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Everything posted by Phebemarie

  1. I felt bad that the woman on the end didn't make it through to the final. Would it have been too much to ask to give her a shot at that final clue before ringing in?
  2. If that's the case, they can have a 'choose your own ending' that would satisfy both the Michael and Rafael fans...hmm.....
  3. I keep getting logged out. Has anyone else mentioned similar concerns or is it my personal computer creating annoying log-outs?
  4. If there's no twist, I'm disappointed. Was it really necessary to bring Michael back just to prove Rafael and Jane are the real deal? What about that lovely line that Michael would love Jane until his dying breath?
  5. Unpopular opinion: I don't enjoy watching a champion absolutely demolish the other people on stage for days on end. I didn't enjoy Ken Jennings' run for the same reason. So, yes, I'm hoping James wins a lot of money in a short period of time and moves on so someone else can have a chance. I like a little variety in my Jeopardy.
  6. I'm waiting to watch for a few episodes. I still expect an upcoming reveal that shows Rose actually manipulated the DNA results. Anyone who's watched Days of Our Lives off and on since infancy can tell you villains always get their hands on the results before the good guys do.
  7. If I was Claire's friends and family, I would be gently guiding her to a visit with Grandma Marlena. She's gone from self-centered whiny to eye-popping manic in less time than it takes to exchange something on Amazon.
  8. I respectfully disagree: Luna's unique style was never an affectation to gain attention.
  9. I like that we finally saw a glimmer of a heart in Joey. He was distressed when his cockroach was injured, and it didn't seem like he was sad because he'd lost a potential source of income.
  10. Observations on the show's chances for a second season via TVLine. https://tvline.com/2019/03/12/the-kids-are-alright-season-2-renewed-cancelled/
  11. I think it was really William singing. Frank and William had a cute duet when they were taking care of the neighbor's yard. I was impressed by both their voices during that episode.
  12. Alex resumed taping today. https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/12/media/alex-trebek-jeopardy/index.html
  13. I noticed "Kids" wasn't listed on the ABC schedule tonight. It looks like "The Bachelor" is bumping "Kids" to hiatus for awhile. Must be time to cross our fingers for renewal.
  14. AnnaRose, I thought I heard the same thing. I think they were close to having a really clever episode that gave us fun little peeks of pre-show Cleary life. We got to see how Eddie and Wendi became a couple, how Pat got his glasses, and the passive-aggressive way Mike and Peggy fight. Laurence in his earliest incarnation was obedient rather than rebellious. The longer his hair, the more rebellious his attitude. Who knew Peggy was a candle-making genius with Nixon as a muse? I just think they tried too hard to change up the format. I felt the prolonged focus on Lynne brought down the light-heartedness of the episode. I really felt sorry for Eddie.
  15. So is Timmy auditioning for a walk-on role or is Leonard getting a Keith Patridge hair cut? Inquiring minds want to know. 😊
  16. It seemed the focus was more on the adults in this one, and maybe that was why it wasn't quite as fun. I know they showed Cecil in the first episode bemoaning his life while calling bingo numbers, but his decision to leave the church and marry the widow was really fast. Peggy bonding with the associate priest over manipulating Frank was an interesting twist. It seemed a little out of character for Timmy to use the Communion plate/paten as a ping-pong paddle. That story would have been more believable if Joey had swiped it. I think Timmy would be more worried that God would smite him. I'm editing to add that I really think they missed an opportunity to show us a little more about Joey. If he'd stolen the paten, and then shown some momentary regret or concern (especially if something strange happened like a back-firing car mistaken for a lightning strike) he'd be a little more layered. So far, he's the only one of the boys (besides the little ones) who seems completely superficial.
  17. The actor who plays Timmy looks like he's recently had a major growth spurt. It usually happens between 8th and 9th grade (as a middle/high school teacher, I know these things).
  18. Will this be aired tomorrow due to the State of the Union address?
  19. I think Caleb Foote may actually be the oldest of the boys: probably in his mid-twenties.
  20. My 95 year old mother who's not feeling great at the moment commented, "Put your shirt on" during Tuesday's show. Subtlety is nice. Why have every guy roaming around without a shirt? It was upstaging the acting (maybe that's why it happened).
  21. You're lucky to get by with a hand shake. Episcopalians hug. In college, when I tried to offer my hand, a youth leader kissed my arm.
  22. Sorry to rehash the flip controversy. As a child, I was a big fan of That Girl (with Marlo Thomas). It ran from 1966-71. She wore her hair in a flip for most of the series. Wendi would admire That Girl's wholesome pluckiness and career-girl aspirations, I think.
  23. This was one of my favorite episodes. I don't know if it's because I've been watching the re-runs and have finally sorted out all boys, or if it's because the show is just so darn funny. Peggy is sometimes hard to like, so it was nice to see her genuine concern for Timmy before she realized she could use his medicated state to her advantage. I wondered how many young people knew Sergeant Schultz. Those little touches really make this Baby Boomer smile.
  24. Since we're talking names: I wonder why Lisa was the #1 name of 1960. Was there a famous Lisa or a movie character, who impressed all the moms of that year?
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