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Everything posted by SunnyBeBe

  1. I guess most people in that line of work find their niche. I just read of a lady who makes her living selling her used bath water! Lol. I’m not kidding. My problem with ZIT is that I’ve watched them for a very long time, so I see the absurdity of their behavior. When they are off the show, I won’t be seeing them at all and won’t likely come here to post about them. I’m not interested in Jer and Auj either and find that the only thing their photos conjure up in me are about child safety and health concerns. It’s sad. I’ll just hope local officials are aware.
  2. How did his car pass inspection with thread splitting tires? 🤷‍♂️ I shouldn’t be surprised. Do they ever think about preventative measures, maintenance……nah. Just not the sharpest people. My favorite thing about them is that they’ll be off the show. So, Zach said they weren’t asked back. Ha! So, stop acting like it’s your decision, ZIT. You were let go is the way I see it And, Tori, most comments about ZIT were likely due to shock and horror of parenting skills. Get help for the sake of your kids. Are they finally embarrassed of their lack of skills? Or even concern over major problems?
  3. There’s enough in this to interest me, but I am easily amused. Lol. My main interest was to see Calista Flockhart, as I was a big Ally McBeal fan back in the day AND to see this lead’s portrayal of Truman. I can’t get Philip Seymore Hoffman’s portrayal which was superb, imo, out of my mind.
  4. Hey! Now I’m torn. How to choose? A dog or cat? Hmmm…my brother’s dog has won me over. Hasn’t Cash grown since Christmas! He was 8 weeks old then when I posted his photo. He’s so sweet. (Labradoodle)
  5. Seeing beautiful cats like on this thread makes me want to get one. I have too much on my plate right now, but maybe later.
  6. It reminds me of the saying, Be careful what you wish for. If Amy were to hand the property to just Zach, then how would she justify it to the other three kids? The same dilemma Matt had at selling to Zach at a low price, when the other kids would get nothing. So……idk. It’s really a non-issue for me now. Zach would have zero ability to maintain the property, imo. He doesn’t seem very with it.
  7. They are trying to show another dementia case. Often, tv gets it wrong. We’ll see. Goodwin said that if it were her, she’d want the additional testing. Well….often, a person with cognitive decline does NOT want it, because they are not capable of comprehending the matter. And, what will the additional testing really do? It’s a sad story. Hope no one gets really hurt. I was impressed with the new male doctor. Initially, I was wary. He seems very compassionate. What were the credentials of the substance abuse person who showed up to support sick recovery patient. Man, she jumped right in like she was on staff at that place. Looks like a love match for Archer.
  8. Amy sure stays busy. And, it seems like fun stuff she’s doing. She’s fortunate to be so healthy.
  9. Zach’s refusal to maintain the status of his shunt with a doctor seems bizarre. Then playing it up as if it was inevitable was odd. Were there years he didn’t have health insurance? Didn’t they mention the shunt when he had back pain? More reasons I cannot tolerate that couple. I don’t dislike Amy per se, but all the bragging about how she was available to drop everything to go to Zach’s aid seemed off. Of course a parent does that. Matt would have done it too. Probably, Tori’s family too. I mean she’s not the only person who would have helped care for the kids in a medical emergency. It just went on and on…..please. What did you think of Matt’s announcement at the end? Lol
  10. Omg! She’s taking his mustache for a ride! Please…..
  11. On no….Jen. Please leave the India thing alone. He’s not that in to you. She will not let go of this fantasy……please…..
  12. Where did Yolonda grow up? Trying to place her accent.
  13. Natalie is the same as always. Why does Josh not like it now? He knew what he was signing up for.
  14. There doesn’t seem to be much about Veronica that Jamal likes….and not much about him that she likes. So…….just as well.
  15. It appeared some of the wedding guests thought they were attending a barbecue, instead of a wedding. Lol How did these guests sit there with a straight face? 🤷‍♀️ I suppose a relationship that is 99% lows is still technically considered one with highs and lows. Lol You know it’s bad when a hurricane is considered the high point of the season. Lol
  16. I have no idea why Clayton and Analee want to marry each other. It’s bizarre.
  17. To me Sophie picks fights. I don’t care for Rob either, but she seems very disingenuous.
  18. That’s a lovely shot. I fear NC won’t see any this year. (We had a few flurries a few weeks ago, that I don’t count.)
  19. I hate I missed this. Plan to catch up. It looks appealing. But, I like Justin.
  20. Well, this is great news! Not that he had surgery, but that maybe, they’ll leave the show! Thanks.
  21. I’m perturbed, because I had been led to believe Zach and Tori were not on the show anymore.
  22. I detest both of these characters. Ugh…..the way they treat each other, especially Jasmine…..i think she’s worse…..it’s blasphemy for them to wed. Just disgusting, imo. Their contentions of devotion are disgraceful. Please make them go away!
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