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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Dinner isn't for many hours here, but inspiration has yet to strike me, either. I came here hoping someone's dinner plans would tempt me, but so far it's just one of those days when nothing sounds good.
  2. I missed the show last night, and I hate watching programming online, but after hearing about Jon's opening segment I had to head to the Comedy Central website to see it. Wow. He had me at "We still won't do jack shit," but once he got into the disparity of response to domestic vs. foreign terrorism and "nuanced language of lack of effort," I wanted to start wailing, "You can't leave us, Jon!"
  3. Cool. I only have TVs and computer monitors - no tablets, smartphones, etc. - but those hurt my eyes after a period of time, so I figured any electronic screen would. I think a friend of mine has a Kindle for when she travels; I’ll have to take a look at it next time I’m at her place.
  4. We use the latter a lot in my family, too. For the former, we say "Let us went." I didn't hear that clue last night; it must have been while I was answering the phone. The archive isn't updated yet.
  5. I’m not, either. I can’t imagine them going that way; it’s a lazy way of telling a story, and they can’t possibly want to come out of the gate getting criticized for being so clunky.
  6. I lived on that for a while when I wasn’t much of a cook. I don’t intend that to come across as insulting; I’m simply tickled to hear it’s still around because it made for a nice “split the difference” type meal when I didn’t feel like assembling a from-scratch meal but didn’t want to order in. I don’t remember which version I loved -- some veggie and pasta combination to which I added my own chicken - but it was a staple for a while.
  7. Brennan is another much-discussed contestant whose mannerisms I barely notice, let alone get annoyed by. I’m not a big NBA fan (even though I like college hoops), but I ran the category. Maybe that means the clues were too easy. I’m surprised Jackson was a TS. I suspect it was more not knowing Grant is on the $50 bill in order to do the 40% math than not knowing Jackson is on the $20, but it’s still surprising for not one of the three to get it. I knew Johnny and June were going to be a TS, and was pre-emptively sad. Gerontology was over-valued as a DD. I’ll be damned – a female author in a category that didn’t specify gender. I guess they didn't have room for "American Woman Authors." With that said, “Pioneer” and the rest of the clue made me think of Little House on the Prairie and Laura Ingalls Wilder, but I, too, rejected her because of the 2014 publication date. I had a set of her Little House books as a kid and could never get through a single one; they just didn’t interest me. So her works are not something I pay attention to, and I hadn’t heard anything about this other series.
  8. To be clear, I was only speaking to what I quoted - the general concept of spoilers being more legitimate due to XFN's ties to CC - in my response, not to the veracity of this latest, or any specific spoiler. With regard to these specifics, I think Mulder house vs. Mulder/Scully house speaks more to shorthand than either one being deliberate misdirection. It's just the latter makes me happy (even though it doesn't rule out estrangement).
  9. Most of my trips to Mexico were in college, but I know we snuck off to Mexico once during senior year (when we were 17). And, yeah, snuck off, because no HS student's parents were condoning trips to Mexico, especially co-ed trips to Mexico. Anyway, I don't remember having a fake ID until college, but maybe I did. Anyway, yeah - it was ridiculous to ask, and bordering on insane to get pissy that the answer was no.
  10. It's the same as with any official source -- it may mean you're getting accurate information you couldn't get anywhere else, it may mean you're being used as a messenger of misinformation. Reporter on the government beat, semi-official fan site for 1013 (known for secrecy and misdirection) ... same idea.
  11. Once I figured out what the heck XFN is (my brain finally remembered there was a site called X-Files News that had info in the lead-up to IWTB, so I went searching) ... Yay for "Mulder/Scully House."
  12. I see I'm not the only one to mention this, but Happy. I hate that damn song, and it won't go away. I was recently in Jo-Ann, getting really frustrated because they’d changed their inventory, dramatically reducing their apparel fabric section, and I couldn’t find anything I liked, when that song came on -- I was afraid for a moment that I was going to go postal in the store.
  13. Me too, with Warren as president. Hands down, my favorite part of the Trump segment. (Jessica’s barely-trying fake orgasm was a close second.)
  14. Any feasts planned for Father's Day? My dad's deadline for telling me what he wants for dinner is this evening, so I can go pick stuff up tomorrow (I don't get anywhere near the markets on weekends). My mom made crab cakes for his birthday dinner Tuesday per his request, so we'll see what he comes up with for Sunday. Oftentimes, he grills his own Father's Day steak and I make the sides. I don't yet know where I'm taking him for breakfast, either; with all the June gloom we've been having this year, the beach may be out.
  15. Back in the day, Joe Montana did commercials for a department store that no longer exists; I remember because I had worked there for a summer in college, and kept in touch with someone who still worked there -- she was so excited because "our" store was on the list of possible shooting locations for the next commercial. He probably had other commercial gigs I don't remember (I was never a fan of him or his team). Recently, he was in a funny commercial with Bo Jackson, Doug Flutie and Herschel Walker. I think he might also have been in one of the commercials with Peyton Manning and that asshat Papa John's owner.
  16. Ha - I was really into the ad (that's Susan Sarandon narrating, right?) and then got distracted by that hairdo at the end, too. I don't know why it jumped out at me, though - his hair is just pulled back.
  17. No, it's not -- if you're talking about not turning the lights off when you shut the engine off (as opposed to leaving them set on Auto so that, if appropriate, they'll come on when you start the car again rather than you turning them on yourself afterward), they stay on and thus run down the battery until I start it up again. If I leave the radio on - which I have done my entire driving life - it remains on for the fraction of a second between when my ignition shifts from on to off and doesn't come on again until I start the car up again. At any rate, standard car audio systems don't draw much power. It's why you can sit there with the engine off but radio on for quite a while and not cause problems; the tiny time in between off and start, and start and off, is practically nothing (thank you, capacitor). If you prefer starting your car when no extra electronics will come on as part of that process (of course, your clock and the car's computer have drawn tiny bits of battery power the whole time the car was turned off), that's obviously a fine thing and I certainly don't mean to imply it's silly to do so. Rather that it's not a big deal not to, and, more to the point, it's hardly only TV characters who don't follow your lead.
  18. I like Modern Family's Claire. (I like Phil, too, and think they're a nice match.) I think her flaws make sense given her experiences, and are nicely balanced by her strengths. There's an incident in which she is right about how something happened, and Phil - who didn't see it - refuses to accept that scenario, saying they'll "just have to agree to disagree." She says no, because she's right. I feel her in that moment, because I loathe "agree to disagree" in situations like that. Agree not to argue about it, sure. But agree to classify something as a legitimate difference of opinion when I know I'm stating fact and the other person isn't, no. (I only watch the show in syndication - which means I've seen the same 50 episodes over and over - so I'm sure they all become increasingly one-note, and thus quicker to annoy, as the seasons wear on.)
  19. The Joe Montana photo was ridiculous. Otherwise, I liked the football category. I happened to know who all those guys regarded as their football heroes, but there were also hints within the clues. I thought the government agency clues were a bit too easy, but I enjoyed that category too; I pretty much always know clues of that type. And I loved the category with word puzzles. Probably too easy for DJ, but I’ve loved those since childhood. I think the multi-verse ruling was bullshit, though. If it has been a row of “verse,” fine, but it was “universe.” Or if he had guessed “multiple universes” or similar. Doris Kearns Goodwin was a surprising TS. FJ was an instaget for me, too.
  20. I think - although I may be projecting because it is one of my peeves - the poster was referring to seeing "could've" written as "could of." There are things I assume many people have heard said but never seen written, and thus may logically spell wrong (it's why I'm not annoyed by "per say" for "per se" ... unless the person writing it is among the group who also doesn't know what it means, never mind how it's spelled). But "could've" and "should've"?
  21. all things is just okay to me, but I definitely share your problem with several episodes -- I can quote Bad Blood, Small Potatoes, and José Chung's From Outer Space verbatim, and there are quite a few other episodes with which I can quote along for huge chunks. A friend and I regularly get together at my place or hers for nights of drinking, eating, talking, and watching movies/TV shows. I can't even hazard a guess as to how many of such nights have involved a viewing of one or more of the episodes I listed above.
  22. All that follows the call to women everywhere, because “a random man has life advice,” is great, but my favorite part is in the beginning when he first tells her to smile: “Do I know you?” “No.” “But you’re telling me what to do with my face?” Who is the actor playing that woman? I know I've seen her in something. (Never mind; I found info about the theatre troupe and looked her up. I think I recognize her from commercials in which she played annoying characters.)
  23. I've been re-watching Cagney & Lacey (one of my other all-time favorite shows, and one of the few I liked all the way through to the end) lately, and there are appearances from several XF peeps. Including Sheila Larken in a memorable episode as the abused wife of a detective; the first time I saw Mrs. Scully, I knew she was familiar and soon flashed back to that role. Anyway, seeing Christopher Allport ("Jack Willis") in another great episode reminded me that during my last C&L re-watch I looked up him and learned he had passed away in 2008 at age 60 when he was killed in an avalanche. Sad. He was a good character actor. And he was almost 50 years old in Lazarus. He did not look 20 years older than Gillian! (Which is particularly impressive, given what a baby she looked like in season one.)
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