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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Please, no; there is enough suffering in my world right now.
  2. I barely remember the episode, but I do remember my "What the actual hell?" reaction to Abby continuing to see Luka after he beat a man to death on their first date. I knew better in high school, when I said "I'll be getting a cab home now; nice knowin' ya" to a guy who, on our third date, turned out to have a gun under his passenger seat, which he pulled out to brandish at some fellow motorist who'd committed a traffic offense. If that's how someone responds to disputes, run away, don't enter into a relationship in which you will inevitably have many disputes with him!
  3. Yep. I work out of my home office the vast majority of the time, and I start later and thus end later than average. So, when I was based in a company office, and was there late by myself, I had to periodically stand up and do a little dance to make the lights come back on. I was very happy this was not being viewed on CCTV in some security office.
  4. I don't like video interviews (whether I'm interviewing or being interviewed) unless distance necessitates, but I love initial phone interviews; after that, though, I want to meet in person. But, yeah, reducing close contact with strangers right now is going to make video interviewing more common. When you're the interviewee, at least, like @emma675 said, you only have to dress up half of you. And you can spend the time you'd have otherwise spent commuting to/from the interview sleeping or playing with cats.
  5. Laemmle (a group of about half a dozen arthouse theaters in the greater Los Angeles area) sent this email on Friday:
  6. My friend came by to get toilet paper - since selfish jerks have ensured there aren't any in stores today - and we stood around chatting, so I missed the episode and had to read the archive. Wow, lots of TS. And most of them things I figured at least one contestant would get: Martina Navratilova, Pelé, Lou Gehrig, South Dakota, George & Gracie, Gemini, jet propulsion, aerobatics, The Lost Weekend, horseback, chortle, and Pearl S. Buck.
  7. I just had a similar conversation with Riley - also an indoor-only cat - but about two solid days of rain; she's running around with a wicked case of cabin fever, like if it was dry outside she'd be out there.
  8. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    So do I, especially since it's not prime time where I live, it's 5:00. I work out of my home office, thankfully, so I don't have to try to commute home by 5:00 and it's instead a minor to moderate chore to finish up early (I normally work 10-7) in order to watch round one on Thursday. But be done by 4:00 on Friday as well? That's often hard to make happen.
  9. LOL at "Male Writers" finally showing up - and not as "Men Writers". The FJ clue made me laugh, too. As did "This is Alex Rebeck, saying goodbye until tomorrow" after he messed up another name. Martin Luther King, Jr. should have been the answer in the report cards category, not Martin Luther King. And I think accepting something other than ratings for the Nielsen clue was overly generous. I'm a bit surprised no one offered up 9-0 as a guess, and no one getting Greg Louganis really surprised me (especially with a picture; I'd have lost big betting on the fact the text alone would be plenty for at least one of them to know it). But otherwise no eyebrows raised at the TS. I pre-called steal and tales when the Anagrams of Least category was announced. Of course the only two I missed in that first round were in the Bible category. I missed a handful in DJ, but finished by getting FJ.
  10. That's what they do at my local market, too. I've seen them do it (or at least call out to and gesture at the first person - something to make clear there's an order to this process) at the chains, but not consistently like they do at the independent grocer. It's one of the many things I like about the place. I wish it happened everywhere; it's pathetic that it needs to be done, of course, but it's a little thing that avoids a problem.
  11. I said the same. And I'm sure it would have been accepted; a quick internet search shows walking stick to be a common name for them. I liked that one. The "taxing" clue had me joining in the laughter. Quite a few TS tonight, many of which I didn't think were going to be, but the only two that surprised me were Lawrence O'Donnell and chameleon (especially the latter). I didn't feel good about my FJ chances when I saw "comic books" in the clue (they've never interested me), but it turned out to be something I guessed immediately; I had no idea the term went back that far, but it came to mind from hearing numerous TV characters correct someone who said "comic book" with "They're graphic novels".
  12. They're standing, trimming topiaries at crotch level into a landing strip, a heart, and something else - the bushes are stand-ins for their "bushes" (pubic hair).
  13. Yep, that's why hearing it made me laugh -- there's no yelp, crash, or anything like that, and the kid, who does not sound particularly young and has no discernible distress in his voice, just calls out for Mom. She asks, "Yeah?" and he says, "I fell." I think her "okay" is a pitch-perfect response, and it just gets funnier from there.
  14. Did what was still in the cart consist of large items she might have thought you'd just leave in the cart to be scanned with the handheld device rather than putting on the belt? If yes, of course she still should have waited until you put the little divider down or at least until you stopped unloading your cart; I'm just trying to figure out how on earth one could even arrive at "I thought you were finished" when the cart is still pretty full.
  15. I just heard that for the first time this past weekend; I was installing curtain rods, so didn't see what it was advertising, just heard a mom responding to her kid's pronouncement "I fell" with "Okay, there are bandages in the cabinet" and then to "I'm bleeding" with "Grab two." Her casual delivery on both made me laugh.
  16. Jazz doesn't want to be a girl, she is a girl, just a transgender girl rather than a cisgender one. Given how much virtually all parents (including these two) struggle when they are confronted with the possibility and then fact their child is transgender, and how many of them go to their graves using the wrong name/pronoun and declaring their child "confused", it's statistically highly unlikely this particular set of parents (I'm not sure - well, yeah, I am, but let's pretend the at-home parent's logically increased physical presence in the child's life, and not sexism, is why it's only Jeanette called out, when whatever the differences in their approaches to the various issues resulting from it, both Jeanette and Greg are firm in their acceptance of Jazz's gender identify) instigated this in some way. First, why would they? Why would anyone choose to mess their child up that way? (When we see parents imposing "no, you're a boy/girl" on their kids, it's telling a transgender child they are the biological sex, not telling a cisgender child they are the opposite sex.) It's not like they had three boys and so pyschotically wanted a girl for this last one they'd turn a boy into a girl; they already had Ari. And, while few people love symmetry more than I do, I certainly wouldn't tell a child they wanted to be a different gender just so I'd have two of each. Second, if they did, why would it have "worked"? The parents who deny their transgender children their true identity do great - sometimes fatal - harm, but against that horrific barrier those folks still generally manage to stake their claim - to themselves, to a small circle, or to the world - as time goes on.
  17. I'm pretty surprised deputy was a TS. Talib a little bit, too. Unlike the contestants, I watch a football, so that was a fun category for me. (I laughed at Alex referencing the dismal performance in a football category last year.) By their answers, I figured Mark to be a casual viewer and the other two not being fans at all, so I wasn't surprised he didn't know too many players on the field, but I was surprised he didn't know fourth down. But I didn't have a great first round overall; I missed several, thanks to the poet and house categories (re. the latter, I didn't know Brigham Young, and I also somehow managed not to put together who'd have lived in something starting with "Oz"! That was a major V8 head smack). Same thing in DJ, thanks to goddesses and emperors and somehow never having even heard of intaglio. But FJ came to me instantly, which kind of surprised me; I've seen the play, but I don't know it well. I guess "vital" brought "importance" to mind right away, and then it was easy for me from there. But the clue asked for the remaining words of the final line, not the title whence that line is derived, so "the" shouldn't have been included as the two contestants who got it right did. I know they wouldn't rule against them for that, but I was a little surprised Alex did the same thing.
  18. If cute now means lame and creepy, sure.
  19. That article just goes to show how far we still have to go in how we understand and thus speak about mental illness - the manner of death was suicide, but the cause was bipolar disorder.
  20. I said revise instead of redact and was stumped by the author who also stumped all three contestants, so I was only two away from my first perfect game.
  21. Unfortunately for my eyes, he probably will grow it back - if the storyline is he shaved it to look more appealing to investors and everyone is making fun of his face, odds are it's only going to be a temporary change.
  22. I go camping with my parents in their motorhome every year for Thanksgiving, and they get up several hours before I do. So I stumble to the bedroom and crawl in their bed to continue sleeping. That's fine for three mornings each year. Living that way? Hell no.
  23. I've never seen the show, but I like both names. Unfortunately, most of my favorite characters have had names I don't like as cat names (e.g. two of my favorites were Lauras - Laura Holt, Remington Steele, and Laura Roslin, Battlestar Galactica - but I just don't ever look at a cat and think "Laura"), but I've named cats after two of the exceptions: Maddie was named after Maddie Hayes (Moonlighting). The character's full name was spelled Madolyn, but I didn't like that spelling, so Maddie was Madeleine. Louise was named for Louise Sawyer (Thelma & Louise). In fact, she got the character's middle name, Elizabeth, too. If it ever seems a match for a future cat, I may name one Murphy (Murphy Brown). And maybe a Cagney (as in Cagney & Lacey; I don't like Christine, Mary Beth, or Lacey as cat names, but I kind of dig Cagney). I don't like Sharon as a cat name, but maybe I could name a cat Raydor in honor of Sharon Raydor (The Closer/Major Crimes) - everyone who heard it would think Raider, but I'd know. My mom just sent me this picture; my dad set his flannel shirt on a chair while he did something in the living room, and it still hasn't made it to the bedroom, because this happened:
  24. Yeah, it switched at the beginning of the year - instead of airing the next two season one episodes per the usual routine, they aired the next season one episode and the first season four episode. It continued on that way, so now we're up to early season two in the first slot and middle season four in the second. It's a little weird, but the show has been in syndication for over three and a half years now, so some schedule changes are to be expected. And I know some markets only air one of the two episodes each week, so at least this way those viewers aren't missing every other episode.
  25. I barely slept Riley's first night. We got in bed around midnight, and she spent the next five hours talking to me, rolling around on my chest, and rubbing my face. Then she finally wore out, and went to sleep under the office couch (that was her safe space when I got her [and where she still hides when I vacuum], and it took her a couple of weeks to feel comfortable sleeping "above ground", and then probably another week before she didn't keep at least one eye open). So I think I dozed off some during those five hours, but didn't really get to sleep until 5:00 a.m. It's exhausting having a new baby in the house. I love how much your two girls love each other already! Did you name them, or had the shelter already given them those names? I like both of them.
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