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dubbel zout

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Everything posted by dubbel zout

  1. When Cameron stopped by later for some sex, I thought, "Joe is having a busy night." Same here, with Gordon a close third. Joe is plain annoying to me, and Cameron is an underdeveloped cliché, if that isn't an oxymoron. Hee. But the Gremlin was a better car than the Pacer. Seriously. But Joe throws a tantrum next week when Kathy's at the office, so I'm sure he'll cut off his nose to spite his face and not let her be involved. He's such a baby when things don't go exactly the way he wants them to. I hope that changes, because it's no fun to watch. I want to slap him and tell him to grow up. Except for everything Cameron-related, I liked this episode the best of the three so far. Jean Smart always makes everything better. I kind of wish we'd seen her tell John that the deal was off, because she's awesome in scenes like that. Poor John, though. He was living at the office, right? That's one reason why he told Cameron she couldn't?
  2. I think there were some legal wranglings with Norton and Marvel, and I don't think they could officially get Ruffalo until that had been worked out, so maybe it came down to the wire for Ruffalo to go ComicCon. Same here. That's why I don't find those sorts of stories amusing.
  3. So Carly and/or Sonny will be bankrolling this? And will Michael be dividing his time between being CEO of ELQ and fixing up the brownstone? I guess it's good that it gives Lauren and Morgan something to do other than butt into peoples' lives and whine, respectively.
  4. Grace of Monaco is such a bomb that she's probably not doing any publicity for it. It totally tanked at Cannes (the terrible reviews are hilarious to read), and the Grimaldis have expressed Extreme Displeasure with the movie. Amanda Holden sort of looks like Kidman, so they tried. Heh. Michael Sheen was delightful. The Poppy and Georgie bit was excruciating.
  5. Those scenes would not have worked with actors of lesser talent—ES was spectacular keeping Viki's rage controlled instead of going into scenery-chewing hysteria, like many actors would have done—and as much as I hated Echo, Kim Zimmer is a powerhouse. But I thought Echo was pointless, and I hated how she called Charlie "Chuckles." I also hated how weak Charlie became. He was never superconfident to begin with, and that was a nice contrast to the men Viki had been with, but Echo arrives in town and he becomes a doormat. That's never a character I can get behind. But yeah, he was kind of redeemed. At least he got that.
  6. I don't care that Levi believes that—I don't care what Levi believes in general—but I do care that he's belittling Maxie's feelings just because they aren't in line with his. I hope that's the start of the major wake-up call Maxie needs regarding Levi. And they really need to get moving on his other story, assuming that's still in the works. Otherwise, let him scuttle off the show. I don't need any explanations or story about that. He can just leave and never be heard from again.
  7. I assume the "truth" is that Rafe is responsible for the car accident that led to Gabriel's death? LOL that Silas can't deal, since we haven't seen him dealing with Rafe much in the first place. (I keep typing Rage, which is apt. Hee.) We don't need either of these characters back. Though it would bring back a Lucky who looks his age.
  8. Adoption has fallen by the wayside lately, but at least the adopted kids on the show aren't being treated as second-class citizens. If anything, Michael is loved by Sonny more than Morgan, his biological son. And Kristina was always treated a bit dismissively because she was a girlchild, not because Alexis instead of Carly was her mother. I also like that all of Sonny's kids consider themselves full siblings; they don't usually use "half" unless describing the family tree. Yesterday Maxie said she and Robin were more like sisters than cousins, and I appreciated that especially in light of Levi's ultra-douchy comment to Mac that he wasn't Maxie's bio dad. How I wish Maxie had heard that. So even though there are more bio kids lately, they aren't being presented as a "better" option. Except maybe by Lulu, but she's nuttier than Sabrina these days.
  9. I don't think the writers want us to sympathize with Sonny. I mean, we're seriously supposed to feel sorry for him that he can't kill Ava because she's pregnant with his or Morgan's baby? That he can't tell Michael the truth about AJ because Sonny will go to jail? I have a hard time believing I'm supposed to side with Sonny on any of this, despite Duke's feeble enabling. If they wanted us to believe this crap, I think Carly would be Sonny's sounding board, not Duke. Duke is there because he needs Sonny to keep going after Julian (as ineffectual as Sonny as been on that front). I don't think Duke really gives a rat's ass about Sonny's problems.
  10. That's nice to see, though it sucks that Alexis won't let Molly work through her feelings on her own time. But at least Sonny isn't involved; if he were, Molly probably wouldn't even be allowed to cry about Ric. Gee, I wonder what she decides. Please let it reawaken Franco's serial-killerness, please let it reawaken Franco's serial-killerness, please let it reawaken Franco's serial-killerness, please let it reawaken Franco's serial-killerness. Then why did he bring him back? I'll never understand Ron.
  11. I was reading an older copy of People today before getting my hair cut, and that reviewer called Eoin Macken's character "McDreamy caught in the wrong stage of REM," which I thought was hilariously apt.
  12. Seriously. Though I guess I should be grateful Monica didn't lose her mind and try to marry Ned after AJ died. Felix was still on the clock when he was outside sobbing over Sabrina and her baby, so he doesn't seem to value his job, either. No profession is accurately depicted on soaps. There'd be no show.
  13. Is Eli's not around anymore? I thought that was the place for ribs. When Ric clawed his way out of the body bag, I laughed imagining Sonny in that situation. His fabled claustrophobia would never allow it. I'm surprised it didn't rear up in the Q crypt, but I guess the gravitational pull of Ava's vagina trumped any fears. STFU, Brad. Britt is right to consider Nik a lost cause. I'm a Liz fan, but man, what a dumbass to dare Dr. O to fire her. Of course Liesl will do it! RiH did a great job with Molly crying in the other room. Ooooooh, Sonny hates Ava more than he hates Deke. That's some prime feeling right there. Heh. And of course Sonny "protecting" his sons is really about covering his own ass.
  14. Sam and Alexis, to a lesser degree, will not be devastated about Ric's death, but they will be upset for Molly's sake. Partial jinx with OnceSane.
  15. I hate his racist implication that the Asian flight attendant doesn't understand that he has a back ache. She speaks perfect English to him and he still shows her the pictogram. It's so insulting.
  16. So I guess Monday is the debut of NuNuNuJoss? (I think I counted the recasts right.) I'm not particularly looking forward to that, unless she gives Carly (and Franco, of course) an extremely hard time. But she'll probably be a precocious brat like Spencer, so ugh.
  17. Asa's fake funeral with all of his wives (and the instant classic of KdP's Blair flashing back to MK's Blair's wedding to Asa) was pretty great, too.
  18. An edit I agree with. I don't need to see Nina get caught up with everything that's happened since she's been in a coma. In the GH universe, 9/11 isn't something that needs to be mentioned in that context. As much as I dislike Nina, I did crack up when she was flailing around trying to find a phone with a cord, and then helplessly slapping Silas's cell phone. That was kind of fun. That's the sort of stuff I want to see her deal with. There's no need to force-feed her history.
  19. I don't think anyone feels shame for long (if at all). Carly certainly has no trouble sleeping with the man who facilitated her son's rape. And Sonny gets exasperated whenever someone mentions shooting Dante in the chest or Crypt!Sex. Logan's tweets are so ass-kissing I don't believe any of them. What's the point of bringing Jason back? The show is doing just fine without him. Why are we dealing with more characters when there are too many to begin with? It's bad enough we have the teen onslaught coming soon, which I couldn't care less about, no matter whose kids they are. Now we're possibly dealing with a recast Jason? STOP THE MADNESS.
  20. Wow, TeCa is so out of her league with this story, I almost feel sorry for her. How nice that Sabrina had time to keep her manicure looking good. It's still profoundly annoying that she's the one going off the deep end. Ugh. STFU, Levi. Good god, he's annoying. I don't know why Maxie doesn't throw him out on his long hair. Since it seems Rafe is the one who hit Patrick's car, I hope he chokes on his guilt. Literally. That's why drugs are bad, kids! Anna got to the morgue at GH in record time. I hope RiH could breath in that body bag. Eek.
  21. Maybe because Det. Plywood is extremely attractive and Levi looks like a carrot with hair? That, and Nathan encourages Maxie to think for herself.
  22. He hasn't explained, but I'm sure it's because his penis was helpless once it entered Ava's vagina's gravitational pull. Patrick has very poor taste in friends. If Coleman weren't tramping around the backcountry singing about the glories of country life, Patrick could confide in him. Mac would be another choice, though that would mean Ron would have to put JJY onscreen for more than a minute per month. It's like when Lulu had her abortion. Wait, you don't remember that?
  23. I know how to contact Schumer. (That isn't snotty.) I was complaining that Schumer made a point of telling people to contact their reps and then he punts on giving his address and telling people how to find it for others. He just laughs it off, when Jon was being serious. I know he couldn't see Jon, but I don't think it's too much to expect Schumer to say "Google the address." He should have followed through.
  24. Of course Sabrina regresses; she has the emotional maturity of a toddler. In that sense it's logical, but I'm really annoyed that she has to have a breakdown in the first place. Why can't she just leave PC for a little while? Does her exit really have to be such a big deal? We don't see Patrick falling apart this way. It's such misogynistic bullshit. My problem isn't that Lulu shouldn't want to carry a baby, it's that she's had Rocco for a hot second and is already obsessed with baby #2. How about she stops and enjoys the baby she have? They keep having her say that she's happy with Rocco, but then they immediately undercut it by having her desperate to deal with the embryo. It's not going anywhere. I would like to see Lulu have at least one conversation that doesn't include the words uterus, embryo, baby, and pregnancy. How about she go see if the Haunted Star is still floating? WE NEVER CARED.
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