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Everything posted by Lastwaltz

  1. I have when under stress - more than that, actually. Lost 7 pounds over one very harrowing weekend of worry. Not saying a vacation in Lake Tahoe lives up to the word "harrowing" lol but in my experience it's possible, that's all.
  2. Wow, your Dad sounds like quite a guy and partner!
  3. I wish I hadn't added that last part as it was the least important part of my post, lol, an afterthought really.
  4. Point taken about this being a HW show. But the purpose of those seminars are so that we can all carry what we learned, or at least operate with a keener awareness, of these kinds of situations in our lives. That doesn't end when the seminar is over -- its purpose is to educate us so that we can act with that knowledge later. Intent is indeed valuable to consider, but how do we actually know what Luann's intent was?
  5. I knew that :)! The more recent Eve stories would have been so much more compelling for me with Charlotte, if they had the sense to write them like they used to. Sigh for what could have been.
  6. Nuance, lol? Ron doesn't know the meaning of the word 🤣 I would have loved Charlotte Ross back but not for this stuff.
  7. The only people who "make good money" from being in a band are famous. She's smart enough to know that marrying a musician is taking the risk that you'll be supporting your family. I supported my family as the main breadwinner and yes, it sucked sometimes. It's a lot of pressure to be that person and know that your performance at work makes the difference between paying the mortgage and getting evicted. It's also a great source of pride. And I believe I said I was sympathetic to Katherine's woes -- because shit happens to people all the time. Having an affair with Alan will only make her feel more guilty about Eddie and Theo. Adding on 4/27: I get it mods, won't happen again.
  8. Unpopular opinion coming up, but I'm much more sympathetic about Eddie's situation than others. He's in a wheelchair, robbed of his mobility and independence, and is losing his family. This is not small stuff. As for Katherine's woes -- women have been the sole breadwinners supporting their families for decades; this is not new at all, and it was pretty much what she signed up for. I'm sympathetic to her becasue her life's been tossed upside down by things beyond her control, but that tends to happen to all of us, doesn't it? She needs to work out her feelings about all of it, for sure, but Alan is not the way to do that. I may just be off on my own on this, but here I am, lol.
  9. I'm curious enough to tune in at least once for the same reason, lol. He could have done a 180 and be into weight lifting, steroids, and triathalons for all we know : )
  10. Anyone else notice the Morphine songs in the background? A nice nod to Boston music history, too. I think I watch this show more for the Boston-ness of it than the plot. Sloppy accents aside : )
  11. Haha, if that isn't the perfect description of gentrification, lol.
  12. I don't get this sweeping generalization at all.
  13. Ha! Even more trivia -- I was at Brigham and Women's recovering from having my daughter that week! My husband and I had just been outside for a little walk the same night. I remember my mother saying "I cried for that man" when Charles Stuart jumped off the Tobin bridge.
  14. Oooh, now that's intriguing! Why not?
  15. The sex talk reminded me of my awkward one with my daughter when she asked me about it when she was pretty young -- I think 8 or 9. I gave her the "when two people are in love" spiel and skirted the graphic mechanics at first. I figured if she was still curious she's ask me more questions. Instead, she said kind of under her breath, "Wow. Gramma and Grampa must love each other A LOT." I'm one of seven kids, lol.
  16. Has anyone watched the Netflix series "In the Dark" - ? Casey Diedrick is doing a great job as one of the main characters. A good show!
  17. Right. This is one of those instances where the relationship meant much more to her than it did to him (I think he was her first everything and she wasn't his first anything), and she wasn't going to be able to make it important to him. She did that for her, not for him. It was strange. Yes - this is what I meant by strange. We've seen the back story of their bad relationship, but the show hasn't really told us that Kate needed this kind of closure. To throw it in here like this seems sudden and unearned. I think the fact that it resulted in an abortion makes that relationship a LOT more significant than a typical teenage 6 months relationship. To Kate, anyway, and since Marc had no idea about the pregnancy, her viewpoint is the one that's important to the story. She needed closure about the abortion, not necessarily Marc. In my view, of course.
  18. This is so disappointing. I loved Chad back when he and Abby were getting together. Billy was much more into THAT Chad.
  19. @Stats Queen - thank you, but please don't feel the need to explain yourself or your post to me : ) I'm glad you saw your way out of that awful situation, and I'm sorry that all of this probably brought it all up for you again.
  20. But he tried to CHOKE her, didn't he? What should be the consequences? (rhetorical question, not just to you, Mu Shu!)
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