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Everything posted by 4leafclover

  1. http://odditymall.com/licki-brush-cat-lick-brush Not to change the subject but.....I saw this on FB and immediately thought of Whitney. lol
  2. Nah, I chalk it up to Hollywood writers who like to televise their fantasies about what real jobs entail instead of doing a little research and finding out the truth. How many female actresses playing cops, lawyers or nurses do so while showing cleavage, short skirts and 6 inch high heels? It's like the writers have never observed (or will never acknowledge) how difficult some careers are, and not all professions require showing their assets, flirting, sleeping with doctors or pretending they're not married. Oh well, I suppose it makes for good TV............. Oh, and one more thing about pharm reps--they very rarely actually see/speak to a doctor. Most of the time they interact with the nurses and PA's. The doctors (for the most part) are too busy and do not want to be bothered.
  3. I've known many pharmaceutical reps--both professionally and personally. I've not known a single rep to flirt, remove a wedding ring, show body parts or "lie" in order to be successful. In fact, their companies insist they dress professionally and act accordingly. And for the record, every pharmaceutical company I have dealt with required the minimum of a Bachelor's degree for their sales staff--so a "real" Penny would never have gotten through the front door (even if a good friend helped her).
  4. Or any big boy pants? I swear, he dresses like Bobby Hill on King of the Hill!
  5. Looked like his trips to the ER resulted in a dose of IV Dilaudid (good for a really quick high), followed by a pain pill chaser upon discharge.
  6. I agree and I wish she would ditch the hair extensions. Her natural hair and that style were lovely on her.
  7. I'm a retired Psychiatric/Substance Abuse nurse in Texas. I can tell you that a patient is admitted to an inpatient facility to complete a medical detox from certain substances that would otherwise cause life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. Opiates, alcohol, heroin, meth and narcotics fall under this rule. When the patient is safely detoxed (which typically takes no more than 5-10 days, depending on the substance), he/she is then discharged from the inpatient unit UNLESS there are dangerous psychiatric symptoms prevailing (these being suicidal ideation, danger to self or others or hallucinations). The rest of the treatment is done outpatient--either in a day treatment program, a live-in rehab setting or with an outpatient therapist, and all substance abuse treatment is voluntary--does not fall within the laws of involuntary commitments. When I was working, Medicaid and Medicare would pay for the detox and some outpatient individual therapy programs but not a live-in rehab setting (we called them residential care). Even it they did, the patient is required to be self-sufficient in terms of self care. No residential treatment facility is going to wait hand and foot on a 700 pound immobile man-child. They are expected to wash their own clothes, keep their rooms clean, attend 12 step meetings and even go to job interviews. There are typically no nurses and the doctors come in to speak with the patient on a weekly (not daily) basis. I'm sure given Steven's physical issues, he was expected to continue his treatment with his home therapist. Also, I'm not sure I buy that he received all of those bottles of pain meds from hospitals and pharmacies--Medicare/Medicaid will only pay for so many prescriptions and they are carefully monitored. That many pills in such a short time would surely cause a red flag. And, how did he get them? Very few (if any) pharmacies deliver prescriptions anymore and he sure didn't go pick them up in an ambulance. And I've never heard of an ER sending a patient out with an Rx for more than 10-20 pills. I think he has made a connection with someone in his housing "project" who helps him get the pills from a pill mill (still plenty of those around), probably using his name to receive the scripts for him. His father is probably helping pay for them, thinking he is sending pizza money. Where there's a will, there is a way.
  8. She used the "bad knees" excuse at her workout with the Trophy Wives as the reason she couldn't "go low."
  9. Yes! Thank you. That is a pet peeve of mine, along with saying the word "like" 12 times in every sentence and completely skipping the letter "t" (as in, "impor-unt"). Whitney was remembering when she was 15 years old and went to NY on a class trip and Babs made her dress in a navy blue "Hillary" pantsuit, flats and fringe bangs when all the other kids were wearing "pleather and leopard." Whitney said, "I looked like someone's tour guide. How embarrassing it was." To which Babs responded, "Well look at you now and how embarrassing that is to me!" Yeah, I couldn't believe she said that either! lol
  10. "Oh meh leggggggs!" James K. "How y'all doin'?" and "What is your eating habit?" Dr. Now
  11. I don't know if this has already been answered sufficiently, as I've only read to page 12 so far, but my semi-professional theory regarding the cellulitis (I'm not a doctor, but I am an RN, although I've had very little dealings with the super-obese) is---James initially had lymphedema on his legs, which can cause cellulitis. It looked like the cellulitis was on top of the lymphedema (cellulitis can occur on the surface of the skin, in which case the systemic spread of the bacteria would not occur). I believe that is why he was not in need of IV antibiotics.
  12. I'm not surprised she is trying to convince everyone she might be bisexual or a lesbian. After all, she's been passing herself off as a "dancer" since the show started!
  13. Well, here's a tidbit we can all enjoy. Apparently she calls herself a "Juggalette." Looking this up, I found this definition; juggalo For the most part, an uneducated, pathetic excuse for a human being who listens to the group ICP who are bold enough to actually consider themselves musicians. People you see wearing "hatchet-man" accesories. They should not be allowed to reproduce, because that is too cruel to future generations. ICP isn't rap, it isn't metal, it isn't rap/metal, and it isn't horrorpop. There is only one way to properly categorize ICP; unnecessarily and unartfully offensive and obnoxious noise. That juggalo is stupid enough to think that ICP is music. #juggalo #juggalette #icp #insane clown posse #wicked clowns #shit #terrible I think this pretty much defines the whole family................... Nicole does have a Facebook fan page that I'm assuming is public--this is her invitation; If you wanna follow my journey of please go to my fan page and click the like button so you can keep up :) https://www.facebook.com/Nicole-Lewis-My-600lb-Life-143685…/
  14. You have to go to Whitney Way Thore's Facebook page to witness the tongue bathing of Whitney by her fans.
  15. For the first time since the Penny story, I wanted to stand at the Houston city limits and yell at these people to turn around, go back, we're closed for business! Dr. Now had packed up and left town! But uh, please leave the babies and the pets here.
  16. I'm sick of Whitney's indignation over anything that she deems a threat to her pseudo-feminism. Someone should tell her that in order to be considered a "feminist," she should at least quit relying on men to pick her up off the snow, help make her house payments or co-sign her mortgage.
  17. Some things that were shown during the Supersized episode that might answer some questions: Ashley is a nurse in a retirement home. However, it was not clear if she is an RN or LVN and by "retirement home" I'm thinking that means nursing home. Doug tried to have WLS once before with a different doctor, even losing 100 pounds yet the doctor still did not approve him for surgery. He had a small stroke at age 35 at which time he weighed 544 pounds. Although Ashley served non-nutritional meals to the whole family, after Doug's surgery Cooper was shown eating a meal that consisted of a protein, broccoli and what looked like cauliflower or rice, I couldn't tell. Ashley had lap band surgery but the band eroded into her stomach and it had to be surgically removed.
  18. Ok, let's not jump to conclusions about a pregnancy just because we saw and heard a nurse say "It's positive." There could be a million reasons for the nurse to say that.......for instance, Whitney could have asked the nurse if she had the results of Whitney's recent psychiatric evaluation to rule out attention-seeking, self-centered narcissist. The nurse would have surely said "It's positive." Or maybe Whitney asked the nurse if she knew anything about her show being perceived as phony as hell. Nurse: "It's positive." Whitney could've asked the nurse if she was sure the scale showed a weight gain. Nurse: "It's positive." See where I'm going with this?
  19. I don't want to be too nit-picky, but if Randall's mother had actually been addicted to drugs and continued to use during her pregnancy, baby Randall would not have been as sweet and quiet as he was portrayed. Sadly, the newborns of drug addicted women constantly cry and writhe in pain until they are put in the NICU and given meds to help them with their own withdrawals.
  20. As much as I love this show and look forward to it each week, I apparently do not look closely enough at every piece of paper that flickers across the screen or remember the actor's expressions when they say a line. That being said, it has been mentioned here several times that Miguel married his "dead friend's wife." Do we know for sure Miguel married Rebecca after Jack died and not before? Do we know for sure that Jack and Rebecca didn't divorce? I admit my ADHD often has me thinking of tomorrow's dinner plans while the TV is on, so I'm wondering if I missed this being revealed?
  21. Ok, I've looked them both up on the internet and Henry Foots is definitely the patient who died in 2013 but Dr. Michael Dow is a psychotherapist who is shown to be the "host" of the show in season 1. I don't remember there ever being a host. Very confusing indeed.
  22. I am pretty sure Henry Foots was a former patient who died about 3 years ago. He lost almost 500 pounds. Maybe it was a dedication?
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