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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Another bit of belated trivia for you (and others, because this happens a lot): Her name was Katharine, not Katherine.
  2. K is for Kenny, the kid who traded his dog for D.J.’s comic books
  3. There was no reference to them being roommates, just that they were in college together (Sophia tells Dorothy she's known that Jean is a lesbian "since you two were in college together" and Dorothy says Jean didn't even know then).
  4. Well, yeah, if he can't handle a simple truth like that, I suppose it won't. If he's a straight, white male, there is a larger selection of appealing time periods to travel to than there are for women, people of color, those who are LGBT, etc. Receiving an "As a woman, I'd have to take a chance on the future rather than somewhere in the past" response as food for thought (causing him consider the privileges that give him a wider variety of good options to that question, yielding an "You know, I didn't think about that" reaction) would be great, but a simple, "Interesting, how far in the future would you go?" reply would be perfectly fine.
  5. Yep. When Dorothy comes in and says they'll never guess who she just got off the phone with, Sophia jumps in with, "Trudy [Last Name], your best friend from high school. She's coming in for your high-school reunion." (That's the lead-in to "Sophia, that's incredible; you must have ESP"/"No, I have a phone extension in my bedroom.") The whole "why the hell are they having their reunion in Miami?" question remains, unless by then so many members of that year's class had retired to Florida it made more sense to hold it somewhere in FL than back in NY. (I doubt the writers gave it a moment's thought, I just like trying to come up with remotely plausible scenarios for some of the various "wait, why ..." questions created by their putting each individual joke/storyline over continuity or even logic.)
  6. And you wouldn't need Stitch Fix anymore with her around.
  7. Watching Nick Saban get his ass handed to him is such a nice way to start the week.
  8. Yes, the tag line is something about making the most of the house while the kids still live there.
  9. Since you said we could play references to Roseanne, not just The Conners: E is for Elvis, who got to die in his own bathroom
  10. I'm glad to have helped you and Kitty, @MargeGunderson. When Maddie was diagnosed with CKD many, many moons ago, I immediately launched into a diet research project, because I hate the ingredients used by the prescription food companies and was hoping there was something better out there. That's how I learned it's not just the inferior ingredients (and the infuriating practice of charging as if they're made with expensive ingredients; I can't even imagine their profit margin, and it makes me angry every time the subject comes up), but that the entire concept - of low protein/low phosphorus - is half wrong. So then I set out to find something among the commercial foods with good ingredients that had reduced phosphorus content but adequate protein. This data is obviously not on the cans (that's just "guaranteed analysis," a max/min percentage it's guaranteed to fall within) and was often not even on the manufacturer's website (this has thankfully changed in large part by now). So I had to contact the manufacturers to get the "as-fed" data, and then do the math to come up with dry matter analysis (to properly compare between foods with different moisture contents) and the caloric composition (how much of its calories come from protein, fat, and carbs, because too high in carbs is bad). To get to my one-page spreadsheet was months of work and all those numbers invaded my dreams. I wrote up a one-page summary of the issues at hand with caring for CKD cats, added a column to the spreadsheet with the lowest local price for each of my CKD-approved foods, and my vet handed that out to other clients whose cats had CKD. I think it was a couple of years later that Dr. Lisa Pierson came out with her initial spreadsheet, which grew to the pages long project as stands today. So now we can just direct people there. The amount of work that went into it is staggering, and she, not her assistant, did most of it (I learned this when I heard back from her assistant after passing on the crunched numbers on a couple of formulas she didn't have on her list). It's a tremendous resource, so I share it with other cat owners whenever it's relevant, and always credit Dr. Pierson in the link by name (rather than just saying "here's a chart") because it was such a labor of love.
  11. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Coming into today, I had the Bears picked to meet the Saints in the NFC championship game. So I was quite surprised by the way this game went. And bummed, since obviously as a Giants fan the only time I will root for the Eagles is when they are handing the Patriots yet another Super Bowl loss on behalf of the NFC East. If the Rams do not beat the goddamned Cowboys next week, you all will hear me howling with rage from wherever you are. I think that will be a contest, but I think the Saints will beat the shit out of the Eagles. On the AFC side, I don't begin to care other than wanting the Patriots to lose. I will be a one-day Chargers fan next weekend.
  12. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    He also never shuts up.
  13. Oh, I love that one! I've only seen Maxwell and Hump Day, and I hate both of those. I'll probably be subjected to the cavemen next.
  14. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I hate everyone. As I said before, I think the winner of this game will be one and done in the playoffs, so I'm not worried about the Cowboys ruining the NFC for me, but goddamn. Just having them around for another week is disgusting, and that's before I get to the Seahawks being the team knocked out because of that. There were several penalty calls/non-calls that benefited Dallas, but ultimately Seattle fell down on the job. And, again, networks, stop showing the fucking reanimated corpse that is Jerry Jones when most other owners couldn't be identified in a line-up by the average viewer.
  15. I don't do swoon, but what I like best about that scene is how she just listens to his story. She's starved for information about his past, but she doesn't ask any questions, just listens and then promises him a sled.
  16. Ooh, I didn't realize it was available on DVD. But, damn, I can only find season one. I miss it, but am sure glad it existed for the short time it did. The real-life friendship between the creators/actors led to something really great. They even managed to give one of the main characters a serious boyfriend and have that not only be something better than an annoying distraction, but a truly enjoyable storyline and character (having him played by Keegan-Michael Key definitely helped).
  17. Yikes, I’m even worse with Shakespeare clues than I thought! That was embarrassing; I think I only got two. Take Your Daughter to Work Day is now Take Your Kids to the Office Day? Way to completely lose sight of the point! The tea TS was quite a surprise, and I’m a little surprised no one came up with 200 meters after the incorrect guess of 100. The Laurence Olivier, complete with video, TS was just depressing. Before their time, I suppose. The Hanukkah clue was Toddler Tournament-worthy, and the patience and run-on clues belonged in the first round. I liked the FJ clue -- several things in there to help you reason your way to the answer if, like me, you don't happen to know the underlying fact. So I was surprised only one came up with it.
  18. I love Grace & Frankie on Netflix. Each season has had at least one "well, that was just so-so" episode in terms of writing, but I always still enjoy them because, hello, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin. I didn't love events in last season's finale and am mildly apprehensive about how they'll be handled next season (which is almost here), but it's definitely a show I'd recommend. I doubt the short-lived Playing House is available anywhere, but if it is, that's most definitely worth your time. It's about a long-term friendship between two women, and quite funny.
  19. They hadn't planned to shuck oysters on demand, they wound up having to because they ran out of time and didn't get the 90 (something like that) shucked in advance like they'd planned (but probably should have known wasn't going to happen). But, yes, serving a dessert that needed too much last-minute work was their plan from the beginning.
  20. You're his wife, not his child; he shouldn't be telling you what you are and are not allowed to do in your own home. Asking you not to start an emotional conversation when she was recovering was one thing, but forbidding it in perpetuity is quite another. I'm sorry he's not properly respecting you, on general principle, and because it has put you in a really bad situation - as was said above, no one should have to live this way. That happened to me when I let a friend move in with me when we were both first starting out after college. She didn't give a shit if things were messy or even dirty (judging by her bedroom and bathroom, that was her natural state), so if I stopped cleaning the common areas, it wasn't as if she finally jumped in to clean them; it just meant they were dirty and I was even more pissed off than when I was doing all the cleaning. (I lasted a year and a half because she had cats I loved like my own and hated to lose, but then that was it, I asked her to leave, and I have thankfully never co-habitated since; I am someone who needs to live alone.) So I empathize with you there -- if the other person(s) thinks it's just fine the way it is they are likely to regard your request to keep things reasonably tidy as being, instead, an unreasonable demand for perfection. Their perspective is skewed, so you're left in a position where you either just do all the cleaning yourself, engage in constant battle over it, or move out/kick them out, because they're not going to budge.
  21. Yes, the root of all the problems at home seems quite clearly to be the husband, and your advice is spot on.
  22. Oh, I'm with you on not calling an adult "adorable" (although I would say "I adore her/him"), I just happen to like "adorkable" - putting the dork in there makes it work for me, because doing something so dorky it's endearingly cute is the one instance in which I might find a human adorable, and adorkable is such a good description. Going back to the peeve of people saying "hashtag," I just read in another thread that someone's co-worker, in lieu of laughing, says, "lawl," meaning "LOL." That makes saying "hashtag" seem quaint and charming by comparison!
  23. The bangin' hot one? I got a good chuckle out of Sara asking the servers if they knew which one at the judges' table was Padma and, upon getting a negative shrug, saying "the bangin' hot one" and then - without really having time to register that she was on camera and thus would potentially be aired singling Padma out among a table full of women - correcting to (paraphrased) "well, they're all hot, so just follow me." That's a good point that makes me feel better about Brian being awarded the win when I thought it should have gone to Adrienne -- he got bragging rights, but she got just as much coin (okay, as did the other two). I like that no one knew going in the winning team would receive such a reward, which led to their very fun to watch excited reaction.
  24. Being the last restaurant the judges dine at means they've inevitably gotten backed up (by their own errors and by the fact people getting a free meal and a possible TV appearance don't want to leave), and the judges do take note of the delays "regular" customers are enduring, but the judges' table generally gets served promptly in spite of the overall chaos. Plus, it's mostly about the food, and the last team has had the most time to make adjustments to the dishes. So I think it pretty much all shakes out.
  25. Other than medical personnel, she may not have anyone around her to correct her -- far too many people say vagina when they mean vulva. Labia is probably even more "the what?" to them. I only saw a small portion of this episode, so I mostly only have the shallow to comment on: Noelle's hair and dress were seriously on point. They all looked nice - although Lynn's dress looked like a bridesmaid dress from David's Bridal - but her hair and dress were particularly notable. I liked that Jazz, upon finding Noelle, asked, "Is there anything I can do?" She didn't plop right down or even ask, "What can I do," instead leaving wide open the opportunity for Noelle to say, "No, it's best for me to be alone" if that was what she wanted. And I loved Noelle's thumbs-up gesture when Jazz said she was going to bring her cake, and then hang out with her. But when Jazz told the others what was up and asked if they wanted to leave the room, the lights were up like at the end of the night.
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