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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Insert weekly mask grumbling here. I hate proposals, so I'm glad I only had to sit through one. I can't muster up more than a yawn in reaction to Dan and Louise getting engaged, but at least that - unlike any other pairing on the show - makes some sort of sense, so I'll just be relieved and move on. They should have gone for consistency, though, and had Dan wimp out on this tattoo, too - a "Lou" to go along with "Rose" because he couldn't take it, not because that's what he asked for going in. It was a pretty ho-hum episode in general, but Jackie turning her Jeopardy! infamy into a promo for the restaurant was amusing in its own way. Being indebted to Neville doesn't strike me as a good idea, nor does Becky's eagerness to quit the factory, but I laughed at Darlene firing her instead so she can scam some unemployment out of Wellman. So, we'll see where that all goes next season. As long as Geena doesn't thump her bible at anyone, it'll be nice to have her back. The scene between her and Becky was nice. And it was very nice for Ben to have turned down Darlene's proposal. They were good for each other for about five minutes, but everything before and after that has been wrong. I mostly just watch this show out of inertia (I'd never watch it if not for having such a long history with the characters), but I'll do it all again next season.
  2. I vaguely recognized Jennifer (if she'd shown up on my doorstep, I'd have only got so far as "You look familiar"; I'd have never placed her as a J! champion out of context), so that makes two (Nibir is the other). I ran the first round (thank you, Paul, for almost getting ricin, because until then I was not coming up with it), so I was really excited going into DJ, but it all went to hell in a hurry. I didn't run a single category. In fact, I only got one literary antagonist and one animal and missed two each in all the rest. Ouch. I did get FJ, thankfully.
  3. My understanding is Alton Brown has always been an asshole, didn't suffer any consequences when that started to become known, and has thus just stopped pretending otherwise in recent years. I find him utterly unwatchable. There are others I can put up with for the food (hell, I even watched Tournament of Champions despite Guy Fieri, because the competing chefs were so damn good), but not him.
  4. My first thought was Natasha Leggero, as I had just watched a few episodes of the "Comedians on Couches" House Hunters commentary the night before so she was on my mind, but I knew it wasn't her, and then Cummings came to me. Good thing it was a TS, so I had time for my brain to sort itself out.
  5. I don't remember most of them, either, but that's typical for me - I'm here for the clues, not the contestants, so (unless they have a long run) I don't file any of these people away in my memory unless I really like or really dislike them, and that doesn't happen often.
  6. I don't know why the underwear would be gross if a pad is not. (I don't like pads, so I'm not interested in the panties, but I sure like the reducing waste idea). If it's the Thinx commercial I've seen that's being discussed, I like it. It's long past time we stopped playing coy and cutesy in advertising such products.
  7. I got a call just before last night's game started, and didn't have a chance until this afternoon to check the archive. I missed four in the first round (only one of which was a Bible place) and got FJ, but only ran one category in DJ and missed eight that round. Buzzy is less annoying as a host than a contestant. Lots of TS and wrong answers for a ToC game! Address really surprised me. I did not get a single clue in Playing Today's Hits right (I recognized Kenny Chesney, but couldn't come up with his name in time), but I ran all the other first round categories except boats, in which I missed two. In DJ, I only ran comedians and "A", but I only missed eight total, and I correctly guessed FJ, so it was a decent game for me.
  8. Also, that damn "Daytime Friends" has been in my head for over two hours now!
  9. No segment of the top 200 songs in all of country music should be this boring.
  10. There's also a "Remember Me" by T.I. (with Mary J. Blige) and one by Hoobastank, and if you turn it into a question, there's "Remember Me?" by Eminem. (I was going to say Tim McGraw, too, but realized that's "Please Remember Me".)
  11. That's my primary association, too, since I've seen that charming film numerous times.
  12. I encouraged you before to sever those electronic connections, and stand by that because I don't actually think it's good for you to be able to see where she is or how she's spending money like she can just print more. You can't do anything about it, and while it comforts you to see she's around town, it didn't back when she was flitting off with the flavor of the week. If the boyfriend's family gets sick of her, she'll be back to that. Do you really want to see her phone start bee-bopping all over and wonder what that's about (since, again, you can't do anything about it)? Besides, if she doesn't want to act like part of your family, she doesn't get the benefit of your family plan rate. Financial ties should be the first ones cut. As far as texting her to say hello, no, I would not do that anymore, because she never takes her turn initiating. I would just message happy birthday and Merry Christmas. Like an acquaintance. Anything else needs to come from her.
  13. Just drop it. She didn't deserve your offer of help in the first place, and then couldn't even be bothered to follow through. Enough is enough. She's been doing this to you for years, telling you over and over again in word and deed that she doesn't care to have a relationship with you, she just wants you to be there when she needs something. That's not a daughter, that's a parasite. I'm sorry the little girl you sacrificed so much for has turned into that, and she's quite young so I hope it's not permanent, but she is who she is right now. The consequences of that have to be on her, or she'll never change.
  14. Yes, I remember your story well, and am sorry to hear she hasn't grown up any or started treating you any better yet. You're not claiming her as a dependent, right, so her taxes are not related to your taxes in any way? Then drop it. She needs consequences. Ugly but not life-destroying consequences would be the best thing for her at this point, because she's sure determined not to learn any other way and always finds someone to save her or at least soften the blow (including you, so please stop that for her sake as well as yours). Let her find out what it's like to have the IRS be the one "rushing" her; they don't give a shit about what's convenient for her.
  15. 1. Not much difference between the seasons here, so I'll take spring for Daylight Saving Time. 2. Underwear at work. I work from home; I could already do that daily. 3. I've never seen Shrek (and have no interest in doing so), but I don't think the specific film and song matter here; it's a matter of whether you'd never be able to finish a movie or never be able to finish a song. So I'll go with song, because at least I know how they end, even if I no longer get to listen to them all the way through. Never knowing how any new-to-me movie ends would be worse.
  16. Yeah, but that's all I was using! Because I mean the cheesiness in everything, including Amanda's character and their relationship. All the things I used to find endearing about her and them to offset how corny the whole thing was either weren't charming me or weren't charming me enough. This show was always my least-favorite of the genre (it was Moonlighting first, Remington Steele second, and this a distant third), but I liked it. I don't know what changed in me, but the last two times I tried I just didn't.
  17. Over the past five years or so (maybe more with how crazy time flies), I've tried to re-watch this twice and I couldn't get into it either time. All the corny, cheesy stuff that always bugged me was so much more present, and the stuff I liked wasn't as appealing. I think I'll give it one more try and then donate the DVDs to the library to free up some space unless I feel differently the third time. But I'll wait to try that until I feel like I'm in the mood for it, to give it my best shot.
  18. Bastet

    S01.E05: Heart Burned

    The ongoing litigation would have made some organizations and businesses not to want to get involved in any way, especially with such a short time to decide.
  19. Smiley's complete lack of manners on the backyard camping trip and at M2 and Kanani's house made me laugh. As did Tia's "Let me just get this over with" before putting her hand out for Freya to "bite" in greeting. And her saying she might need to find a pack of grizzly bears for Freya to play with. Ben and Spike barely taking time out from playing to have their hearing tested was cute. I love Lizzy telling Spike not to feel bad that Ben is further along in his training, because he had a head start having been in a home before. Poor Grandma Sass. To be used like that her whole life, tied up and cranking out puppies for eight years, and now instead of having an entire second half as a beloved pet she just gets a couple of months in hospice? It's not fair. But I have to remember Sassy didn't have any concept of how long the future was supposed to be; she just knew she was loved by Toney and his family, had toys and beds, walks and field trips, etc. Those two months were the happiest of her life and that's what she knew in the end. But I still cried big fat tears when she died.
  20. I'd have written the same next day, small group, simple ceremony wedding in Jill's backyard instead, but I get why they went the City Hall route to have Andy agree to run out and have Bonnie and Christy version 2.0 released into his custody and Jill roll with them brawling in the background, so it worked for me.
  21. Ah, that makes perfect sense, thank you; that huge drop really confused me. (I don't watch GA, and hadn't really even registered that it was the lead-in.)
  22. Heh, Kit Carson. The Nashville TS surprised me. I would never have known the bird on its own, but a [City] Warbler that would be a great nickname for a country singer made it a pretty solid guess. I was off to a bad start, missing all but one in Pop Culture. Thankfully, I ran the rest of the first round. In DJ, I only got one in Movie Mashups. I did not, however, stop there and run the rest of the round. In fact, the only category I ran was Supreme Court Decisions. I missed eight across the remaining categories. I did get FJ, though.
  23. When you say set parallel, are they now setting it in the same environment as the original, or is this new one still set in an Atlanta suburb? Because I'd be a lot more interested in seeing how a Black family in the same area experienced life compared to the Arnolds than yet another period piece set in the South, like that's the only place racism existed. But, as I said originally, I'll give it a look, as I think it's an interesting idea. And I'd hope that in this day and age, the gender-based experiences of the female characters will be explored a lot better than in the original.
  24. The ratings were up slightly last week, and then WAY down this week (I wasn't surprised by a drop, as I think last week's episode was weak, so some were going to bow out, but I was not expecting such a big drop [33%] - and that's sad, as it rebounded nicely this week in terms of episode quality), but this still seems sudden and surprising. Damn, shows just don't get a chance anymore. Even with that huge drop, they still beat Clarice's increased ratings in the timeslot. And no one is expecting them to ever rise above number two in the slot since there's a L&O on NBC. ABC can't even give them the first 13 and make a decision based on how it's doing at that point?! I hope they're at least going to air everything that's in the can.
  25. Seeing that giant house party, especially with a bunch of unmasked people, made me so angry in last night's episode. The stories seemed curated to show how they have to handle loved ones and bystanders in addition to the patients. They're a hell of a lot better at it than I'd be, that's for sure. Poor guy popping a pill for his first time with a woman since his wife died, and winding up with not just his daughter, but EMS and a film crew on scene.
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