! You sacking your own groceries + your own sacks= cheaper groceries, go figure. As for a shop I'll never support? Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has ruined this country by systematically putting smalltown merchants out of business one rural area at a time. Plus, the greedy Walton family are truly evil and treat their workers like slaves. I really applaud cities like Asheville, NC who are standing up to the Waltons and putting laws into place that will truly benefit their own communities/support local commodities and not just make the insanely rich Waltons even richer.
  12. Tuesdays bother me even more than Mondays and/or Thursdays. That's the most random day of the week that somehow makes it feel like the week is never ending---at least Thursdays are one day before Friday, so it feels like the silent preface to the weekend. I hit happy hour a lot on Tuesdays just to spice things up and make the day somehow feel more special; I guess most everyone else agrees since most bars have regular specials on that day(("two-for-one", "taco Tuesday", etc)).
  13. Seriously. After this episode I'm considering giving this one up finally, despite me saying this every season from its first one; I only watch it out of boredom now. I don't like anyone on here but Asa, and her literal earth mother schtick is increasingly more smug with each episode---I liked her better as a mysterious Persian "pop priestess" shilling her gypsy juice, but I'm glad she's so excited about becoming a mother. Boring episode overall, despite the "offensive" party((more like offensively boring)) and a completely random Janice Dickerson cameo; this was the wrong season for GG to suddenly give up her Lochnessa side---the idea of her even attempting to spar with the likes of Janice was tv gold that was sadly never mined!!!
  14. She looked like Chrissie Hynde's evil twin and acted like a nasty twat to basically everyone on the show but Luann and Kuckoo Kelly. She often had a really ugly scowl on her face that got uglier when she was forced to interact with her perceived mortal enemy, Sonja; how dare she conduct a business call during a Sexy Sonja's toaster oven breakfast gathering!! She very much helped divide the cast into that stupid "Blondes Vs Brunettes" a'la "Talls Vs Smalls" separation that existed during that unusually dark season. She ran her own oddly successful waxing studio. She had a creepy close relationship with her brother. She was deservedly single yet undeservedly decided to raise her then twin infants((I think she had them herself via insimination and not via a surrogate?)), which she barely seemed to show any real affection for onscreen and was often passing over to several nannies? Definitely a textbook case of "kids as accessories" because she seemed like she hated them otherwise and regarded them merely as ornaments to display how she was an awesomely successful businesswoman who truly did "have it all" despite proving to us the complete opposite.((lest we forget how she didn't even know how to handle her own child during lunch in a restaurant before desperately phoning up a nanny to assist)). I loathe Cindy Barshop the most out of ALL the lame real housewives who have ever darkened Bravo's onscreen doorstep. Even Danielle Staub. Even Brandi Granville. Even Kelly Dodd!!! She honestly didn't have one single redeeming element about her whatsoever.
  15. I really liked it too!! I read it years ago when she first put it out and was very impressed---not sure if she had a ghost writer or not, but it was a fun dose of glittery chick lit, nevertheless. And I'm so happy for her and Scott; hopefully things work out for those two. He seems like a big sweet teddy bear who really "gets" her vibe and feels lucky to have her. He kinda reminds me of my own husband---he's older than me and after years of dating cocky better looking fellows that treated me like shit, I fell for a sweet Southern gentleman who treated me like a goddess((and still does)), so I can understand Tinsley's((and Danni from SC too!)) excitement to finally date such a sweet and loving man, despite his looks. A big wallet((among other things)) always helps though, of course. ;)
  16. I keep up with Jenna on Instagram still because her video stories are so entertaining and wacky---she's quite literally a different person in real life than how boring and quiet she was on the show. She's almost spastic around her friends and as wild as a druggie; doesn't match the calm and almost zen-like character she portrayed on the show at all. It's funny how some people just freeze up on these shows!
  17. Let's not forget that Asa's "love" Jermaine actually appeared in his own quick 5 minute scene on the second season of this show. It was a quick and succinct little scene of him working in a recording studio as Asa gushed over their romance in her talking head and their "private" romantic relationship. That's the last we saw of him onscreen short of pictures; him growing up as a Jackson family member, I can actually understand his natural aversion to cameras and fame and respect his choice. I'm glad Asa respects that too: girl ain't no dummy and isn't going to rock that boat too much with her own fame-whorey tendencies. I forget exactly what she said in that one scene with him, but I think it was put in there just to shut everyone up about questioning her own onscreen lack of any romantic life portrayed.
  18. I will always be eternally thankful to Crooks simply for bringing this one hilarious statement to national television: ((while talking all about Vikki's son)) "I think he's the bomb-dot-COMMMM." To this day my husband and I still use that line incessantly as one of our goofy little inside jokes, but only while delivered with complete earnestness and with Crooks' signature Southern drawl.
  19. Seriously. Apparently in order to be a Real Housewife you must be willing to discuss the state of your vagina in detail and then later agree to receive some sort of vaginal treatment on camera. Real Housewives are absolutely obsessed with vaginas, babies, wine and public outbursts.
  20. I'm not gonna lie---mean as she was to whackadoodle Shannon, I lost it and snort laughed when KrayDudd was making bubble faces on the window at Lydia and Peggy. Bitch was crunk as Helllll! And then when she was laughing at Shannon lumbering and squawking all down that back hallway...I'm sorry, it was cruel as fuck, but goddamned did Kelly ever bring me fits of giggles with her ridiculous antics tonight. She amused me in horrible, horrible ways---even similarly cruel and gross Brandi Granville never quite made me cackle in guilt. Still hate KrayDudd and think she's an evil shrew, but I give her kadooze for still amusing the shit out of me...talk about poking the beast!
  21. I hate-watched the whole pathetic season of SC Savannah because it was so unintentionally HILARIOUS. It became a weekly hobby of my brother and mine to snort laugh ourselves silly over the stupidity of the most recent episodes and the even stupider nicknames we had for each cast member, like Sock King, Q-Ball, DrunkCat, Assley, UnHappy, Jewfro, Gay Nelson, Bitchy, etc...best line of the season: "I WANNA FUCKIN' MARRY YOU!!!" Obviously Bravo just couldn't handle such sophisticated humor and superb plotlines as hetero drag queens, surprise marriage proposals gone sour, a skateboarding Botox addict, nightly beer shotgunning and an awkward closed-door divorce announcement. My brother still holds out a shred of pathetic hope that we'll all end up punk'ed here and a surprise cast reunion will finally occur and his own favorite recent hate-watch will be renewed and restored like a Phoenix rising from the flames! Meanwhile I'm still all butthurt over the loss of "Gallery Girls".
  22. I don't like to shame someone's natural looks but I will shame bad plastic surgery: Kim's lips are fucking disgusting. They look like a shiny stack of fat slugs or a glazed baboon's ass!! She was once oddly attractive but now she's just a creepy blow-up doll with a bad nose job. Damned shame how much money she's blown on bad/unnecessary plastic surgery for her daughters and herself.
  23. I was just in Chicago for this past 4th of July weekend: perfect time to go! It's such a lovely city, especially when the weather is warmer. Definitely do a river architecture tour, preferably around early morning or 4pm---afternoon or sunset gets crazy crowded. Right by there is the lovely downtown river walk: lots of fun bars/eateries down there. Please just avoid the lousy chains. I also did a dinner cruise on The Odyssey II for the 4th((fireworks on the water!)) which was absolutely gorgeous. They do those nightly otherwise and you see a whole different side of the cityscape/water on there. Gotta go up to the Signature Tower for the view! You could go on the cheesy "Tilt" ride up there if you like heights and don't mind the wait, although if you're into the more elegant option, just get lunch or dinner at The Signature Room---great food, lovely vibe and all the views you can handle. Don't miss the Ladies Room view! You simply must hit the Art Institute: some of the most famous works of art/legendary artists in the world are in there. Seeing Monet's water lilies and "American Gothic" and Pollocks up close is such a rare treat. And then hit "The Bean" nearby and the fountains. I'm not a big fan of deep dish pizza, but if you're going to try it, either hit Giordano's((the main location)) or Lou Milnati's---those are among the best originals in the city. If you like experimental Asian with a Korean twist, hit Publican's sister restaurant Parachute. If you love seafood, the brunch buffet at Shaw's Seafood House is exquisite. German food? The Berghoff! Lots of great beer up there and Revolution is an excellent local brewery/eatery indeed. Haymarket Brewing is great too. If you like cocktails, right up the street from Revolution is this fun cocktail bar known as Spilt Milk. My personal favorite cocktail bar I hit in Chicago was this underground tiki bar called Three Dots And a Dash---they make some of the craziest tiki drinks you'll ever injest and it's such a retro chic joint! Just get down there at non-busier times((don't bother with a typical Friday/Saturday night 7pm-midnight)), otherwise it'll be standing room only. I also hit this fun rooftop bar for frozen rose atop the Chicago Athletic Club called Cindy's Rooftop---go there in the daytime for better views/ledge room. As for New Orleans, I'm a regular visitor there. Things you must do while there: take a haunted tour, take a boat tour of the bayou/swamps, take a very good city/cemetery tour, visit NOMA, take a trolley to the garden district and explore the area, try to do a historical homes tour in the Quarter if you ever see one offered, walk and explore their lovely city park. Bars you must visit while there: Tujagues, Napolean House, Jean Leffite's, Carousel Bar((it's in the Hotel M.---actual carousel that slowly revolves as you drink!)), Pat O'Brians, Oak, Maple Leaf, Bombay Club, Snake & Jake's, Bouligny Tavern, Cooter Brown's, LOA... Restaurants you must eat at while there((I'm spelling half of these wrong)): Gallitoire's, Brennan's, Antoine's, Bayona, Jaquimo, Commander's Palace, Mulate's, Mother's, Luke, NOLA... And coffee & beignets at Cafe Du Monde and/or Morning Call is simply a *requirement*!!
  24. I've known a few of these annoyingly self-impressed social outcast types myself; Hell, this sounds like my own brother---these folks really do think they've got it alllll figured out. It's not them with the problem, it's everyone else! Small talk is for pussies! They consider themselves to be "real" and everyone else is "fake". Because God forbid you slap on a smile and treat folks with courtesy and manners like a civilized human being, nahhh, that's being so phony to "real" folks like that. Yep, good job getting/keeping a job and having healthy/mature adult relationships with that attitude. But at least they're keeping it "real", right? Real assholes indeed.
  25. Nope, definitely not Slade---that actor's face/nose is rounder, his ears stick out more and his hair falls differently than Slade's. Fugly actor: Fugly Slade:
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