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Everything posted by 4leafclover

  1. Speaking of attractiveness, I saw a TH flashback (don't know when it was filmed, at least a few years ago before her constant drama with Matt) of Briana and she was reasonably attractive. Her hair color and choice of style complemented her facial structure and her make-up wasn't so overbearing. Now it's as though her features are too harsh and her hair and eyebrows are too dark. Or maybe it's just years of living with Matt.
  2. Congratulations on being a cancer survivor! I know that's a long, hard road to conquer.
  3. I think we have a new name for these 90 day marriages--RELATIONSHITS!
  4. So, looks like next week's episode will be yet another "theme" show--80's PROM! Geesh, if spa day, steam-your-vagina-day, motorcycle day, hiking day, bubble-wrap day, freeze-your-head-day, trampoline day, hundreds of lunches, brunches, dinners and happy hours, thousands of bogus trips, etc. didn't get these "girls" back on track, then surely a PROM day will do it! What took so long?
  5. lol--just have to ask. Was that a typo or intentional? Either way, it fits!
  6. I've only seen one C-section, in nursing school and if I remember correctly the physician lifted the uterus up and out and gently massaged it looking for blood clots and/or other abnormalities. I did not see the intestines being pulled out, that seems weird and unnecessary. But maybe this is something new, I've been out of nursing school for a long time.
  7. I totally agree on this! These "girls" have been on more trips in the last year than I've been on in my entire adult life. The formula for this show is getting tiring--make amends with one "friend" while alienating another, go on an expensive vacation with people you hate, when you get there scream obscenities and make everyone miserable, rinse and repeat. In real life, I wouldn't go anywhere with these friendly abusers, much less drag my poor husband along so he can stand around and watch the inevitable fireworks. What little interest I had in the original concept for this show has waned into a lackluster effort in hate-watching.
  8. And am I the only one not believing she is 20?
  9. Pao knew who Russ and his family were and that they were "beige" before she married him.
  10. Well, she needs a Recharge IV infusion, because she's sooooooo busy! lol
  11. I thought Preston was an actor/producer. The TMZ guy in the segment upthread said Preston was working at the airport, taking baggage? Must have been more of a steady job than the acting/producing route.
  12. Oh my gosh----so funny, and yet soooooo wrong!!! I would be beyond angry if I worked for and planned an Alaskan vacation only to be in the midst of a gaggle of screaming, cursing, fist-pumping, little women jumping up and down in each other's faces. I would probably grab one of them and drag her to the bathroom and wash her mouth out with soap and then give her a lecture on vacation manners and plop her in a corner for a time-out. Good grief, I couldn't understand a word they were screaming at each other for all the bleeps they had to add. I wouldn't have enjoyed listening to it in Alaska and I didn't enjoy listening to it in my living room. Someone in that group is going to stroke-out if they don't calm down!
  13. I just had a thought. The Browns bought their McMansions in December of 2012--this December will mark the 5th year. Wasn't the builder-financed-interest-only-loan good for 5 years? If so, that means they will all have to secure new financing or come up with the money to pay off 4 huge balloon notes in less than 6 months.
  14. Oh Briana, as much as I dislike Terra, the word "fierce" does not belong to you. True, Terra likely knew how much you would like to identify as fierce and used the word to show dominance and to get to you but you should have seen this coming. But don't panic, I have some suggestions for your new word. How about fearful, feeble, flighty, phony, or featherbrained? And if you want a hashtag to describe your marriage, how about docile, subservient, mousy, submissive or timid? I'm sure Terra would let you have any one (or more) of these words for your very own.
  15. When I see quotation marks around a statement, I just assume that is being quoted verbatim. If it is just your perspective or your opinion, quotation marks are inappropriate.
  16. Yes, there are people who are shocked it was canceled. People who enjoyed it for the family comedy it was. And for the record, I watched every episode and I cannot recall when Eve said she hated Boyd and that she hated being a girl. Can you tell me which episodes those quotes came from? She never showed symptoms of "misogyny" or "white, privileged male" either. Good grief.
  17. Welllllll, did you forget? Matt is going to be a big bad MMA fighter and Brianna is going to be a singer/model/author/dancer/fairy/unicorn so they have a very rich future ahead of them! lol
  18. Not to be mean but, Penny's mother is Terra and her father is Joe. Really, is there anything there to smile about?
  19. I thought I was the only person who felt this way. I may have to stop watching this show simply because of this annoying habit. It is like nails on a chalkboard.
  20. OMG, how could I forget to mention Kerry Gordy and the way he completely ignored that beautiful singing voice and then refused to groom her as the next Mariah Carey! lol
  21. I still can't grasp the idea that in her mid 30's, Brianna becomes a runway "model." And an author. And a dancer. What's next, a superhero? lol I'm no fan of hers, but to have it spread all over TV that you have body odor funk is embarrassing!
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