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Everything posted by Phebemarie

  1. Alex's description is misleading. He's from Oregon and attended a community college in a town near his home.
  2. Nothing significant happened after Mark's "Emma" other than hopeful looks between Mark and Emma (with supportive smiles from Maggie). Come on, USA Network! Give us season 3 in January.
  3. My On Demand only has 7 as well. I'm hoping they'll have it today. I thought the morning after fake-out was tricky, too. I'm glad there wasn't any "we're back together" talk from either party. Certainly they're too smart to use the old trope of an unexpected pregnancy, right?
  4. The bathroom scene was so well acted by both leads.
  5. Ooh, the temptations of On Demand. I've already watched Officer of the Year and look forward to everyone's thoughts.
  6. If it's any consolation, I read on the Playing House Twitter feed that the finale is a two-parter.
  7. Emma's over-the-top PDAs with Rabbi Dan and her complete obliviousness to her best pal's feelings made her seem like a teenager. She's too smart and perceptive for that.
  8. Izabella, a serger is a machine that binds the seams of knit wear to prevent raveling.
  9. I'm a child of the 70s, so whenever they showed Jason's creature it made me think a sleestak from Land of the Lost had gone to Mardi Gras and won some awesome lime green beads.
  10. I really enjoyed this weeks' show. I loved the mix of zany humor and heart-tugging moments. As joanne3482 so correctly pointed out, Mark and Tina's marriage was all about her needs; it's no wonder then he reacted so dramatically when Emma knocked his train set around. Maggie's dismissal of the woodshop teacher, her defense of Tina, and her scenes with Mark and Rod made her the star of this episode for me. I hope Playing House is doing well in the ratings. I'd love for them to get a third season.
  11. I hate to bring this up, but didn't Tim dissuade David from his first design? It seemed like he was paper piecing together something that Tim called constipated.
  12. Wayne Brady will be taking on the role of Lola in Kinky Boots when Billy Porter leaves this fall. Speculation is Wayne will begin around Thanksgiving.
  13. Yes, Rene's a French bulldog from Teaneck, New Jersey.
  14. Going to see Head Over Heels (written by Jeff Whitty) at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival this Saturday (if the smoke clears out from nearby fires). For many smaller schools like mine (we have fewer than 300 students), RnH musicals are difficult. A big chorus is a requirement in all those traditional shows. South Pacific would be impossible due to the number of males in the cast. Royalties have also gone up, making shows like The Sound of Music a bit of a financial stretch as well. Almost Maine is a really sweet, simple show . Schools are producing it because it has flexible casting and a variety of characters so a lot of kids are show-cased.
  15. Dion's little superior smirk when the social worker realized she'd been set up was adorable.
  16. I really disliked the episode where Bernadette and Howard fix Leonard up. That Leonard had so little self-worth that he would go on a second date with the woman seemed very out-of-character.
  17. Is the tropic-print shirt definitely Dean's? It's been really hot (100 degrees) in the Pacific Northwest this week. Maybe he's trying to stay relatively cool while he directs.
  18. I agree with Lillybee. As wonderful as that commercial is, the dog body language at the end makes me think the person holding the camera is telling the hound to stay and sit while the orangutan finishes its routine. Reminds me of a sibling rolling its eyes at a nuisance kid brother or sister.
  19. Yokosmom, if you're a theater fan and live near NYC, there is a musical coming to Broadway soon based on the life of Alexander Hamilton. It's written by Lin-Manual Miranda who wrote the Tony-winning musical, In the Heights. On topic: I am a big fan of John Adams, but I couldn't get past the tar and feathering scene in the first episode. HBO doesn't pull any punches where violence is concerned.
  20. Today it seems like the new Ford Edge commercial has been featured a lot. (It's the one with the equally ubiquitous "This is my Fight Song"). Since one of the key lines in the voice over is "I'll take those odds", I'm almost certain Jennifer Lawrence is providing the narration. Does anyone else agree?
  21. Couldn't Dean's comment about blood have been directed at himself, too? By this time, I'm sure that he feels the whole Winchester/Campbell line is cursed, not just Sam. Yep, what Aeryn said. :)
  22. What if instead of Lucifer possessing Dean, it's Michael? We wouldn't see that twist coming. Or how about this: the boys go through nefarious means to get the mark off, both compromising themselves and their ideals along the way. Miracle of miracles! Whatever means they take works! Joyous day! A minute later Supernatural god (in the form of John WInchester) shows up, and he's not amused.
  23. I'm worried that the Steins are going to harvest some Winchester body parts (like an arm, perhaps). I know it was already mentioned that Dean wouldn't be free of the mark if he cut off his arm, but I find it an odd coincidence that the writers allowed the Stein prisoner to escape the way he did. No one has mentioned the college student killed in the opening. The last time I've been as unsettled by the first first minutes of Supernatural was during the "My Bloody Valentine" episode. I use one of those scoops to make cookies, for Chuck's sake!
  24. That was just gross from the opening to the end.
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