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Everything posted by sigmaforce86

  1. The name is so obvious. It will be. Kathmandu Seasonoflife Dillard
  2. I agree with you but then you have to figure that in the reverse if CDB had never shown up there it's pretty likely that Pete would eventually go to far and kill his wife and maybe his son too. At some point the Alexandrians luck and utopian mind set was going to have to be shattered. But Rick definitely accelerated that. It would have gone a long way if a few members of the group had sat down with Deanna and Reg and said here's what we faced out there, here's what the people who are left are like. Of course if they want to keep lying to them also then they'd have to be careful to amend their version and stick to one story (like keeping Carol's cover as a helpless person by leaving out her part in the Terminus rescue). At the very least though if I were Maggie when Deanna looked at her all skeptical and said "you've lost a lot" (as though whatever it was doesn't compare to her son just dying) I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from saying something like well my Dad was beheaded right in front of me by a crazy man who tried to rape me and then he bombed our shelter splitting us up so I never saw my sister alive again; but please keep telling me how hard you have it here.
  3. Agree and I'd like to see Wu one time to just to see what he might be hiding under that uniform shirt. Excuse me while I climb out of the shallow end but hey, why not, we get enough scenes of women, especially Adalind, in their skimpy lingerie........give us lady viewers a little more ogle time! Juliette could have made more sense if she'd toned down the whining at Renards and if they threw just three more sentences in there Juliette: I slept in the car Renard: Why?!? Juliette: I'm avoiding Nick and I was afraid he'd track my credit card to a hotel and try to see me Renard: (rolls eyes at unnecessary paranoia) Alexis Denisoff was heard but not seen as they rushed him out.....is he totally off the show now?
  4. That was my first thought too - well not Emmy reel but wondering what it'll take to get both of them Emmy's. Shows like this and the Walking Dead just don't seem to get a lot of love from the major awards which is a shame because I can't imagine where Freddy has to go mentally in the character to do scenes like the bed slamming. I think he means the "whole world" - right before the lie detector test at the end of last season he went into the woods with a gun and would have offed himself if Norma hadn't chased him down and talked him out of it. Pretty sure he was hinting at that and that his decision to not kill her or himself or both was to stay around "for Mother". Please Dylan just kick Caleb to the curb already. I'd suspect that Romero will try to build up the weed business again using Dylan's land behind his back with Caleb farming it; except that I can't see Romero trusting Caleb to be any sort of leader. Caleb may try to sweet talk him but I believe Romero has the best BS meter of anyone on the planet. But I wouldn't be surprised if Dylan still gets sucked into another pot war; either with the neighbor we met or others because Caleb takes advantage of the 99 legal medicinal plants idea and runs with it.
  5. Amazing how Sylvester and the pilot got over or around the crevice that required the rest of the team and the lost hikers to rope swing over (and that the rope swing or the branch it was on hadn't burned away in the meantime). Still - can't bring myself to care about or think about those things too much, it's like an old A-Team episode, a fun ride if you suspend logic. Which is probabaly because the actors are pretty good (even Katherine) and they seem to be giving it their all without taking it to seriously either. Both Paige and Happy grated in the first 3-4 episodes and they've even grown on me as time goes by.
  6. That was the first thing I noticed when she got on that bench and it seems like he was standing a lot closer to her than when he was coaching the others. Of course the two younger "chaparones" probabaly had no idea there's anything sexual in crotch meets head, I doubt they even have a clear idea what missionary position is and as long as there wasn't any forbidden kissing everything's fine. Jessa really has no F#@*''s left to give does she? Last week walking around the florist arms crossed and refusing to even try and name flowers and this week it's we'll register for whatever. I think Jill and Derrick would have spent 20 minutes deciding over the dishes with flowers or the dishes with kittens..........Jessa's just like dishes yeah we need those here's a set scan. Her whole attitude is get this over with and I'm outta this house. I couldn't tell for sure but when Jana walked in to the house did she say hi "DILL" ?
  7. And why shoot a single deer - they need food now and they need to dry food to "last" through the winter. So instead of taking their quota (if there even is one) they have the meat from one deer; which is going to last that family how long exactly? For that matter why aren't they catching fish which can also be salted and dried for long term storage. Still trying to figure out why we had to follow the kids to town to watch them eat pizza but they let a chance for drama and a very special episode go by with no filming of Billy and Ami's trip to town when he was sick. Bubble wrap in the town dump is a riveting story line but family patriarch could be dying and they don't even send along a guy with a go-pro? Nope, nothing suspicious or fake there. The best part from last night though was the family touring the finished cabin - look at the floor when they walk in, totally clean boards not a spot on them. Perhaps as though, oh I don't know maybe a construction crew with booties had been working on it instead of the lost boys stomping in and out all day. Because two minutes later when they had walked around the place - floor is completely dirty, can't see the wood just brown muddy foot prints from wall to wall. I can't stand it, I need to know - How and Why was that floor so clean to start? Second question is why do you call a cabin with no door safe from bears?
  8. You Tube: "Deadliest Catch Northwestern" be prepared for a lot of bleeping but Sig is (IMHO) one of the best captains. If you want to have fun add "UFO" to the search and look for videos with names like best prank or flying lanterns. One of the other boats, Time Bandit, sent lanterns under balloons into the air at night toward Sig's boat, I think for a minute or so he really did think he was seeing some sort of UFO. I'm watching this season mostly because Sig's on it but after last night I did wonder what he's doing. It's got to be strategy because he's solid in the middle of the pack, never at the bottom and called out as the least productive, never at the top and pointed to as the star helper. He must be bringing in some money to not be told he got the least donations. And despite what Geraldo says about his own voice over ability getting Mike Rowe to narrate that commercial was brilliant. But at some point he has to step up and lead, he can't ride it this way to the end because when it gets down to five or so people if he's still under the radar he's not going to have any wins or special achievements he can use to save himself when there aren't enough people to hide behind.
  9. Liked both of these especially the second. Were they shown out of order though? It seems like Cassandra's speech about her tumor and betraying her team should have come a few episodes ago. Unless they're building to something she'll do in the finale that redeems what she did in the premier to sort of book end that story line (not spoiled just guessing/hoping). Eve is loosening up a little, ponytail instead of tight bun and jeans because it's her "off" day, it would be nice to see her continue that (the hair makes sense, no pulling, but never could figure out why she'd think a business suit and low heels were good fighting clothes). This was like reunion week for Christian Kane. Alicia Witt's connection isn't direct, more like a roundabout 6 degrees game - she starred as Timothy Hutton's girlfriend in Last Holiday. The girl who played Katie though was Lea Zawada who also played Molly in the Leverage episode The Carnival Job (kidnapped and was rescued by Elliott)
  10. I panicked a little when I heard double episode next week - burn off was my first thought to. But checking the episodes they have left if they air one a week the finale will end up on super bowl sunday - so they either double up now or skip a week and show the final ep. on 2/8.
  11. Sometimes the background extra gets the best line When Sheldon's World of Warcraft account was hacked Policeman: Look Mr Cooper Sheldon: Doctor Cooper Policeman (looking at Leonard): Really? perfect delivery of doubt and fright at the same time Plus of course Leonard's reaction to the hacker taking Sheldon's ostrich: Oh not Glen
  12. I liked it - maybe not as exciting as previous specials but it definitely set up the story lines for the coming season. Unexpected turn with Two questions (not really spoilers but does give away a small bit): Did Jenny Agutter maybe hurt her hand in real life so they invented a cut to explain a bandage? I know there was more story behind the item that caused the cut but the bandage seemed pretty large and visible. I thought Sister Evangelina's complaints were part of the plot, some medical emergency she'd have but nothing happened - could it be a set up for later? If yes it makes sense but if not it was the only thing that seemed a little out of place And my goodness has Max MacMillion grown!
  13. Everything you said is exactly right - Reed was making an analogy, he may have been dramatic about it but really it was no different than the infamous season 1 snake/rat speech. If Keith had made F3 I think I would have wanted him to win. But I never though one of the "twinnies" I hated in Amazing Race would be the one I'd be cheering for at the end of this. For the moves she made the past few weeks she deserved it - I would have thought of getting Baylor out over Jaclyn too but the idea of giving Jaclyn the idol was brilliant (I never would have thought of it at all). Plus being able to keep some of these plans to herself; not doing that has sunk a lot of players before her. And I have to admit watching the jury's reaction to that idol move was hysterical - I wonder if she was also playing for votes when she did that or if that was just a side bonus.
  14. A little slow but have to forgive some of that as set up, they did have a lot to cover trying to quick overview Flynn and the library then why the other three were being brought in. Clever how they moved the setting to match filming location. Definitely was liking it more in the last half hour. And definitely will keep tuning in for now. But never thought I'd be sad to see a sword "die" (if only they hadn't made it whimper!)
  15. TV censors are confusing.......it was OK for Daryl and Beth to flip off the burning building during the show in the 9pm-10pm hour but they show a screenshot of that on TD and they have to blur out their fingers even though Talking airs after 10? Makes no sense
  16. From the first few episodes never thought I'd hate a team more than the Dentists but the wrestlers just bumped to first on that list. The constant "We can't get beat by a ....." (fill in blank). Especially tonight saying that because they're scientists - like your occupation equals your fitness level and you can't be smart and fit at the same time. Well, maybe the wrestlers can't be both. If the save is here to stay they need to change the rules......it should be like the Immunity Idol, you use it before you know if you even have votes so the save should be handed in if the team thinks they're last enforce Phil says a word. Ypu take the chance of wasting it if you're not last or if it's a non-elim. If that had been the case this season the Dentists would have used it several legs ago which would have completely changed the dynamic this leg.
  17. They have said that Penny was a good actress though - one episode made a point of it by having Leonard, Amy and Sheldon see her in Streetcar Named Desire and commenting in the audience that she really could act. So maybe takeaway is she's pretty good, maybe an "acceptable local theater level" actress but not necessarily enough star quality to make a big breakthrough. But in Sales whatever acting she's doing she really only has one role and once she gets it down and keeps practicing that one role she's set. Sheldon opening the champagne - good for a laugh but not cool. Even if he acts like a child sometimes children do get he concept of don't touch what's not yours and at least ask first. Leonard should call him on this but not if the outcome is just Sheldon doing an "I'm always right" speech.............a little growth, that's all we ask. I thought Amy (or Mayim) having her hair pinned up in the flag beach flag scene was a very pretty look for her
  18. Yes, Yes, Yes! So glad I'm not alone in this. I was wishing I was part of tribal just so I could throw an epic eye roll at Missy for that. I get that Keith and crew are not the most women friendly and I'm not sure they're wrong in saying that some of the females could be working harder. But if you have your head in the game and keep it there you just don't say some of the things they said last night - checking Baylors pulse (not in front of Missy, don't poke the sleeping bear) or "girls" watch the fire (instead of "someone" keep an eye on the fire). BUT - even as a fellow women I think what Missy said was just as bad or worse, you are in a camp using buffs as bra's sleeping spooned against total strangers. You voluntarily signed up to do this and your fine female sensabilities are offended by belching and farting? Get over it lady - you're human that means you belch and fart too. There are a lot of females out there who wouldn't look twice if a guy did that, especially in their current situation. Heck I'm pretty lady like (I think) but if someone can burp and get a good "grape ape" out at the same time they'll get a laugh from me not a nose in the air snob-a-tude. She just pissed me off with that comment and her general attitude but I'm starting to see some reasons why she's been divorced more than once. Player to root for? For me there's never been a season where I didn't have at least one pick by the time they got to adding people to the Jury. There's a lot of people I'm rooting against (Missy, Baylor, couple others). I want to see how Reed plays without his loved one present since he's seemed to be a little more in the background so far. Or maybe I'll just hope Keith wins, not because I really, really want him to, only for the fun factor because I know it'll annoy so many others
  19. Now that the extended promos are up there's a better sense of what the show will be. And the episode name list is available on TNT's site - no descriptions with it but you can get an idea just with the names. Really looking forward to it. I think the general premise, need for multiple librarians is for some reason things that would have been blocked from our world have slipped through - going by John Larrouqettes quick promo comment "now that there's magic in the world" (or magic loose in the world, not sure). Just hoping they don't make his character too ascerbic which could grate after awhile. Also will have to see how it plays out in the first episodes but hoping they get to use Flynn enough - At some point he'll have to grow his Tom Mason beard which takes away from the young look that Flynn usually has (and may keep him out of episodes unless the shooting schedule gives him time from when one ends to when the other begins) but I'm wondering if they get a Season 2 will Flynn/Noah be around more since this is the last season for Falling Skies.
  20. That was the episode where the guys were camping and Howard first told the story of lodging his virginity to his cousin.Also a callback to the episode with Howard and Bernadettes first date when the said how one lost it in a Camary and the other in a Corolla (sp?)......Nice that the writers remembered that and had Debbie mention they were in the car.
  21. Yup - that's all I needed to hook me in (pun might be intended!). The celebrity version of this show relies heavily (or did some years ago when I watched it) on the persons contacts, who can they pull in to show up or help out or donate the big bucks for a task - that is where Kate will crash and burn, she has no pull and no real status in those circles and I doubt there is even a "D" list name she could call for a favor. Still it could be fun to watch her try.
  22. I don't really want to watch Apprentice but I'm going to have to - at least by DVR - until Sig wins or is gone. Unreasonably excited to see him and how he does outside of the captains chair.
  23. Having lost two family members to cancer this year, one who deteriorated for months until we almost wished he would pass just so he could be at peace and one who lasted only two weeks from diagnosis to death before we could even have the first hospice meeting for her I would definitely have voted for continuing with the wedding and hoping my future MIL could attend (or arrage to visit her still dressed for the wedding ASAP after the reception). There's just no guarantee so if they're here with you today do things even if you have to share then through skype, you may not get to share it tomorrow. OK step off the soap box and stop being a downer. Glad I watched this from the DVR - everything that came out of JB's mouth was either annoying, preachy or gross. I'm not sure I really noticed how gross he is before, maybe I just tune him out. Before they got dressed when he was talking to Jill and Derrick about holding hands after engagement and he actually said after the wedding you'll be joined at the mouth...........who says that to their own daughter. And needing a chaparone and hour before the wedding just to have quiet devotion time - I don't know what JB thought would happen but will never believe for a minute that the couple "makes their own rules". I think they are so focused on staying "pure" it's having the opposite effect where they can't stop thinking and talking about what'll happen once those vows are said, it's like they're so repressed they end up with inappropriate school yard humor. Also Jim Bob going on the stage to deliver the kiss the bride part of the ceremony was again another gross and controlling moment and totally unecessary. The dresses were pretty though, Grandma Dugger looked very nice (can't say the same for Michelle with the obvious modesty panel on that dress), her sisters reactions seemed really genuine and of course the flower girls just being kids were great to watch. If only they could have put Jim Bob on mute for the entire day.
  24. I don't have a problem with Rick giving the OK to go to D.C. at the party. From the scenes on the road there were at least two nights between Terminus falling and when they got to the church, Rick had to know the Washington group was going to bring up the need to have the gang take the trip with them because they can't survive just the three of them. I think he's been mulling it in the back of his mind for at least two days and was pretty much decided - he just wasn't going to volunteer his group, he waited until they asked. Not sure I want Bob to die but since he's one leg down anyway it would have been fun if he had been bit and as soon as a saw what they'd done just said well you guys screwed up, lift up the pants on my other leg and take a look..........said with a huge smug grin on his face to wipe the same smug grin of Garrett's face. Payoff won't come that quickly but I can wish. He still could be bit though - the guy in Season 1 (whose name I can't think of), the one who dug the graves at the first camp................He got a pretty deep bite and lasted at least a day before he got a fever and another day or two after that they left him on the road sick but he still hadn't died or turned - seems like they established that how deep and severe the bite is plays into how long before you turn. That's why the Terminus guys didn't kill Bob right away, I think they know if you die you turn....at Terminus they had basically a meat locker room so they could process the bodies right away. In the woods with no storage they seem to know they have to keep the person alive or they can't use the "meat".
  25. It's Lex from Africa again (toned down a bit though) - There was a tribal where Lex got just one single vote and he lost his shit when they got back to camp, ranting and demanding to know who it was and how dare they. Outwit is in the game play for a reason Jeremy, you need to be able to handle getting a couple votes, fake it if you have to and be grateful you're still in the game. Does he not get that acting entitled and annoying these people just puts the bigger target on him (or long term that he may want these same people to vote for him in the end). There seem to be a larger than usual number of players this season (mostly guys) who are tripping over their ego's.
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