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Everything posted by Phebemarie

  1. There's a great adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time currently showing at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival until November 1. Unpopular opinion: I have no interest in reading anything by Nicholas Sparks.
  2. The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver has always been a favorite of mine. It's one of her earliest books, and I suppose it seems a little dated now, but I've always loved it.
  3. I liked the structure of The Night Circus. The style was unique and kept me thinking. I'd also just read The Magicians and needed a break from self-centered teen-aged wizards. The love story wasn't really what kept me reading.
  4. I can't help feeling they kept Mitchell for the back stage drama he is starting to create. He's already teamed up with Korina to snark about Sandhya. Meanwhile Jefferson was shown as a nice man who was building a friendly rapport with other contestants.
  5. I watched a second interview with Jensen Ackles, He hints that Sam does something really bad to recover Dean. Would Sam use a time reset to prevent Dean from taking the mark and thus keep him from killing Abbadon? Would Sam go back in time and take the mark himself to "save" his brother? I also got the feeling that JA knew Dean would be himself again.
  6. The Night Circus is a beautifully written book. The structure of the novel is a bit complicated, but it's well worth the effort. I also enjoyed Where are You, Bernadette? Its funny and sarcastic surface is a hard-candy coating for a really sweet story about the bonds between a mother and daughter.
  7. I think The Dukes of Hazzard Auto Trader commercials are sort of adorable. It's a nice little blast from the past, and the fellas don't look too bad for 50 somethings. Maybe Auto Trader can do a follow-up with Fonzi trading off his motorcycle.
  8. Maybe Missouri's treatment seems even more unkind because "Home" is one of the first episodes that the audience sees Dean's vulnerability. The phone call to John always gets me. I remember at the time being impressed that JA brought so much characterization to such a brief moment. It changed the way I saw Dean.
  9. Julia looked a little nervous last night before she pulled ahead in the second round. After she said, "Let's make it a true daily double" and missed, she seemed rattled. I like her a lot as champion.
  10. I think I have it. Sam finds Dean near death after a futile attempt to kill Metatron. He holds his brother and weeps on his shoulder as Dean admits he was wrong and dies. Sam begs for help, saying he'd do anything to save his brother. Dean's eyes open, and of course, he is a demon. Metatron pops into the frame, claps his hands and says, "Oh, goody!" as the season ends. The season comes full circle; everyone's had pay back for mistakes they've made. It's the worst possible outcome-a typical Supernatural finale.
  11. Wouldn't it be nice if the title of the finale "Do You Believe in Miracles?" actually meant something wonderful was going to happen in the last second? I could endure something horrible happening (everybody dead, dying and demonized) if it meant that the SPN god popped in and at the last second and set us back to an earlier time where the only worry the boys had was the family business (saving people and hunting things).
  12. There are more spoilers out there touting the last frame of the finale saying we won't be able to wait for next season when we see it. More and more, I'm certain Dean's eyes are going to be black. I'd much rather that last frame be Dean sprouting angel wings, but I'm sure that's not the direction the writers are going. :(
  13. I'd like a timey-wimey cliffhanger if it kept Dean from being demonized. I may be the only person not anxious for his eyes to turn black in the finale. I wonder if Richard Speight is going to show up in the finale. It'd be interesting if the Supernatural god decided to take another meat suit. Would Dean cut off his own arm to escape the influence of the mark? Could that be the "wow" moment talked about at the convention?
  14. I hate to think this, but could the shocking thing be that Dean is in the running for King of Hell and only needs to successfully dispose of Crowley and Abaddon to grab the title? I hope not, but it would be a shocking twist.
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