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Everything posted by Lastwaltz

  1. Ah! Of course, @QueenSerena -- I was looking for anvils instead of nuance 🙂 I think the Summer-being-responsible speculation is right on target. I hate to see Maggie fall apart and I bet Brady will be off dealing with his own angst over whatever-the-hell with Kristin. And she won't even have Xander to confide in. Oh, aaargh, if they somehow have Maggie guiltly bond with Kristin or Gabi because they're each responsible for someone's death, I'll be PISSED.
  2. I didn't pick up any hints! Am I dense this morning? Poor Suzanne -- going through the wringer in service of Ron's ridiculous plots. Although this one angle is pretty good and soapy, I admit.
  3. Somehow, Gabi's comeuppance wasn't as entertaining as I thought it would be. The pacing sucked -- how many times could Lani have just said out loud what Gabi did instead of staring at her with breasts heaving in her negligee? I suppose that was dramatic flair, but for me it was soooo tired. But mostly what I felt yesterday was sadness for JJ -- he looked wrecked in every scene, and I caught a lump in my throat as we walked out the door. Even if he comes back someday, I doubt it will be Casey Moss, and that's a damn shame. With all of that, it was good to see Jack and Jennifer -- oh, the scene between Jack and JJ when he told him he was proud! -- but now they're off to Africa for god knows how long.
  4. What??? Gabi's the match?? And the child's parents (real and supposed) are not? Major eyeroll, Ron.
  5. I LOVED Nick, and his twisted story with the original and my forever Eve, Charlotte Ross. They don't do soap like that anymore!
  6. Remember back when Nightime Hope was living at the Kiriakis mansion? Daytime Hope and Justin approached a hookup with a kiss or two. They were okay as a couple, but maybe they need to give Hope a rest anyway.
  7. Wow, in just a few days, @CanaryFan98? Will he go off to Africa with the fam and just never come back?
  8. I agree, @DaphneCat -- I think the actors are trying to signal to us that it will be worth it once they get past this stupid plot line, lol.
  9. I saw that, too, and I wondered if Nichols just couldn't help himself or if it was a deliberate acting choice. Either way, I liked it!
  10. Awww, now I just love these two guys for real. It's a bit navel-gazing but I enjoyed seeing them work through all of their feelings about the end of their time at Days, bringing up old scenes that were memorable for them. Thanks for bringing this here, @QueenSerena! And so interesting when Freddie talks about filming the Adrienne's dead scenes with Wally and Chandler - he actually says his emotional reaction surprised even him. We wondered over on Current about that.
  11. Yikes, they have a heavy hammer hand over there, @superdeluxe -- having hate for Smith is a bit over the top. He's done nothing polarizing like Abigail or Gabi -- he basically been a mensch all these years.
  12. Brilliant idea. Missed opportunity for sure.
  13. Ha! I guess I did forget! Okay, looks like she's a little screetchy sometimes, lol.
  14. Super curious about Camila's mysterious post. Does she have a habit of exposing her emotions on social media or is this outburst significant because it's unique? Verrrrry interesting.
  15. That's sad news about WilSon.. They better have them go off happily into the sunset together to make a fresh start far away from Salem.
  16. Oh, that's a very good point, and one that I bet will come back to haunt Kayla. She'll be wracked with guilt that she could think Steve would ever disregard his children. Of course it'll be her fault. Oy. The whole phone thing was weird. These people live by their phones and devices. Hell, there's a whole plot revolving around Gabi's phone.
  17. Oh of course, Michael T. Weiss. There is no other Mike Horton in my world, lol.
  18. Ha! I actually read that earlier today. Hope he knows we invoked his name today, lol.
  19. I loved the old Mike Horton! And his relationship with kid sister Jenn was sweet, too.
  20. They know exactly what they're doing, @howmanywords -- getting us all swept up in Bo nostalgia. Bastards, lol.
  21. Well, you all covered that episode so well I don't have much to add! Except that I chortled out loud when Ciara had to walk across a room to the window to see if it was dark outside. Was the room darker that it was in the midafternoon, Ciara? That would be a clue. But despite my strong dislike for the Ben/Ciara pairing, that last scene with the motorcycle was very Bo-esque and for that reason alone, I loved it. Thank GOD, this stupid Stefano/Steve/Hope/Gina mess looks to be ending soon. Then can we get back to some Jack/Jennifer stuff? I'd love for them to work together solving a mystery like the old days. If only Vern could come back, too.
  22. Three babies were born that night? Was the third just a throwaway comment by Kayla or Haley or did we learn any more about that? Totally with you on Lani, @boes. I never took to her (the actress or the character, not sure which if not both), and while she's not responsible for the plot's stupidity, she's been the least sympathetic character on the canvas. And that includes Kristen.
  23. Not sure where this belongs, but I had a fun twitter exchange with Eileen Davidson today. (PSA: I'm angry on twitter a lot, and not as nice in general, lol, so if you are also there and follow me, you'll see a lot of angry political posts. I know that's not everyone's thing.)
  24. Thanks @Sidney! I'll watch yesterday and today but then cut my losses. I want to see more of Jack and Jenn, too -- would have loved to see them on an adventure to find the truth about Gina, etc., but no such luck.
  25. So I haven't watched any episodes this week except for maybe Monday's....I'm tempted to start fresh next week rather than try to catch up, especially considering I have 5 Manifests, 3 This is Us's, 2 New Amsterdams, an Outsider, nearly a entire season of Shameless, and god knows what else in my queue. Impeachment has been a real time suck, lol. Are there scenes I ought not to miss?
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