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Everything posted by Lastwaltz

  1. GOD. I kept wondering why I was being subjected to Elizabeth's ass the entire time. And none of the wives called her out on it? I will say this, though -- she has a flawless face. Wish her personality matched.
  2. Me too : ) The musical director for this show is on point.
  3. Wow. Haven't been watching since the lockdown last spring, mainly because I was spending a LOT more time with my husband and lost some solo TV time. A fair trade, lol. I've kept up a bit by reading here but am not tempted in the least to watch this show again -- were the storylines always this crappy or is it the distance that gives me clear vision? I have nostalgic affection for a lot of characters but I seem to have lost the connection I felt to the show. I feel sad!
  4. Haha! I think she'd love this - she's a huge Bowie fan : ) (waves to old friends! Not sure I'll get back into watching daily, but I love visiting here; hope all's well!)
  5. And I like Spike so much better anyway. So, still not able to catch many episodes and finding that I'm all right with that for now. But I'll never quit this show entirely, lol. Anxious to see how the summer goes.
  6. Argh, I'm finding it impossible to keep up with the episodes, but I'm gathering all I need, I think, from all of you : ) Hoping I can get back in the routine soon!
  7. Wow those Abby hallucinations were VERY scary! I REALLY hope it's not Chad, or a part of Chad he's not aware of, or something. I skimmed through Lani and Kristen cause I knew the outcome -- I can't hear Kirsten whisper-screaming any longer. Nope, not doing it. And Kayla's hair suddenly looks much better! That's all I got. I'm a day behind, lol.
  8. Hmm -- I don't doubt this is the case, but when I picture 90s clothes, it's a lot of long skirts and jackets with Titanic-inspired jewelry. Think Elaine on Seinfeld or that period's Law&Order DAs, lol. Or jeans and flannel, etc. Funny.
  9. Exactly how I feel. And Kayla is, indeed, pissed! Loved that bit of clip in the promo.
  10. So much to "unpack" as the tired saying goes. First, Ron is way off the mark about what he thinks the audience likes and dislikes, isn't he? Or is it just us? Second -- no to the Hope and Steve bonding. Honestly, blech -- as long as they don't share so much as a kiss, I guess I can handle it. But just ick. Ben/Ciara -- getting married, ho hum. But maybe that will cause Ciara and her mother to interact. Ericole -- I have no interest in them whatsoever. Abigail missing from a hospital AGAIN? God, Ron, get some new ideas at least.
  11. @JBC344 -- it was pretty political, a reaction to an inflammatory video of some of the Michigan protests that day. I hesitate to reconstruct it here -- I'm sure we're all a mixed bag of opinions and this is my "don't think about the world so much" hangout, lol. I can find it if there's a hue and cry for the background 🙂
  12. I preferred Bo with Carly, so that's where I am on the Hope spectrum. lol.
  13. Thanks @Irlandesa -- this would sound a lot better if I had any confidence in the writing team, lol.
  14. Ugh, really, they're doing this? I thought it was speculation, if good spec. UGH.
  15. Not so much Abigail, but I have noticed that they're all knocking back whiskey, which I thought was new. I liked Jake/Stefan and didn't even notice an accent, lol. This could be good! I did pick up on some ambiguous looks that Jake had on his face -- ones that are hard for me to describe but definitely piqued my "maybe he really is Stefan" vibes. Just twice, but I thought BB gave some meaning to them. Who knows, but I'm glad to see this actor back.
  16. Oh I'm sorry, Retired, but this makes me happy. At least if they give them more to do than be insufferable, which I admit they kind of are lately. As CanaryFan put it: I'm intrigued by Jake/Stefan -- hope this is as promising as it sounds. It'll be fun to see Gabi do something more than (as someone awesome here said) flare her nostrils and huff and puff. A little romantic tension is just what the doctor ordered while we suffer through Kristen being a lunatic, Brady propping her up, and Ciara/Ben doing whatever the hell it is they're doing. Here also for the Kayla/Patch redux, too, of course. And if Chabby are around more, hopefully Jack and Jenn will have more to do than be Tom and Alice Horton -- hell, even Julie gets more actual plot than they do.
  17. Hmmmm, BB's return as not-Stefan intrigues me. I really liked him as Stefan, so I have high hopes that this new character won't suck. Otherwise, the rest of the previews are just depressing. Or I'm depressed. All I know for sure is that I'm beginning to loathe Kristen and her wailing like many of you despise Abigail.
  18. Thank you, Buckeye 🙂 It was in 2017, so some time has passed, and we were lucky enough to welcome her healthy sister, Mackenzie, last May. I just wish I could see them every day like I did before this damn virus!
  19. @tribeca -- that's also not a healthy way to live! We can't be afraid in our homes, especially now. Not sure what to advise, but if it seems possible, maybe let him know? Lay it on thick, tell him you have an anxiety/panic disorder or something. It's okay to lie a little under these circumstances 🙂 And I hear you about your legs, lol!
  20. Ugh, Kristen is making me f'ing nuts. My daughter lost a baby in a stillbirth and has never, ever behaved as awfully as this woman. I have no idea why Brady is willingly attaching himself to this banshee. I know, I know, the baby. But god, what kind of life will this be for any of them? And Brady, you already have a baby, Tate, remember? God, sometimes I hate this show.
  21. @Frozendiva -- yikes. It sounds like they've willfully terrorized you. I don't blame you for defending yourself! I hope this improves for you soon.
  22. I don't know if it's the way I watch now -- the show is in a corner of my screen, often obscured by the work or other stuff I'm doing -- but yesterday's episode was kind of dull. And I usually think any ep with Chad and Abby in it is automatically a good one. I always enjoy Kate, so was glad to have scene with her in it. (Eeeuwww, remember when they tried to push Kayla and Abe together romantically?) But otherwise, meh. I didn't even enjoy the Kayla and Justin scenes because of course she'll go back to Steve (where she belongs, in my opinion). They're both doing a good job, but again -- without the investment in their love story's buildup, I just don't feel anything about them as a couple. She and Patch are endgame. Case closed. Steve and Hope? Boring, too. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood : )
  23. @Frozendiva -- that's just intolerable, especially under these conditions. From what you said at first, I pictured little ones -- but you're saying they're young adults (25?)? Crazy and unacceptable. I hope you get out from under somehow! @boes - a fine network you have there, and I'm not surprised. Karma and all. My mother's doctor was our down-the-street neighbor long ago, and I remember him sprinting up to the house on more than one occasion. She was devastated when he retired. Now that my doctor for 30 years has also retired, I know how she feels!
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