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Everything posted by Phebemarie

  1. I've been watching Wimbledon coverage. This commercial keeps playing on every break. It's adorable and sneaky product placement. https://ispot.tv/a/dA3m
  2. The head to head competitions seem to have sucked a lot of what made Face Off so fun: the camaraderie between the contestants.
  3. I think this is the first time there's been something like humor in an episode with the scenes between the prop master and Tracey. Although an unfair depiction of prop masters, who are generally efficient and ahead of the game, those light-hearted moments had a tone that the show really needed.
  4. There was just too much going on....too many grown-up characters....too many unrealistic situations. Their first big mistake: the kids would have revolted when Lou first announced he was their new director. They respected Tracey. If they were willing to burn costumes, they would have challenged Lou's takeover of the department. Tracey would have also filed a grievance with her union over any number of contract violations by the principal. And she would have won back her position. It's too bad. There are so many damn procedurals on television. Both Smash and Rise were promising shows for those of us who want some creativity in our TV viewing..
  5. Yes, lake was in the clue, but the name of the park is Crater Lake not Crater. I couldn't find the clue on line last night to double check the wording.
  6. As a native Oregonian, I was annoyed that Rachel was credited with the correct answer for "Crater". The name of the park is Crater Lake. I've seen Alex quibble about smaller oversights.
  7. Funny that tonight's episode showed Lou in a few sympathetic moments just before they set up Tracey as a potential back-stabber. (The principal is just as manipulative and self-serving as Lou at his worst.) This episode seemed a bit like a turning point. The supporting characters are being given more time, helping to steer the show away from a focus on Lou. There was a lot of sadness, sure. The scene where Simon and his sister were listening to their parents fight was tragic. But there was also some lightness sprinkled in: Robbie got to win and apologized for his attitude; Gordy made a friend and a touchdown; Lou actually showed some compassion for someone other than himself (even if he was being ultimately self-serving). I also like the way they're exploring how Michael and Sasha's friendship is being rebuilt. That feels genuine and earned. I hope we meet Michael's awesome family sometime as a counterpoint to all the other less-than-perfect families we've met so far. I am concerned that the plot lines of Spring Awakening are going to be mirrored in the lives of the kids in the show. If so, we all better buckle up for a stormy ride in the last few episodes.
  8. Michael had a brother who appeared on the show. He was a bit of a bad guy when he first came on, but later on he worked at the Mirabella and seemed rather harmless. I don't remember what happened to him.
  9. Is this the actress you're thinking of, Lsk02? I remember her from Never Been Kissed with Drew Barrymore. Her name's Leelee Sobieski
  10. It's one week before opening and Lou just noticed Robbie can't emote? "Come on, Robbie. Just feel something...." That'll work.
  11. Remember a few weeks ago at the end of the show when the narrator warned of a horrible evil on its way? Could "Michael" be the horrible evil the narrator spoke about?
  12. This episode was not my favorite. I appreciate that they featured some realism in Xo's breast cancer fight, but...I don't know...I honestly wish the writers hadn't gone that route with her character to begin with. I like the show the best when it's like Rogelio's telenovela: over-the-top frothy fun. Alba and Rafael's fight was another surprise twist that I didn't enjoy. About the only thing that worked for me was when River and Xo were watching the telenovela together with the cuts to Jane and Raphael whenever something (melo)dramatic happened.
  13. Small town drama teacher here. The only coach who sometimes accommodates drama rehearsal is the cross country and track coach. Football? Forget about it. Basketball? Too bad. In my school, it's SPORTS FIRST even when a team is having a decade of bad seasons. I wish my school district would give us $7,500 for a musical. My district's allotted budget for drama is $350.. We make the rest of the money to put on shows and plays through fund raisers (just got back from a bake sale) and money from ticket sales. Lou and Tracey are lucky. So much of this show is not realistic...but one of the things that really bugs me is how little rehearsal the kids need before they are singing in beautiful harmony. I really wanted to like Rise, but it just makes me cranky.
  14. George is the highlight of most of the shows for me. He always seems like the moral compass when the guys go too far. It was sweet watching the rapt attention of both the little boxers and his travel buddies. Rarely do we see the guys looking serious and behaving themselves in such a genuine way.
  15. I thought Milo was going to be eliminated when they shared the picture of his family at his brother's graduation. It's a sure sign that a contestant is going when we get an up close and personal moment.
  16. Phebemarie

    Tennis Thread

    Did anyone see the Vogue article? It's no wonder she couldn't play in the Australian Open. https://www.vogue.com/article/serena-williams-vogue-cover-interview-february-2018
  17. I binged watched the Kids' Baking Championship repeats on New Years' Day and saw a cereal commercial that seemed more inspired by Hannibal Lecter than Captain Crunch. The animated spot featured golden, square-shaped cereals dancing around, seemingly in a party mood. One of the cereal notices its companion and eats it. When a second square be-bops in, the cannibalistic cereal finishes it off, too. Very unsettling.
  18. There's a listing for a restaurant wars episode next week. Is that a new episode?
  19. I'm hoping they're saving the finale episode until after the new year. If they're doing that, it does seem a little reckless to schedule a hiatus for a show that must not be pulling in big rating numbers. I had a hard enough time remembering to look for it on Fridays on an obscure kids' channel. I suppose there's a possibility that Bravo pulled it and plans to show the series on the 'parent' network first.
  20. Sad news today. USA isn't giving Playing House a season 4. I will miss Lennon and Jessica and hope something wonderful is ahead for the both of them.
  21. I liked the narrator's aside regarding love interests brought in late in game. Adam is cute and charming, but I'm not enjoying the Jane+Adam coupling. It seems like Jane's regressing to her teenaged self. Sure she deserves some fun, but last year there were a few layers to her character that I'm not seeing now. Maybe the writers decided to give up on nuance and go with the fun.
  22. As a stalwart Michael fan, I was annoyed show had Adam actually compose Jane's love theme. Boo, Show, Boo!
  23. Anyone else notice a difference in the quality of the video taping? It looks less filtered than the regular Face Off productions. The lighting also seems harsher. I think some of the differences in Mackenzie's appearance may be due to the differences. The lighting, of course, doesn't explain why a stylist chose such an unflattering hair style for Mackenzie.
  24. Wouldn't Gina Rodriguez's schedule make it impossible for her to join? She's starting season 4 of Jane the Virgin soon.
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