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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. She handled things very well on the radio show, and I loved the smile on her face when they were on the phone with Greg afterward and he said he'd underestimated her ability to deal with any confrontational callers and was very proud of her. As someone who has always been happiest alone, yet is not a hermit and places tremendous value on a circle of close friends in addition to my family, I think they have to walk a fine line when encouraging Jazz to be more social. She enjoyed and benefited from her group of childhood friends, so it would be helpful to reconnect where possible and pick up some new, particularly transgender, friends as well. Her depression is undoubtedly a factor in how much time she spends alone. But she does also enjoy hanging out in her room watching TV, so they can't push too far and act as if liking more alone time than the average teenage girl is a bad thing/push her to go do something all the time.
  2. I didn't care for this show when it premiered, but I recently borrowed a friend's DVDs to give it a second chance. Brenda's personality flaws are largely interesting to me, but sometimes the childish refusal to play well with others gets to be too much. I watched one where she was involved in a minor fender-bender (her fault) and, not knowing LAPD regulations require her to call it in and stay on scene until the traffic division investigates, just gave the guy her information and left. So the traffic captain shows up and, yes, is a total asshole (since everyone outside of Brenda's department is incompetent and/or offensive), but she refuses to so much as fill out the paperwork. Hello! You damaged a department vehicle and that of a civilian. The civilian is claiming whiplash. There will be forms to fill out, and running to Pope demanding that he make it go away because she's just too important to deal with such trifling stuff is ridiculous.
  3. Not that I want them making up bullshit criticisms of the winner's dishes to make the decision sound closer than it is, but from the judges' discussion they showed, there was zero suspense as to who'd won in the grilling competition.
  4. No, high water pants are another way of calling pants "flood pants" -- basically, pants that don't fit right and are too short for the wearer's legs. I said "mark," though.
  5. I knew Matt was going to drive most of you nuts. I was watching on my office TV, which is fairly small, so the swaying was slight to me and didn't bother me. Legs and thighs was a pretty easy guess based on the clue, but since legs encompasses thighs, I'm annoyed like the above poster. I got some other TS, too, but I can't remember them. I said Land Rover instead of Land Cruiser. Oops. I've never seen Amadeus, but assuming that was the film being referred to and thus thinking of Mozart, I figured it had to be Salieri.
  6. She's already in her dress, and they're just doing the final fluffing of her veil and stuff. He probably came in there to get her so he could walk her down the aisle, found them still fussing with crap, and sat down to stare at his watch while waiting to get this show on the road. Is that Kevin Rahm as the driver?
  7. I did the same thing, so I just read the clues on the archive. The Potemkin TS surprised me, with fake villages in the clue. The Clark Gable TS surprised me, too. I happened to know The Misfits was his final film, but with Gone With the Wind in the clue, I figured someone could figure it out! I did good with the TS; I also knew Frankie & Johnny, opossum, liquor picker, partisan artisan, and Lake Itasca. I came up with FJ (and now have that damn song stuck in my head), and am trying to figure out what in the clue pointed two of the contestants to Space Mountain. My thought process went UNICEF = kids, popular kids' ride = It's a Small World.
  8. When watching the bloopers on the DVDs, in the parts where Richards gets ticked off at the others breaking character or otherwise messing up, I'm always struck by the scary undercurrent to it, especially when Julia Louis-Dreyfus is the one his frustration is directed at. I understand that he's in a zone they're dragging him out of, and oftentimes he's trying to manage physical comedy at the same time, so I get the "Do your job, so I can do mine, and we can all go home" irritation. But the way it manifests is creepy sometimes.
  9. I liken it to Mary Beth getting all excited any time Chris had a serious boyfriend, encouraging her to marry him and have a kid -- she knew that wasn't what Chris wanted, so she'd eventually return to her senses, but because marriage and motherhood made her happy, her first reaction was always to push Christine towards it. She saw it through her own eyes, and had to be told (usually more than once) to step back and see it through Christine's.
  10. Add me in with those a bit sad Whale Rider was a TS. I also got jade in that category, but I don't care so much about that one, heh. The Captain & Tennille TS surprised me. Bartleby, too; none of the three goes around saying "I would prefer not to" like several of us here? Also scarlet fever, with red in the clue. I knew change-up, but that one didn't surprise me (same with ground game); balk did, however. And the Rhine? Not a single one of them guessed the German river pretty much everyone knows and is the answer probably 75% of the time J! asks about a German river? The Flight 93 Memorial was a stunning TS, so I can only assume they weren't sure what its proper name was and didn't want to guess wrong. Define LOL, really? What year is this? For FJ, I knew it had to be a Mormon, which in my vast repository of religious figures meant Joseph Smith or Brigham Young. I guessed correctly.
  11. At least you didn't hear Kylie Minogue's Locomotion (or The Loco-Motion as it had become titled again by the time it was released in the version that became a temporary craze).
  12. (I know for a lot of people this is not a bad movie, but to me it is.) In Legally Blonde, when Jennifer Coolidge gets her dog back from her ex. "I'm taking the dog, dumbass" is great, and musing that the fact the ex is probably still scratching his head means a nice break for his balls is even better, but the way she looks over at Elle and thanks her is the best. Speaking of Reese Witherspoon films I find unbearably stupid except for one moment: Candace Bergen saying, "Why don't you go back to your double-wide and fry something?" to Mary Kay Place in Sweet Home Alabama. Oh, actually there are two in that movie: "People need a passport to come down here."
  13. I think the series did a good job throughout showing that, while Dan was a good husband and father, he did not do an equal share of the parenting or household duties. He "helped" more than a lot of men, but it was still her job with which he helped, not an equal responsibility. It's a very typical scenario, and it was nice to see Roseanne's frustration with it (and the fact the kids took it for granted) flare up time and again. Also a nice realistic touch where Roseanne would get twitchy when he did step in more, because he wasn't doing it "right" (e.g. her way).
  14. Riley celebrated our national holiday by taking her first poop in four days (cat poop can transform into a terribly exciting thing when you've been waiting for it -- I made calls to Grandma & Grandpa and Auntie) and eating the most cat food she's consumed since she's been here. Thus far, she's been dining primarily on people food, but I discovered she loves raw chicken liver, so by chopping some up and mixing it in with cat food and pouring some of the "juice" over the whole thing, I got her to eat just about 1/2 can today. Yeah, at 200 calories/can, that's half a day's food for most cats, but for her it's good. I'll offer her some baby food and poached chicken as a midnight snack before we go to bed. She's doing really well with the fireworks. Not well enough I could have gone to my parents' house for burgers, hot dogs, and my mom's delicious homemade onion rings as per usual (OMG, I want them so much!), but well. This is the time of night she's normally very active, and tonight she's not, but she's not hiding -- she is awake, but stretched out with my pajamas at the foot of the bed. Pajamas which are normally stowed behind the pillow shams, but I never made the bed today -- and we spent a few hours in it this afternoon watching The Closer and napping. I've been so tired since I got her (even though she only kept me awake the first night)! I think with nine months away from my life-long habit of sleeping with at least one cat, my body forgot how to ignore the movements and such, and my sleep is being disturbed throughout the night without me fully realizing it. I'll adjust. Having never stayed home on the 4th since moving into this house, I didn't realize how much you can hear the local show from here. Add in the individuals setting things off, and it's occasionally really loud, but she's hanging in. People? Terrifying. Unseen bombs going off? Okay. Interesting cat. Maharincess, I'm so glad to hear you probably have a new companion. What a cutie!
  15. I'm mentally scrolling through my iPod. Its shuffle setting has a penchant for playing these two back to back: Adele, Someone Like You Van Morrison, Someone Like You I also have U2's One and Metallica's One. And there's also One by Three Dog Night. Van Morrison's Gloria and Laura Branagan's Gloria. I think there have been several different songs titled Fire, but The Pointer Sisters and The Ohio Players are the versions I have.
  16. I finally managed to catch an episode of this show - although the second half I was just listening to from the other room because my newly-adopted cat summoned me. I've been so excited to have a veterinary show where not one, but two! of the vets are black, but I've missed each episode until now for one reason or another. It has the usual mix of things I think were recreated, or even done just for the show, but I've concluded I have to let such things go in order to watch TV. A documentary buff in this reality show world has to pick her battles. I don't know names yet, but I loved the one vet telling the other two, "You say you're seeing a tiger like that's something you do." And then, "Can I come?" I have enough problem with zoos, for regular folks in regular homes to try and keep a wild animal pisses me off something fierce. I loved seeing the woman who'd only adopted her dog a month and a half prior being so determined to help him (through lepto).
  17. At least they're not showing Eyes Wide Shut. I went to a pre-release screening of that, and although it was an industry crowd, many audience members audibly expressed their frustration. By the time it was over, I would have sworn the film had been half a day long.
  18. I'm glad Dr. Jeff bought that new place, because watching them do surgery in the old one was making me cringe. He bought the first building when that was a crap neighborhood, and now it's gentrified, so I'm sure he cleared quite a tidy profit selling it. I watched the "Extra Dose" episode with the deaf dog in for a teeth cleaning, and I loved the bonus footage of the owner teaching them a few signs to help the dog feel less disoriented.
  19. None of the Jennings have exec producer (or producer, period) credits, so they don't have creative control. They can ask that something filmed not be aired, but producers don't have to agree.
  20. Canton as the location for the College Football Hall of Fame? Fine if someone doesn't know where it is, but Georgia is in the clue! I guess at least she kept in the same sport, instead of saying Cooperstown or something. I'm surprised polar bear was a TS - fluffly, white, lethal, endangered? I know it was in a "leftovers" category, but there were lots of hints there. William O. Douglas as a TS made me sad. I sucked at the musicians on TV category - didn't get a single one.
  21. Well, she bore no resemblance to that in the shelter. You could barely see her, because of how she hid, and then once you did you just saw sad eyes and a tightly curled, shaking mass of fear. I see this and think, "I must help this cat; in a home environment, with love and patience, she'll do much better." Most people see this and think, "Why would I take on this unknown project when there are other cats here coming up to the front of their cages and asking to go home with me?" (Especially now, during "kitten season," when there are utterly adorable little furballs everywhere you turn.) And I can't fault that; if you're adopting a cat from a kill shelter, you're saving a life, and I'll applaud that so long as I can move my hands. But see what five months worth of people missed out on? Yeah, she spends a lot of time in her hiding spot, and it's work getting her to eat. But I read or watch TV over her ears when we get in bed, because she tucks herself in under my chin. So I just wish there were a few more people willing to take a chance. I'm anxious about the fireworks, given how scared she is of the unknown/unexpected. She's fine with the TV, so that can mask some noise, and I have triple pane windows, so it shouldn't be terrible to begin with - and fireworks are illegal here other than at sanctioned shows, but that only stops some people - but Maddie used to hide under this same bed on the fourth, and fireworks and thunder are the only two things that ever scared the unflappable Madeleine. A nervous nelly like Riley, I don't know what to expect.
  22. I do that when it's an accent distinctly different from mine, and have to make a real effort not to, because I don't want people to think I'm mocking them - or that I'm some freak who affects accents. And I love to travel, so it's an ongoing thing for me; if I don't check myself, I unconsciously adopt the accent of the people I'm surrounded by, especially certain accents.
  23. Glad you found your way here on your own. FYI, you don't need moderators to start threads. They start show forums (once requested), and may start episode threads within the forums for current shows, but anyone can start a thread. So if this thread didn't already exist, you could have just come to Everything Else TV and started one. Anyway, seconding the recommendation of O.J.: Made in America. It's the latest installment of the 30 for 30 documentary series on ESPN, but it was initially screened at a couple of film festivals and put into limited release in theatres (so it's eligible for Oscar consideration). Even for those with O.J. fatigue, I recommend it. It puts his career and the trial in context of race relations in this country, and specifically in Los Angeles.
  24. Fox wouldn't spend the money to re-license his songs for the U.S. DVD release, they're certainly not going to spend the money to replace the credits. So it's just a cruel tease to see his name and hear the world's most generic voice.
  25. If Capt. Sullenberger endorses Sully's presentation of his "untold story," I will be all over that movie. I have a longstanding (and admittedly weird) devotion to plane crash documentaries, but I'll watch the occasional dramatization, too.
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