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Everything posted by Phebemarie

  1. Here's an interesting article that addresses questions from the finale. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/jane-virgin-michael-shot-finale-894679
  2. Here's a spot for wild speculation and spoilers worthy to be immortalized in a chapter of Jane's novel.
  3. Since we have no spoiler thread, I'm going to try to use tags and put my speculation here: By the way, it would be fun to add a spoiler/speculation thread.
  4. Gina tweeted a picture of the dramatic hair cut she got for a movie she's filming this summer. Will she wear a wig when filming starts on season 3 or will Jane have a radical makeover as well? Could the writers fit the change into Jane's story line?
  5. Metatron interrupted Chuck mid-amulet reveal just as the mystery of its whereabouts was going to be unveiled. Does anyone else think that Sam had the amulet all along? I found it interesting that Chuck re-luminated it just as Dean found it glowing in Sam's pocket.
  6. Here's a link to a nice write-up about Margaret in Huffpost-Entertainment. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/margaret-miles-jeopardy-badass_us_5710f65be4b0060ccda2fb83
  7. The narrator's statement was ambiguous enough to fit any numbers of scenarios: Michael dying young; Michael living to old age still carrying a torch for Jane; Michael and Jane marrying and having a happy-ever-after. I'm choosing the third option, but I agree, they do seem too happy to last. Maybe Michael will be replaced by a Mutter henchman whose had plastic surgery.
  8. It would have been really horrible to reward Matthew's kindness with an elimination. The only reason Peggy was able to put her dish together was because of his gentle coaching.
  9. Go, Shelties! I just wish they'd get some love when it comes to the herding class.
  10. I am teaching an introductory drama class to 7th graders and thought it would be fun to review potential careers in the theater and movies. We learned about prop masters last week, but next I thought it would be fun to move on to make-up. Does anyone have an idea for a kid-friendly Face Off challenge/episode I can show my students?
  11. Did anyone else recognize Kate as the actress involved in the El Chapo/Sean Penn controversy?
  12. That simple act of forgiveness by Han at the moment of his death keeps Kylo Ben's window of redemption open.
  13. When you referenced Columbine, MrsR, I could definitely see the parallels between the fictional Kylo and the real-life murderers. You made a very chilling comparison and developed your ideas even further in your latest post. I agree that Kylo shouldn't be redeemed. He should continue down the path of evil so his ultimate defeat by the good guys will be more resounding. But since the series is a fantasy, with the precedent of bad-guy redemption in its bones, will the writers be able to resist the temptation to repeat it?
  14. Too many Bens! Yes, I meant Kylo/Ben. The time-line wouldn't work with Obi-wan.
  15. I have a potential redemption arc that could redeem Kylo some of his bad-guyness. What if Ben is the person who dropped Rey on the isolated planet? Here's the potential plot: As a teenager at Luke's academy, Ben had visions of a massacre and took Rey away for her own safety. On Jakku, he mind-wiped her after promising someone would be back to save her when the evil was eradicated. Meanwhile Snoke, somehow a friend of the Solo/Skywalker family, followed the fleeing youngsters, grabbed Kylo, and brought him around to the dark side leaving Rey to wait on Jakku forever.
  16. For those of you questioning the attractiveness of Kylo Ren to a target audience, I offer this: I chaperoned a group of 70 teenagers, grades 7-12, to a morning screening. When Kylo Ren took off his helmet the first time, the girls in the audience sighed and giggled like he was the new boy in school.
  17. I should clarify. It is a sweet commercial, but my dad passed away three years ago this November, and that commercial hit Mom hard tonight.
  18. Damn you, Glade holiday-themed commercial for making my mother cry tonight! The sweet WWII-era couple celebrating with Glade products through their years together was a low blow on Veterans' Day!
  19. Was Ben the only one assigned a straight forward beauty makeup? I hope next season, if they consider a similar finale, that all players have the same requirements. Throughout the season, I don't think many of the contestants expressed a lot of happiness when they were asked to do beauty makeup.
  20. I wonder if how much they adapt their make-up after the director's critiques will play into the judge's final decision. If so, Nora will have a harder time than Evan since he was given so many notes on changes he should make. There wasn't much to improve upon for Nora. I really do hope that isn't a deciding factor in the decision-making. I'm really hoping for Ben, especially after seeing his adorable dog, but it would be sad if Nora lost because her first make-up was just too strong and didn't change.
  21. The UCC shooting was Thursday morning. If the shooting had happened on Wednesday, I'm sure ABC would have waited to show this episode.
  22. I think the hair people are trying to disguise the fact that her hair grew out over the summer. When Penny and Leonard eloped, her hair was still relatively short in the back, and her layers were still growing out. Since it is only supposed to be several weeks since the wedding, I was a little impressed that they attempted to be consistent with the length of her hair. A lot of shows would have just ignored it.
  23. I think U of O devoted too much time getting the quarterback they drafted from Eastern Washington eligible this summer. It must have been a bit demoralizing for Jeff Locke to be thrown into the "junior varsity" by a player who arrived during the second week in August. It's no wonder the offense hasn't had a chance to work out the kinks. The Duck defense was always a little bit suspect. As a Beaver alum, I have to admit I'm enjoying all the hand-wringing coming out in the local papers. It probably won't last. The Ducks have always come back swinging after less dramatic losses.
  24. Has the season opener aired already, or is this just speculation prior to the episode?
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