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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Random peeve of the day: Hearing drawer pronounced as "draw" barely even registers with me anymore, since I've heard people from a few different areas say it that way over the years, but seeing it written that way annoys me.
  2. It was posted upthread: She not only lived a long life, but was working up until the end - per IMDb, she did nearly ten screen projects last year, she has four more in post right now, and was slated to be in something that's in pre-production.
  3. I only saw a few clues, and had to read the archive for the rest (thanks again, @WhoisMark), but I did get to see Alex's face when shilling was a TS and greatly enjoyed it. I wonder what his face looked like by the end of the game -- there were about 15 TS! In addition to shilling, I was surprised to some degree by the V.C. Andrews, untouchables, sponge, hawk, skunk, guard, trebuchets, and Blitz TS. The only film in the Quotable Movies category I've seen is The 40-Year-Old Virgin, but I didn't remember that quote. I knew the ones from The Hunger Games and Black Swan via cultural osmosis, though. And I didn't know any of the TV villains. I'm very hit and miss on pop culture clues, and I was just a big ball of miss tonight! At least I knew most of the other clues, and FJ was an instaget.
  4. What a great story; Kristyna from Tuesday's episode grew up watching the show, and it did far more than entertain her: And her little tidbit about Alex made me smile; I love how much he loves being handy:
  5. Seriously! Are people really so addicted to their phones these days they compulsively answer all calls, even when they're busy or just not interested in talking right then, then blame the caller for "interrupting" them? I don't think there's anything wrong with preferring to get an "are you free to talk about X?" type text or IM first, but I do think declaring it rude to get a call without one is ridiculous.
  6. Another archive night for me, so I must reiterate (on the off chance anyone involved with the J! Archive site reads here) how much I appreciate whatever changed this season that it is consistently updated daily, and early in the day. The Valentine clue belonged in the Toddler Tournament. Noblesse oblige, desert, Cher, boiling, and radiation were all varying degrees of surprising as TS, but the Hinckley TS was as shocking as last night's Mississippi TS. I was horrible in the Cast of the TV Show category; I don't watch any of the shows, and the only one I could guess based on the info in the clue was Dr. Who. I missed a couple of the Civil War clues (war history is not my bag) and could not spit out Gulf of Aden, so I had a worse first round than is typical for me. In DJ, of course I didn't know any of the religious fiction clues (and I find it offensive at least three of the five were about Judeo-Christian novels) and only correctly guessed one of the Opera Zingers clues (Don Giovanni) -- my two worst subjects! FJ came to me very quickly, but overall it was not a good game for me. Boo, hiss.
  7. I don't call anyone back who doesn't leave a message. If it's just a missed call, I figure they decided to send me an email instead, or it was something that was only relevant if I was free to talk right then, so it's now moot. When someone leaves me a message, I know what they need to talk to me about, and can thus prioritize my return calls. I have no idea. The TL;dr crowd is so averse to spending more than three seconds of their precious time on any one thing that a sentence consisting of complete words is anathema?
  8. Well, I'm three for three. But I'm also fine being considered rude in whatever bizarro world those things are rude in.
  9. Bingo - they had to write in a reason the TV was temporarily displaced, because they wanted to show ABC news footage on the TV, and there's no realistic way to film live the TV where it would normally be.
  10. I didn't see it to say whether or not I found them annoying, but on general principle I think it's great that people in a polyamorous relationship were included on a house-hunting show. It reminds me of when the show first started, and how nice it was to see gay couples among the HHs.
  11. Yep, "20th Century European Leaders" to be exact. I managed to completely fail to pay attention to the category, just having world leaders in my mind, so my first response was FDR. Then I thought, no, that would be way too easy for FJ (with '30s given in the clue), so it must be a European leader. I settled on Chamberlain, and didn't realize until after the fact that, duh, the category flat-out stated it was a European leader!
  12. I haven't watched season two yet, but I second the recommendation of Sex Education. I watched it because of Gillian Anderson, knowing nothing else about it and going in with no expectations, and wound up thoroughly enamored of the teenagers' storylines. The friendship between main character Otis and his best friend Eric is particularly wonderful, showing all the ways in which one being straight and one being gay doesn't make their friendship any different than that between two straight guys, while being honest about the ways in which their experiences being different does affect the relationship.
  13. Antacids? Yes, she was underage (it's why she needed Dan and Roseanne's permission), and she might have only been sixteen.
  14. That brings to mind another little peeve - since I don't care about photographs of people I don't know, I have asked my mom to whom she wants me to give the really old photos after she's gone, and she hasn't come up with an answer. I'd feel bad just tossing all that stuff, but since I don't know who'd appreciate it, it would be more work for me to poll the extended family after she's dead than if she - who knows who else in that group (we're both only children, but both her parents were one of a gazillion kids from immigrant farming families) is interested in genealogy, when I (decidedly uninterested) do not - arranged that in advance. There is a local outpost in the city whence both my maternal grandparents came of a historical society about their particular immigrant group (Germans from Russia), but if those pictures are among the unlabeled (and I don't know if they are), they won't do them any good. Moving on to today's peeve - my favorite local bakery does not do customized cakes. They imply they do on their website, but what they really offer is special order cakes - options beyond what regularly appear in the bakery, where you decide your flavor but pick from pre-selected designs. None of them are anything we want for the anniversary party. It's not remotely a disaster; there is another longstanding family bakery that will do basically anything we want, decoratively, and has great-tasting cake options underneath it, so we'll meet with them tomorrow. It's just they have great-tasting versions of pretty typical cakes, while the place we originally wanted has a wide variety of truly excellent, more-interesting options so the flavor would have had the memorable wow factor. Oh, well - this is the bakery that did my parents' wedding cake 50 years ago, so that's kind of cool.
  15. Steakhouse, George Wallace, free gift, Venus, and suffragette were surprising TS, and I wasn't expecting the anaconda DD to be missed (I was, however, freakishly certain whomever rang in first on the postmortem clue was going to ignore 10-letter and "after" in quotes in order to say autopsy instead), but the Mississippi TS was a true stunner. I missed a handful they got correct (and that I should have known if I was going to compete outside my living room), though, so I did not get any closer to my goal of a perfect game tonight.
  16. It's a small, liberal arts college (through which students can take classes at the other Claremont Colleges as well, giving them the atmosphere of a small school but with the resources of a larger one) with a great reputation for academics, diversity (economic as well as racial/ethnic and gender), and activism. It's rare for a class to have more than 30 students, and in fact I think the average class size is around 15. There are ample opportunities for interaction with professors (and it's indeed professors, not grad students, teaching all classes) outside of the classroom as well. Lots of travel abroad programs, internships, and research opportunities are available (and utilized). Graduates have a very high acceptance rate to graduate schools. I have no affiliation, I just know a fair bit about it and think it's a terrific school (and it's highly selective - less than 10 percent of applications are accepted - so getting in there is a big deal, too) and, particularly, an ideal environment for Jazz. It gets her away from home, but into a small, supportive environment in which she won't be so overwhelmed and can thrive among students who are interested in societal issues as well as their studies. You have to apply to live off campus, and very few students do (all four years, not just freshmen), so Jazz wouldn't be able to isolate herself too much.
  17. Yes, her line about the laptop was correct in the Pacific timezone version.
  18. Yeah, Frank's particular brand of asshole fits perfectly with an ex-cop, but the show forced that ridiculous episode where hey, look, he's nice to his wife and special-needs child - never mind that he'd be his usual asshole self to any random two similar people - and, although he treats those he works with - especially those who aren't white straight males - like shit, he speaks well of them at home, so he's not so bad bullshit. So, I agree, he's meant to be just one of the many TV examples of the same actor playing two (or more!) different characters on the same show; even though it wasn't as prevalent as in years past by the time this show aired, it still wasn't rare.
  19. Darlene's line about the candidates with integrity having their last gasp before the big-money ones swoop in was great. As was the no-bus list. And Becky's laughing at Mark's line about Putin/hacking came across as at least party Lecy laughing, but still without taking me out of the moment. "If you look around our family, you might not know it, but people are supposed to move out." Ha! But, also, overdue to see a scene between Mark and Harris about her just up and moving out. That's the most we've seen of their sibling dynamic, and it was welcome. All three kids being into Dan and Louise seems statistically unlikely. And all the stuff about "breaking up" and the awkward animosity between them was the weak spot of the episode for me. But the scene between Dan and his daughters was wonderful (except for the fact Dan has never wanted anything to do with church in his life and does not think "no one can screw you in church"); I love him insisting on his own time and way, and love them objecting to "go to your room" with "we are not children" being shot down by "wanna pay rent?" as they run out of the room. Jackie's call as Hillary to encourage voting, and then declaring "this country is doomed" based on Harris's reaction, was a great closing. The boom mic was visible in the opening kitchen scene, and part of the scene where Jackie was taking a picture of Dan and Louise, of the West Coast version. There were also a couple of rough camera shifts. But the acting was really good for not only a live performance of what they'd rehearsed all week, but of what they had to learn quickly for the west coast airing; Ames covered nicely upon slightly flubbing a line.
  20. I'm trying to pull a selection from 50 years worth of photographs for a slideshow/video at my parents' anniversary party, and I swear my parents are only in a picture together once every five years! It's always one of them taking the picture, and then every once in a blue moon there's one my grandparents, a friend, or I took, so they're both in it. I could do one hell of a photographic retrospective of my life, or of their various cats, but trying to chronicle their life in pictures is not working like I thought it would (yes, of course, the cats and I through the years will be included, but I'd like my parents to be in most of the pictures with us!). And, good grief, the lack of organization in the photo albums - some are chronological, but, I'm not exaggerating, there was one where three pages apart I was a newborn and turning sixteen. Plus there are pictures I know exist, but aren't in the albums or in the random envelopes my mom pulled out of a nightstand drawer (?!), so where are they? And who the hell are some of these people?! I can't with people who go around taking constant selfies and/or who focus on documenting practically every activity of their lives rather than actually experiencing them, but there is really something to be said for how easy it is for even the most unskilled to take, save, and print a photo today. The '70s photos in these albums aren't all that great or plentiful. Oh, and also? You do not realize how old you've gotten and how much weight you've gained until you look over photographs. Fucking middle age, man.
  21. My peeve regarding kitchen appliance finishes is the trend of going gaga over stainless steel has made white - WHITE! - a special order finish on a lot of high-end models (and not even available on some of them). Hey, for anyone who likes the look of stainless steel, more power to them. It's not my preferred finish, but it's indeed a good look for a number of color schemes. But people who watch way too much HGTV and not only think it's the best choice for every kitchen but, far worse, believe a stainless steel finish means the appliance is a higher-quality unit, functionally, than a black or white one have altered the available options. And, yeah, that's the way the market works, blah, blah, blah. If it was largely based on something more informed, I wouldn't be annoyed.
  22. The inland TS was a bit surprising (but I correctly predicted they were going to whiff malt in the same category), as was sole. I recently agreed with a poster in another thread on having zero interest in anything James Bond, but even I know who wrote the books - but damned if I could spit out Fleming's name tonight. So no perfect first round for me. And definitely no perfect DJ round; I missed a handful. No FJ, either; I can't stand boxing, so I didn't even know what sport was involved, let alone the name of the rules. I could have sat here until I expired and never come up with it.
  23. Apparently. I didn't watch the Oscars, but that's the only clip I can find, so that indeed seems to be it. I hope the live episode is better than that live promo for it was.
  24. And the creepy clown smile. And the annoying personality. And the unappealing food. At least, that's why I don't watch.
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