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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Oh, yes. I am a sports fan, and there are indeed teams I would otherwise be neutral on but instead root against because of how annoyed I am by their obnoxious vocal fan base.
  2. Most childhood sweethearts aren't going to be together forever, which is a very good thing. One of TV's most annoying tropes is either keeping such characters together, or presenting it as a sad thing they didn't last. I greatly prefer shows like The Wonder Years that play it realistically, where it's a relationship both look back on fondly, but it was the first of many such relationships and they were kids, so it was a big part of life then and will always hold that place in memory of being the first, but it's firmly in the past and has little relevance to life now. Related, although I don't know if this one is unpopular (actually, I don't think the first one is, either, although there do seem to be plenty of fans of those twu teen luv 4eva stories), I loathe how many characters are jealous of/threatened by the their partner's first love somehow winding up back in the partner's life. Seriously? You think your 35-year-old partner of three years is going to suddenly toss away your relationship based on fond teenage memories? If so, it's a bad relationship, and you should be the one to leave. It's a stupid storyline with any ex, but especially when it's someone the partner loved twenty years ago as a kid. (And, of course, being TV, most of these irrational characters are women.)
  3. They didn't send up the prevalence of it on TV, but they did have a character who had no concept of personal space (or any boundaries, really) - Elaine's boyfriend Aaron, better known as The Close Talker, played by Judge Reinhold. Anyway, yes, unless they want to shoot everything in wide shots (which, of course, they don't), directors have to position actors closer together than would be typical in real life - just enough to be framed properly, hopefully while still looking if not completely natural, at least not distracting (obviously, it is not working on @Shannon L. 🙂). There are many shows with scenes on their gag reel of the actors getting funny with exaggerated intimacy upon being asked to move in closer.
  4. Kerry is one of my favorite characters (Elizabeth, Kerry, Carter, and Benton are my favorites, and which order they go in depends on my mood, but Elizabeth is often at the top). Which doesn't mean I agreed with everything she did - although I was on her side in a number of disagreements with the characters we're supposed to root for - but I found her interesting and I generally understood why she was doing whatever she was doing, even if I didn't like it. There is such wonderful face acting going on in that moment, because Kerry has been obsessed with that damn saw, and the this isn't how I wanted to get to use it thought is written all over Laura Innes's face.
  5. How did you do that? Because I'd like a notification if someone quoted or mentioned me so I can respond if need be, but I don't need notification of a mere like/useful/sad/etc. reaction. Yet it has always been tied together unless I've missed something - "mentions and my content" means I get notifications any time someone "interacts with content you have posted". So how are you, whatever notification method you choose, opting to only be notified of quotes, not mentions or reactions?
  6. While I like a lot of other cheeses on burgers as well, I don't have any problem with one made with American cheese - "pasteurized process cheese". But using individually-wrapped slices made me think it was instead "pasteurized process cheese food", and I just have no idea why ATK would go down a whole rung like that when it's not even necessary for the melting factor (just put the cheese on the patties while still over heat, not after they've already been removed). I agree, it can be assembled in an appealing way. (I mean, dude, it's a cheeseburger; I am here for it.) But the lauded crust on the meat is great, yet still leaves me preferring a bit less crust on each side in order to have a thicker, juicer, medium-rare patty in between.
  7. I just have to roll my eyes at a new "Subway is the healthy choice, yo" campaign months after Ireland's high court ruled that, because Subway's bread is so ridiculously high in sugar, it can't even be classified as bread under the country's VAT rules, it's instead a confectionery for those purposes.
  8. Mussels were on sale this week at the fish market, so I picked some up yesterday and will make Lidia Bastianich's mussels triestina tonight. (I was going to make them with saffron as I often do, but realized I'm out, and Trieste style is another favorite.) I have some sourdough that a neighbor makes (she knows I don't eat much bread, so it's perfect to be able to just get two or four slices from her when I want some rather than buying a loaf I'll never get through [I don't like bread that has been frozen]), so that will be used to sop up the delicious sauce. The salad will be arugula, radicchio, and endive with shaved parm, pine nuts, and a red wine vinaigrette. I decided to fully embrace the Italian theme and am having cardinale (gin, Campari, and dry vermouth) as tonight's cocktail. (I don't always pair my drink, other than requiring a margarita with Mexican food, but when I was in a gin mood tonight I thought of making negroni, and then this sprang to mind as something I like even more.)
  9. Yes, @annzeepark914, that's a known post-update bug. There's a dedicated thread in the Bugs, Questions & Suggestions section (which is where you go to report problems using the site) for those issues, and it has been noted there.
  10. I don't mind needles going into skin or muscle; it's only going into veins that I have the phobia about. Yeah, for me, having to have an IV line put in for fluids is the absolute worst part of having surgery.
  11. Gabe is the one who won, and Gabriel is 3 Oyster Guy (who, you may have heard, used to work for Tom).
  12. Intramuscular or subQ injections don't bother me at all, but I have an actual phobia around IV injections/blood draws; I panic when I have to have it done (and will sometimes delay/avoid medical attention because of it), and I don't even want to see it happen to someone else. So every time I watch Nightwatch or any other medical documentary, I have to be on guard for when it's time to close my eyes. Thankfully, the medical workers almost always give the patient a heads-up of what they're about to do, so I have my warning. I've mentioned this before, but my peeve is with nurses/phlebotomists/etc. who respond to my clear explanation of this phobia by assuring me it doesn't hurt. Fool, I know that. It has nothing to do with pain, or needles in general (see, e.g., the fact I have tattoos). It is very specific to needles going into veins, and, as a phobia, is by definition irrational. I don't expect everyone on the street to get that, but people who do this daily? Yes, I do. Also, when I warn them my veins "hide" and they'll have a hard time (which, of course, makes my situation worse by prolonging it), they patronize me with "I can find a vein in anyone", and 20 minutes later I'm surrounded by a team of four taking turns trying and failing as I struggle to control my breathing, I would like an acknowledgment that I do, in fact, know my body better than they do.
  13. Yes, now there's just one icon for all reactions, rather than the notification specifying which reaction the post received, but it sounds like that's one of the things they're trying to fix. All I really "needed" was my customized home page back, and that happened quickly, so I'm mostly content to just ride out whatever time it takes them to fix the various post-update glitches, but I have to admit these giant-ass notifications are bugging me more than they should. It's, what, three seconds to wait for one to quit blocking most of my screen? But I have a bad habit of being short on patience over meaningless things. I should just disable notifications while the problem lasts, since I only have the reactions/quotes/mentions option checked anyway.
  14. Thanks for the info, @meep.meep. I prefer corn tortillas, but I'll check those out some time since they're readily available.
  15. No, it was coined back in the '70s. It has only been in the past ten, five, and then several years that a significant - and increasingly wider - general audience took notice of such acts and how they fit into and perpetuated systemic racism, sexism, etc., but the term describing them is not at all new.
  16. It was not until it was mentioned during the recent reunion some of the cast did with Stars in the House that I realized the actor playing nurse Lily was also in a movie I've seen dozens of times, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. As soon as that was said, I could place her in the film. But until then, I'd never made the connection.
  17. I can't decide if the Gouda TS surprises me, but the Amsterdam answer certainly did. I only ran business and The Netherlands in the first round; I missed two each in electoral college, TV characters, and music scales and one in words & phrases (I have somehow never heard "milk of human kindness" in my life). In DJ, I ran skyscrapers and 3 O's, but missed two each in all the other categories. (Points for consistency? No? Didn't think so.) I finished off my bad game by having a total brain fart with FJ; I could not remember the character's name, so I was sitting here with "Someone Unchained" as my answer until just after time ran out, at which point it finally came to me. Which obviously doesn't count.
  18. Feminism also examines systemic sexism's influence on individual choices, so as long as a woman is wearing stereotypically "feminine" clothing and shoes because that's what she likes - as seems to usually be the case these days - not because she's been brainwashed into believing that's how all women are supposed to present themselves, there's no issue.
  19. Yes, @Jaded, I've given two cats Adequan injections for arthritis. It helped both of them. I gave the shots IM rather than subQ (a couple of studies - in dogs; it's off-label for cats - indicated it may be more effective that way) and as an 8-dose course (twice per week for four weeks). Years ago, the manufacturer published a letter asking vets not to prescribe a maintenance dose, saying it was designed to be given as an 8-dose course, and then repeated if the problem flared back up, and their research in developing the drug yielded no indication a maintenance dose did any good. So I went with that. @cleo, I'm sorry to hear about the strange symptoms your cat is experiencing - I can imagine how frightening that is for you to watch. Via friends' cats, I've dealt with a couple of remotely similar scenarios, but what you're describing is notably different from both, so I don't have any helpful anecdotal evidence to offer. I hope you're able to get this diagnosed and resolved. @WinnieWinkle, my best friend's dog has Addison's and is doing fairly well with the treatment, but of course she's not dealing with possible cancer as well. I hope your daughter gets good information from the vet on options, and can decide what's best for her dog.
  20. Bastet

    S01.E03: Superhero

    As with most shows, the relationships that aren't/possibly romantic or sexual are the most interesting and the others are largely annoying. Why anyone, let alone multiple women, would want to have sex with Rebel's son has not been established, so I continue to be turned off by his scenes. And I don't give a shit about skater dude and the youngest daughter. Cassidy whining she's not conflicted out is ridiculous under common sense and a poor argument under the law, but it's ostensibly possible a judge would keep her on. Of course, the client should want her to stay miles away from the case. I'll try to let it go. But, fundamentally, although everyone deserves representation, her throwing in for these particular assholes doesn't ring true; if her whole thing is moving away from the job Mom got her, taking up one working directly for Dad and in order to represent everything she stands against is stupid since she's not desperate. Lazy set-up, though, may ultimately lead to a good story. Generic White Dude mansplaining how Cassidy should play this I can very much do without. I continue to dislike him as much as I have from jump; he's bland and useless, but I can tell they're going to force him in. Lana continues to be a highlight, and I wish we'd have more of her tonight. Grady can go fuck himself; go cook your own damn food. Or, ya know what, don't marry someone like Rebel if you're going to - when it financially benefits you - suddenly decide you can't handle being married to someone like Rebel; it's not like this was a first marriage between two young people who hadn't yet figured out who they are. The writers are going to need to give him more depth or have Rebel stop wanting to work things out, because too much more of this will make her look like a moron. Cruz and all the clients' reaction to Rebel revealing what happened to his wife was great. I really like the backdrop of that story.
  21. Another night I didn't feel like cooking, so Thai delivery is on its way this time - spicy papaya salad, chicken satay, and pad thai. Lots of food in one haul, which - along with supporting struggling restaurants during a pandemic - makes me feel better about ordering out twice in a week.
  22. They virtually never buy it; it's not a good game to play, and I cringed a little when Shota did it. At least it was only a QF.
  23. Dawn pulled it off, despite it usually being the kiss of death on TC, but even if he had also done so, his dish still didn't remotely showcase the fruit, so it was doomed to be in the middle at best, and then when he couldn't execute on top of that, it landed him in the bottom.
  24. I've been to Aachen, but, reading that clue on the archive, I still took a beat to realize "aafter" and "aat" were hints, not typos, before saying, "Oh! Aachen."
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