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Everything posted by Phebemarie

  1. I don't know how to pull something over from Twitter, but Brett Dier posted this yesterday. Wouldn't the infamous third episode back from hiatus already be 'in the can'? (I guess they could bring him back as a ghost...)
  2. If the rumor is true, maybe Brett Dier was offered a movie role, and the offer wasn't finalized until after the season began. Whatever the reason, I'm disappointed. When Gina Rodriguez cut her hair last summer for a movie role, she said the audience would eventually be seeing Jane with her cute lob hair cut. If there is a time-jump, a new style would be a quick visual to show the passage of time. If they knew early on there would be a time jump, it might be why they haven't shown her shorter hair.
  3. There was another side-eye moment from Christian when Tim Gunn commented that this was probably the best avant-garde challenge in Project Runway history. Christian and Chris March's winning avant-garde challenge dress.
  4. I may be wrong, but I think the little actor playing Mateo is still the same-only toddler-sized.
  5. Maybe they're trying to make up for the bump and grind all-girl routines with Maks and Val's audience interactive numbers ("Shout"). Handsome though they are, I wouldn't be thrilled to have my knees spread apart on national television.
  6. Phebemarie

    Tennis Thread

    I realize John MacEnroe and Brad Gilbert need to keep themselves awake when calling late night somewhat uneventful matches, but their mocking of Kyle Edmund came across (to me, at least) as boorish and mean-spirited. I was glad when the 21-year-old came back to break Djokovic because it made them shut up for awhile.
  7. I agree. It's in his best interest monetarily to do well on DWTS. I'm sure his agent is telling him to work hard, be humble, and try to charm. Michael Vick came back from a horrible scandal to play again. Anything is possible.
  8. For those looking for top-notch Shakespearean productions, I encourage you to consider the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon. They are committed to producing the canon in ten years, so there will be ample opportunity to 'brush up your Shakespeare'. This summer productions of Timon of Athens, Twelfth Night, Hamlet, Richard II, and the Winter's Tale will continue through October. Since OSF is a repertory theater, there are additional classic and cutting-edge offerings each season. This spring, I watched a really unique production of Yeoman of the Guard done in promenade style. Later this season, we have tickets to The Wiz on the outdoor stage. I saw Javier Munoz several years ago in an absolutely outstanding production of Into the Woods (excuse me for name dropping). As most of you probably know, Tony winner All the Way originated at OSF. They made a commitment to produce cutting-edge new material and showcase diversity long ago. OSF is also willing to take a stand on important social issues of the day. In case you're interested, I've added a link to OSF's website. https://www.osfashland.org/
  9. To continue the cat litter discussion, I recommend The World's Best Cat Litter. Yes, the name is a little much, but it's really great. There are several different formula: one is made from pine, the other from corn. Supposedly, you can flush the stuff, but I'm always afraid of clogs.
  10. I'm really tired of the Nationwide commercial that's been playing incessantly during Olympic coverage. I can't explain why her sunny optimism just annoys me.
  11. Does anyone think Jeremy may not have tampered with the car? It seems too obvious with all the cutaway shots of Jeremy looking both guilty and creepy to make him responsible. His body language on the lounge chair didn't indicate someone who had something to hide or was guilty of something. Of course, he could be a complete sociopath, so there's that.
  12. Do you think the theme they're going with is 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'? Maybe they're stealing from Shakespeare, and Rachel is turning into Macbeth, who started out fairly honorable but sunk to depravity to gain power. Earlier in the season when they brought in the fake mom of one of the contestants, I thought that was about as low as anyone could go and still not become mustache-twirling villains. Guess I was wrong.
  13. I understand distracting the shooter-but that's a theatrical performance. Oh, well. I guess I'll go back to the 70s when my high school got in trouble for holding up newspapers when the opponent came onto the floor.
  14. Am I the only one who thinks that an Olympian who went out of his way to distract and embarrass a college basketball player doesn't really exemplify "good sportsmanship"? http://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/14670378/michael-phelps-featured-arizona-state-sun-devils-curtain-distraction
  15. When will Charter (Spectrum) come up with a commercial for fall and take those beat-boxing 20-somethings off the air? I've finally heard it so many times I can understand most of the lyrics, including this gem: "...with unlimited calling just to say 'sup." Please, can't we get a nice back-to-school commercial, Charter?
  16. That is really disappointing. I'm sorry I posted false-hope above . I remember during last summer's run, USA kept advertising I, Robot, which started when Playing House was finished. This summer, I, Robot is the big thing and just premiered in the last few weeks. Maybe that's why Playing House is so late to return.
  17. If they wanted the audience to feel Rachel was justified, they needed to make Yael a more obvious, scheming villain. She came across as a little snotty when she asked Rachel to fetch her dress, but I can't think of other times when she pulled that mean girl attitude. Insisting Yael wear the white dress made Rachel come across as the moustache-twirling villain in that scene. As disappointing (understatement) as the show has been this season, I keep wondering if next week's big event will be Rachel waking up after a horrible dream (season 2) and turning to find Adam in the shower after they'd run off together at the end of season one.
  18. Does anyone think the original plan was for Romeo to be killed by the police and that's why there's no scenes between the cousins? They could have re-filmed a few moments of Quinn's scene with the crew to "explain" that both Romeo and Darius survived.
  19. I can't find any verification for this, but someone posted on another social-media site that August 4 is the premiere date for season 3.
  20. Katey Sagal has been cast as Penny's mother. http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/the-big-bang-theory-katey-sagal-pennys-mom-season-10-1201820584/
  21. There's a new Kleenex back-to-school commercial playing. A cute little boy gives a pep talk and a package of Kleenex to a nervous new teacher on the first day of school. She heads into school behind the hoards of elementary students who've just arrived via school bus with a smile on her face and confidence in her step. The Kleenex people don't understand elementary teachers. That meet cute between the teacher and her student wouldn't be happening on the steps of the school. That teacher would have already been at school for two hours prepping her room for the first day. She wouldn't be strolling into school with her purse slung casually over her shoulder, mere moments before class comes to order.
  22. The title of the episode by itself should have made Lifetime reconsider showing it tonight.
  23. Maybe Yael is working on an expose of the reality show industry.
  24. Charter Spectrum seems to be burning through a bunch of annoying commercials. I think the "Dads Who Rap" ad was somehow supposed to be celebrating Fathers' Day. In my area it's been taken off the air in favor of "Twentysomethings Who Beat Box", which I think is far more aggravating. I know a lot of people here didn't like the Excedrin migraine commercial. As someone who experiences the occasional optical migraine at work, I appreciate Excedrin's attempt to show what the visual disturbances look like, even in a limited capacity.
  25. I don't think God was necessarily spelling it out for Dean. I think the writers decided the audience couldn't catch the subtle 'yin and yang' reference and made Sam and Dean the messengers.
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