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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Where does the sexless part come from? In response to her grandma's misconception that polyamory was just centered around sex, she said among her friends, she's the only one who's polyamorous, and she has the least sex out of all of them.
  2. No, just like actors, he went on vacations during times the show was on hiatus. They shot five episodes a day (until very near the end, when that became too much for him), and usually produced 230 games per season, so he had plenty of time off each year (of course, the actual shooting days were not the only times he did J!-related work, but still -- only 46 taping days per season). The only time anyone ever filled in for Alex was an April Fool's Day joke -- Pat Sajack hosted J! and Alex hosted Wheel of Fortune.
  3. I saw this on a flight and gave a moment's thought to looking for an ejection seat. I just had another drink instead, but ouch. Oh, that's another one of the few of this genre I saw in the theatre; I don't remember specifics, but I - as someone who plans my life around football season almost as obsessively as he plans his around baseball - generally liked it.
  4. I need to re-watch that; it's one of the rare romantic comedies I saw in the theatre, which I did because of Janeane Garafalo, and I remember it being an exception to my dislike of the genre but don't remember any specifics as to why. Because I'll probably like it again, I need to take a second look.
  5. Tonight will be the presidential address, so I just read the clues via the archive. I'm bummed that Judith Light was a TS; I think she's one of TVs most underrated actors. I got NYC even without the picture, so I'm a bit surprised by that TS. I started off very well again; I only missed one each in America, Hebrew, and Look At That in the first round, running everything else. In DJ, though, I only ran AU. I missed three authors, two actors, two clouds, two chemistry clues, and one hoard. FJ was not quite an instaget, but came to me quickly. I agree (as do the 450 former contestants who signed the letter criticizing producers for failing to edit out "gypsies" [and using it themselves in several clues] and that gesture), so thank you for sharing that his social media contained problematic posts and photos.
  6. Yep, that's why covers don't count.
  7. Tonight I made what a friend and I call an example of "toddler food", which probably more accurately refers to food loved by older kids, but we're child-free and we use it in describing dishes we love with basic, unhealthy, yet oh-so-satisfying flavors. I don't have a name for it, other than cheesy chicken - a whole chicken cut up, seasoned, and browned in butter, then placed in a baking pan over a thin layer of grated Parm, and covered with a very generous pour of a simple Swiss cheese sauce (a roux made with the pan drippings, to which milk and cheese are added), then topped with another thin layer of Parm, a sprinkling of bread crumbs, and a sprinkling of paprika. The side was steamed asparagus (for balance, heh) and the salad was mixed greens with avocado, walnuts, and balsamic vinaigrette.
  8. Same here. I dislike most romantic comedies, but I don't remember that one irritating me, yet I don't remember it being an exception to my rule, either. I cannot call up a single scene in my memory. I'll have to watch it again if I come across it.
  9. I knew we'd done "Dreams" before, so double-checking: We'd listed Fleetwood Mac, Van Halen, The Cranberries, and Grace Slick. David Guetta and Morten is new to me, and I'll add Brandi Carlisle, The Allman Brothers, and Joe Walsh as artists I've remembered since the last time this title came up. Given the title, I'm sure there are still more.
  10. Yes, I think it's a realistic remark, in that most people have no idea what a librarian's role actually is and thus attribute most staff actions taken within a library to "the librarians". The issue on TV comes in whether someone in such a scene corrects that misstatement, but in most cases there isn't a character present who would realistically make such a remark even if the writers were aware of it in the first place. Basically, unless librarians start becoming a significant percentage of TV writing staff, this is going to continue. But, hey, it's better than the trope of the librarian - a middle-aged, cat-owning, glasses-wearing female, of course (because that's somehow a bad thing) - who either lives and dies by her books or has a secret "wild" side that can only be brought out by one man (possibly right before she's killed). So, in the context of television, this wasn't that bad. Yay? Yeah, no. TV does librarians wrong at pretty much every turn.
  11. That's one of my favorites of the whole dog family series of commercials. I also like the first day of school:
  12. Had they known Joe Buck was going to guest host, they could have saved the Jon Voight clue (about playing a character named Joe Buck in Midnight Cowboy) for his run. The enzyme and turquoise TS surprised me. Since I'm hit and miss with pop culture categories, I was excited to be running the singers category as the first round came to an end, but then I joined the contestants in being stumped by Pitbull. I had a great first round, missing four. I even managed to only miss two in Zeus (a fantastic performance for me in any religion/mythology category). But the last one I missed was the cat TS in kings. I, Bastet, did not get cat! I think I'm going to be stripped of my powers for that one. I did even better in DJ (it's usually the opposite), only missing three (two books and one explorer). And FJ was an instaget, so I had a great game all around - a relief after last night's performance.
  13. I've been re-watching this (on YouTube), and, wow, David is ridiculous in so many ways, but it's a great moment on vacation when Matt comes over and says he thought about how he'd feel if the cast consisted of Matt, one half white person, and five Black people, and realizes David must feel out of place in his own home. Melissa's insecurity is painful to watch; I mostly just remembered the terrific humor she used to cover it up. I love her telling Julie she's just plain exhausted by having to repeatedly teach white people about racism when Julie is nagging her to explain things and claiming that's the only way progress will be made. But I do feel for Julie when she tells Melissa she's learned more from their conversation than she did in four years of high school and three of college, and that's not fair - she got cheated by being taught such a narrow view of the world. There's something about Julie that really bugs me, though. Didn't she wind up being a bit of a nutter after the show? I think I'm having vague memories of those Real World/Road Rules challenges they used to do.
  14. From other posts calling out this grossly irresponsible behavior, I see this has happened multiple times with multiple dogs in the family. So she just lets them all run around unfixed? This has always been a show I only watch if I'm going around the dial and nothing else is on, so I don't know much about her, but based on this I'm highly unimpressed by her care of her own pets.
  15. Oh, big woo (to her, not to you). Those people could have adopted from a shelter instead of rewarding a breeder for irresponsible behavior. Beyond bringing more dogs into the world, she is putting her dog's health at risk; if a vet's dog gets pyometra or mammary cancer, that's just shamefully avoidable.
  16. That's beautiful, and I like the part where it switches to the grandparents' POV, so we do not hear the child or his parents, we just see the captioning.
  17. When a word has been used to disparage a community, there always exists a movement within that community to reclaim the word as their own, diffusing its power. I need not cite the most obvious example in America. That in no way signifies it remains okay for oppressors or any outsider to use it. If some among the Roma, or a member of any other community of Travelers, choose to use the term "gypsies" among themselves, fine, but it shouldn't be appearing in a J! clue. Romani/Romany usually refers to a specific subgroup of the Roma, but I think it would have been accepted.
  18. Wow, can I borrow your powers? Because if you can know it to be a fact that in an inherently subjective evaluation, race played no role in voting for this award - despite the Academy being a group with a highly problematic history with respect to racial bias (and, of course, existing within a racist society) - you obviously have knowledge us mere mortals would love to have; think of what we could do. Do I think those voting in the Best Actor category each sat there and said, "Fuck the dead black dude, I'm voting for the old white guy?" Of course not; that would be absurd. But do I think the nominees' races played no role, conscious or subconscious, in how some voters evaluated the performances? Of course not again; that would be equally absurd. Was race the deciding factor? We'll never know. All that's factual is that Hopkins got the most votes of all the nominees. And this wasn't some shit like Crash winning over Brokeback Mountain; this was one superb performance winning over another superb performance, and my - having seen both films - congratulations to Anthony Hopkins. But dismissing the role race inevitably played as one of several factors in how this upset came to be is disingenuous at best, because the conversation is about why Hopkins got the most votes. There are several readily-identifiable reasons, including that it was a fantastic performance and that eligible Academy members are on the whole more likely to vote for a fantastic performance of an old white man battling dementia than of a young black man battling the white-owned music industry that exploited Black music while denying ownership to its creators. If Boseman was still alive, this wouldn't sting so much, because he'd have plenty of career ahead of him to win the next tight race for the ultimate acting prize. That this was his last chance and it didn't, and thus will never, happen isn't Hopkins' fault, nor is his win undeserved, and the tiny percentage of social media users attacking him are out of bounds. But they are an irrelevant distraction, and dismissing those honestly talking about the role race continues to play in membership and voting as themselves being out of bounds is disingenuous at best.
  19. The writers used it in a clue just a few months ago, so they obviously either don't know or don't care that it's a slur, and thus didn't worry about the contestants saying it this time since they had no problem with Ken (who, IIRC, was guest hosting then) saying it. Which is inexcusable in this the year 2021 (I don't remember when I learned "gypsy" was a slur, but it was a long time ago), but also suggests they didn't receive any significant feedback when they aired that odious clue earlier this year, and tells me I should have contacted the show, too, rather than just complaining about it here. So I'm going to email them right now (via the Contact Us form on the show's website). If I used social media, I would post there, too, which is probably more effective these days.
  20. The contestants were slow to answer the Roma clue, and I was hoping it was going to be a TS, because I just knew that if someone did ring in they were going to use the slur. Which I knew would be accepted, since the writers themselves used "gypsies" in a clue recently. Infuriating. It was a rough first round for me. I apparently do not know state songs; I only knew one (TN) and only correctly guessed one more (CT). I missed another three in 18th century. The only category I ran was abbreviations, and I missed two each in the remaining three. In DJ, I was off to a similarly bad start, missing three authors. But then I ran Cabinet and science, and got all but one in Radio on TV and Q. I missed two instruments. For FJ, I had no particular clue, was just thinking of cities whose names had changed, and that stupid song popped in my head, so I went with Istanbul as a joke guess. So at least I ended on a high note, albeit inadvertently.
  21. A-ha! Then I have heard it, it just didn't ring a bell with me. I thought it odd I could have lived this many decades without ever hearing it. Still weird that it was so foreign to me, but we all have odd gaps.
  22. Dan is the only one who makes sense. And my reaction to him and Louise getting engaged would be a resounding "eh, whatever", but my reaction to any other existing relationship resulting in engagement would be "WTF?".
  23. Bastet

    S01.E03: Superhero

    I finally - I think - committed to memory that he's Luke, but it will probably take me a couple more episodes to stop referring to him as Generic White Dude. He is my least-favorite character, because at least Grady, that son of a dick, has a purpose and some measure of charisma. Same here (over sixty, even). And I like that all of Rebel's husbands are younger than her, instead of the other way around (at least, the actors playing them are all younger than Katey Sagal).
  24. No, that was something Roseanne Barr said in an interview a long time ago, well before there was a revival. On the show, we never heard about the circumstances of Mark's death until this episode.
  25. I have always slept with my cats, and when Baxter had to be "nuked" (given radioiodine treatment for his hyperthyroidism), after he was cleared to come back home - they have to pee out a certain amount to be eligible for release - he was still radioactive enough I was supposed to limit my interaction with him for a week. So he definitely wasn't supposed to sleep with me. I stuck with that for exactly one night; he slept on the floor outside the closed bedroom door once he finally stopped crying out in confusion, and there was no way I was doing that to him again. I told my regular vet (who'd had the same procedure done on one of her cats) and she said, "I did the same thing. It's likely not a problem to begin with, and when there is excessive exposure to radiation it tends to affect fertility, so, since I'm not having kids, whatever." Amen! After, other than a few intervals, sleeping with at least one cat my entire life, it always feels weird on vacation (remember those?) to sleep without one. I hate sharing a bed with another person, and avoid it unless I truly can't, but I love sleeping with a kitty. When I was little, one cat - who weighed 26 pounds! - let me use him as a pillow, and then the next one slept with me every night like a person - her head on my other pillow, tucked under the covers:
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