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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. The appeal of Gloria Grahame is completely lost on me.
  2. While Provenza says "Now, it's a murder" and we don't know the specifics of when and how Jim Weber found out the cocaine was Lori's and that she stored it in Kayla's closet, it would likely be voluntary manslaughter instead. Despite what TV tells you, temporary insanity (diminished capacity) isn't really a defense, it's a mitigating factor. So probably they'd reach a plea bargain, agreeing to a sentence on the low end of the guideline for manslaughter. Because he's guilty, but - especially because he's a celebrity - there's potential for jury nullification, so both sides have reason to be willing to deal.
  3. Great Books is the only series I can recall by name, but, yes, I remember coming across interesting documentary programming, especially about science and medicine, on TLC way back when.
  4. If that happened with the regularity of pairings like Jill and Andy, then the number of Jill/Andy type pairings would be great instead of annoying. But since we don't see the reverse, hot woman with schlubby guy pairings bug me as a TV trend. Individual relationships of that ilk I may like, as I initially did with Jill and Andy, but they ran their course and she had great closure recently; that relationship should have been something that helps her in the future based on what it made her learn about herself, not something she goes back to. But, like I said, I knew they were going to go there, so I just hope it's handled well in the end.
  5. She grew up super rich. That's why she is so out of touch with everyone else's financial realities - she has never experienced anything but wealth.
  6. Illinois isn't a community property state, so marital property is divided equitably rather than equally, but, yes, especially since they're older, he has kids that aren't hers, and she has more income than him, they should get a legal contract in place before getting married. However, even though this is at the very least something they should discuss, I can easily imagine the writers ignoring it altogether if they go the marriage route. And if it is mentioned, it will probably be the typical TV storyline where one party - in this case, I'd assume Dan, despite this usually being foisted on the woman - objects to a pre-nup on (illogical) general principle, as if not entangling finances 50/50 is somehow an indicator of inadequate love or commitment.
  7. Lifetime is airing a marathon of some season one episodes right now, so I'm watching periodically during breaks from NFL draft coverage. I love Sharon at the end of "Before and After" (the second episode, with physical trainer and serial rapist "Hanging Chad" as the victim). She's got Provevnza throwing a fit at work, Taylor reneging on Pope's promise to make her a commander*, and she comes home to find Rusty is still camping out in the living room, bitching at her about not finding his mother, and threatening to leave. I love her shoving his stuff in a bag, and I especially love when she snaps, in response to his "You can't tell me to go to my room, you're not my mother" protest, "You're right, I'm not your mother. And how do we know that? Because I am here." But then she visibly reins herself in, and says in a much nicer tone of voice, "I am here, and your mother is not. And you're going to have to try and make the best of it." *I love that scene in Taylor's office. First when she snarks "Except, apparently, to Assistant Chief" after he says there's a promotions freeze. And then, especially, this - which I always wonder if Mary McDonnell first read the line and thought about how many times she's felt like that in contract negotiations - after he does his spiel about the job being the promotion: "So, considering how many people would like to replace me and how old I am, I should just take this job and be grateful, is that what you're saying?"
  8. Another archive game for me, as I'm watching the NFL draft again. The panther and polecat TS surprised me a bit, as did Vernon Jordan (since Vernon was spotted and they only had to come up with the last name) and no one even guessing jazz. I ran Los Angeles, animals, and memoirs in the first round, and only missed one each in the other three, so I was back on track after yesterday's dismal performance. Then came DJ. I did not run a single category (although I might have run 3 Ps if I'd been able to see the picture), and missed ten total. I didn't know FJ, either. Hopefully the draft goes better for me than this game did.
  9. Hopefully, if they get married, she'll be smart enough to keep their finances separated. But I doubt it.
  10. If they engaged in such analysis, they would never have given this family a show in the first place, let alone one that completely ignored the hideous tenets of their particular strain of Christianity, instead presenting them as just this oversized quirky family who really likes their bible.
  11. TNT hadn't officially cancelled it when he made the decision, but the writing was on the wall. And, yes, I think his (justified) anger over how the new network exec treated the show led to a petty I'll show you fit; he used to threaten to kill her off during renewal negotiations. That would have been a "Oh, HELL no" moment of all time for me. Seeing her decline to carry out an extrajudicial execution (it would not have been self defense) after going through the fallout of arranging several of them, and realize she needed to walk away, was a satisfying and logical (and legal) way of writing her out.
  12. Probably Romanesco, as some people call that broccoflower.
  13. James Duff has given half a dozen different answers to that question, and I don't buy any of them. He wanted that damn Rusty-Stroh showdown to be the final story (because it's all Rusty all the time with him) and had to get rid of her to do it. I think if your final storyline requires you to devastate your audience by killing off your main character at the happiest point in her professional and personal life, and shit on her legacy by having her second in command and her son act in the exact opposite way of what she'd taught them, you should come up with a different final storyline. One that doesn't exacerbate the "expendable woman" problem, where the woman dies in the third act and in the end it's the men standing around after having saved the day.
  14. Katharine, not Katherine.
  15. Bleh to Jill and Andy getting back together, but TV shows don't comprehend any other happy endings for women when wrapping up their shows, so as much as I wanted her closure to actually be closure, I braced myself for this inevitability. And it could be worse. But, still - yuck.
  16. Delving into this further will likely be dinged as extending beyond discussion of the commercial, but thankfully such analysis is easily found via internet search as the scientific community and media are more open about this issue than they've traditionally been. If you have additional questions after undertaking that research, meet me in Small Talk this weekend and I can try to fill in the gaps or point you to sources who can.
  17. I wonder how the ratings are doing that they already put together a clip show in order to show the OGs. I remembered all these stories except for Diva. Holly with the guy whose little girl had died in Katrina, a typical drunk call until she realized halfway to the hospital what pain he’d been living with for ten years, was moving, so it's also moving to hear she broke down after handing him off at the hospital, and still gets emotional thinking about him. And, of course, I remembered that horrible leg injury on the bicycle rider who got hit by a car. They quite deliberately didn't show the gruesome footage from the original episode. Same with the arm injury. I don’t watch this show to say Ooh, gore! but I’m not grossed out by it (and can close my eyes to avoid footage of intravenous needles, which is a personal phobia and thus something that does bother me to see), and the severity of the injury informs EMS response, so I’m oddly annoyed by obscuring it, especially after the fact. This is supposed to be reality. New Orleans contains a lot of huggers like Titus (to my consternation as a non-hugger, but it’s still one of my favorite cities to visit), so it wasn’t surprising to hear him cite the inability to do that as the biggest pandemic-induced change in his interaction with patients. Ugh, I did not need to be reminded even briefly of the episode where the cops started indiscriminately shooting out their window. I remember one was trying to talk some degree of sense into the other, but on the whole it was just a lesson in why PD should not be on this show.
  18. And then let others talk her into cooking them differently than she normally does (and the resulting texture was specifically cited by the judges as one of the knocks against her dish). To her credit, she owned her mistake in not asserting ownership over the dish after the fact, and I get that it can be difficult - especially for a woman - to take that stand in the moment. I just really wish she'd done so, because then fucking Gabriel would be off my screen.
  19. Your individual health issues as a white woman over 70 years old have nothing to do with the widespread difference in vaccination rates between white people and people of color overall. That discrepancy is a race issue, with many contributing factors, as the ad campaign addresses in the hopes of getting more in the Black and Latinx community vaccinated. That campaign doesn't diminish anyone unable to, because of their medical condition, get vaccinated yet or at all.
  20. Gabriel is so annoying. I wouldn't ever seek out anything with rose, so I was pleasantly surprised by how many of the QF dishes I'd be happy to try if put in front of me. I'm with Shota about the cook something matched to a genre of film part of the EC: "Why can't you just let us cook food?" But Tom’s face at each of Padma’s genre introductions was fantastic. I love that Dawn was confident she could succeed with popcorn, and did. I am also very happy Maria pulled off making buns and sausage, and that she finally got some feedback. Avishar’s dish was fantastically creative. Nelson’s dish must have been fucking good, because I shared Tom’s skepticism on that vote. Gabe’s presentation of his horror dish was really funny, especially after Shota’s incredibly dark inspiration. Gee, the final vote was a tie, so we don’t find out until JT which team won. Shocking. Chris is lucky he had immunity, and Gabe is lucky he was on the winning team.
  21. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    That ESPN article you posted said the Rams contacted GB back in January, so before they traded for Matthew Stafford.
  22. Except there are racial disparities in who has been vaccinated, continuing the disproportionate impact of COVID on some races and ethnicities; Black and Latinx Americans haven't received vaccinations comparable to their shares of cases and deaths or to their shares of the total population in most states. The CDC is actively working on vaccine equity. There are many reasons for that, including well-founded historic distrust of the medical and scientific community among people of color, and Spike Lee has been quite active in encouraging vaccination in the Black and Latinx communities (and is working on a relevant COVID documentary). I can't find the specific commercial you're referencing, but I feel confident he's not talking out of his ass in it.
  23. I'm going to be watching the NFL draft tonight, so it was another archive game for me. I missed two child actors, so I was off to a bad start, and it didn't get any better; I only ran health and annoying words, missing seven total in the first round. DJ was even worse; I only ran court, missing twelve clues (including the entire pop culture category). FJ came to me very quickly, but, yikes, not my game.
  24. Mine is still there, just with a different symbol (that I hope will be replaced, as it does not at all indicate "Edit" to me and I only knew that's what it was for by seeing it was in the usual place and hovering over it to confirm it showed "edit comment"), and worked when I used it a minute ago. I tested it again, and, yep, still working. Are you clicking on the edit button and nothing happens, or are you just quite logically not realizing the button that looks like a thought bubble means Edit?
  25. 88 = HH = Heil Hitler The Anti-Defamation League explains various symbols used by hate groups.
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