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Everything posted by SunnyBeBe

  1. He was my cousin’s favorite before her death. She had dementia at an early age and I was responsible for her. Most all visits to the Memory Care unit, I’d play Toby’s music and it would make her smile. I came to enjoy his music. He had fun songs and some nice ballads. I really like I’m As Good As I Was Once, but the video is now rather controversial with the comic violence. So, here’s another one.
  2. I was actually in Greensboro this past weekend. I was having coffee at Starbucks and wondering how things are going. Are they filming yet?
  3. Those kids don’t have a chance. It’s really sad, but I can’t see how they’ll make it to adulthood. Not safe and sound, anyway. Just because that family is ignorant of boat safety, the professional boat people should have intervened. Or the TLC crew. I thought I was watching the Roloffs for a second. 😩 Dare devils with their kids. It’s infuriating. I’m really wondering about what is going in with Amy. I suspect it’s more complex than depression.
  4. Ref. The pageant young lady…her swimsuit was good, but she has an outdated hairstyle that reflects her mother’s taste, as she’s still living in the past. That hairstyle does not fit her facial structure. And, did she attend college? The competition was stiff with accomplished contestants.
  5. Oh yes, dining in the salty air, smelling the ocean and the fish and seafood being cooked……omg? Ummmmm…..love it? I’m going to make salmon cakes for dinner tonight.
  6. It seems that huge appetites and chowing down on food spreads is part of the family culture. And, WLS isn’t going to change that. That will likely continue to promote obesity in their younger generations. It’s in my extended family too, except most of the adults (parents) are average size and it’s the adult children/grandchildren who are glutinous. Go figure.
  7. This made me appreciate living in a coastal state. I’ve been to the beach most every year I can remember. First trip was when I was 6. NC has great beaches…as does SC, VA and FL. I love those too! Tammy was in such awe of actually seeing the ocean for the first time.
  8. Hadn’t thought of that……I was wondering if she was communicating with a guy online and it was what had her so distracted. I don’t know that. I don’t follow them on social media at all.
  9. To me, the kids could have enjoyed playing anywhere with proper attention/ supervision and Amy wasn’t equipped to care for them. The others were there for rest/recreation themselves. Of course they lend a hand to help, but like Amanda said, she wasn’t supposed to be lifting. Bad move on her part. Of course, it seemed to me they knew the boys would be tired, cranky and stress Amy out, which seems to be the theme of this season. I don’t enjoy that.
  10. The trip did put me in the mood for a vacation. I started online swimsuit shopping last night! To me, It’s too coincidental that one year Tammy ruins the vacation with her childish antics and then at the next one, Amy does the same thing. Hmmm…..
  11. Wouldn’t the vacation have been a good opportunity for the boys to have stayed with their father for his custodial time?
  12. Amy’s crying outbursts seem producer driven, imo. Is it possible they are using mental illness as a staged ploy? 😮
  13. I hope your church friend improves. It’s often a slow recovery for those with LC. One of my neighbors has lung issues. She recovered from covid, wasn’t hospitalized, but still can’t shake it. She’s been under medical care ever since and it’s been over a year ago. She gets very weak and it’s really changed her life. There is a long list of ailments ranging from lung issues, fatigue, headaches, memory and neurological problems, etc. My issues include smell/taste disorder which is fairly common and was diagnosed by ENT. There are some centers for post covid syndrome or Long Covid (LC). There are some online support groups that are helpful too.
  14. Why does she call him “ Jer MOLE?” Bizarre.
  15. I think there are new laws about preexisting conditions. I’d check it out.
  16. I’ve read that if you lose teeth, unless you replace them or get a bone graft, it causes the gum to recede and other teeth to shift.
  17. I have no desire to see a wild woman with a weapon.
  18. I just don’t see a spark or anything with Manuel and Ashley. Just discord. I don’t even believe the sex stories. Nah…..
  19. Omg! So happy for you! I’m hoping to meet someone new. How exciting!
  20. Amen! I have it too! Still struggling since September 2023, though some struggle for years. Praying for news of treatments. It’s unreal. I had no idea until I was diagnosed. All of my doctors are on board, but don’t know how to treat it.
  21. What was the waxing lady doing to John? It looked like she was cleaning his ears? 😳
  22. There was something odd about her, imo. She didn’t seem to really like Nathan. Maybe, they just weren’t compatible.
  23. Caught this episode again tonight. I actually hope Nathan escaped this marriage and found a person who likes him.
  24. Omg! That sounds very familiar. Perhaps, I should have taken another covid test. That article recommends 3 tests. Oh well. I guess I have my answer now. I’m getting more tests.
  25. Thanks a lot! I’m pretty happy. I just bought a new outfit and it felt so comfortable. It was just a casual sweater and pants, but just gave me a little boost. I walked through a lobby, caught my image in a mirror and had to do a double take….who’s that? Lol. It feels good.
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