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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Norm MacDonald said something incredibly stupid about the MeToo movement, bemoaned what his buddies Roseanne Barr and Louis C.K. had "gone through" (in losing gigs because of their own repulsive actions), and said if the women who were uncomfortable during C.K.'s surprise set at the Comedy Store were given $200 compensation, they "could buy some nice shoes" and "get through the trauma". That being my most-recent experience with him, it tends to overshadow the comedy memories, but some of his impressions and stand-up sets back in the day indeed had me cracking up (I hadn't seen him on anything in quite some time). He had a bit about a gruesome "the devil made me do it" prank that was funny solely because of his delivery. I hope he was happy with his choice to battle cancer with hardly anyone aware what he was going through; good for him doing it the way he thought best. Sixty one is too damn young.
  2. Huh. I thought Bob Dole was dead. I wonder who I'm mixing him up with.
  3. I thought it was a stupid pitch, too, to use the middle of the night emergency with a child as the example. Like you said, the average parent would not use some random, just-launched website under those circumstances, they'd go to the ER. It would have made more sense if it was essentially WebMD, which did indeed launch right around that time (and they could have just made the in-show version a subscription service rather than getting into how the free website for the public is financed by the subscription service for doctors - and, of course, pharmaceutical companies, which is a whole other can o' worms).
  4. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Holy hell, what a game to end week one. I kept feeling certain the Raiders were going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They scored the TD with too much time left in regulation, and of course the Ravens moved ahead, but then, wait, the Raiders tied it up with a beautiful 55-yard FG and off to OT we go. Then they seemed poised for win, then, damn, they'll have to settle for a FG and play on, and then, holy shit, they turned it over and now they're really cooked. But they force a turnover and just have to kick a FG. Instead they dick around and lose yards again, so they're going to bring back the offense and, oh lords of Kobol, please don't make for a longer FG (or worse, turn it over), and, behold, they wind up with a winning TD. I went to Raiders games as a kid, and I've maintained a passing interest in them in the decades since they moved on and so did I - since I'm an NFC fan, they were fairly inconsequential to me other than nostalgia; not a threat, so a team I would faintly root for but not get invested in - and tonight made me surprisingly happy (it helps that I dislike the Ravens, but that was just exciting football).
  5. Mondays and Thursdays are archive nights for me during football season, so I'm bummed it's not back up and running yet, but I'm sure the site admin is even more frustrated given all the work that's gone into the summer project (not to mention the work that goes into the daily updating) so I am not complaining. I looked up FJ elsewhere, and did not know it. Once I learned Mike Richards went to Pepperdine, I wondered if him coming on board as EP was the reason for the increase in categories/clues about Christianity, so hopefully with him out on his ass where he belongs, this season will return to normal on that front.
  6. Yeah, that was awful. It certainly hasn't disappeared, but the blatant fat shaming that was deemed acceptable on TV back then was disgusting. That Rebecca episode and the Mason storyline on Designing Women were two of the worst among shows I watched, and ER made an absolute habit out of it.
  7. Misogynoir. These white women's advantage over Black women was race. Black men's advantage over them was gender. Black women were doubly screwed.
  8. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I don't get the Giants game, so will have to rely on score updates and highlights. Here I sit rooting for the Packers. While never one of my top teams, I have always generally rooted for the Saints, but with a rapist under center, no fucking way. Same with how I can't ever enjoy the Steelers again until Big Ben retires. I watched 49ers vs Lions as my morning game, and it was better than I expected it to be. I thought - and was hoping, as I'm still bitter at the 49ers over Kaep and was kind of rooting for Goff - maybe Shanahan was going to blow yet another lead. I still can't believe we have Matthew Stafford at QB, but am looking forward to tonight's Rams game.
  9. And great activism. It somehow did not dawn on me in his first episode, but did in this one, that his appearance on the show constituted a reunion - he and Lily Tomlin played a couple in the great "The Ghosts Who Stole Christmas" episode of The X-Files.
  10. I don't personally care about dog paws on the counter, but because many people do and, fundamentally, it's a commercial establishment rather than my home, if I had a dog and chose to take her into an eatery, I would make sure she was on the ground at my side at all times so as not to disturb anyone. And if I had someone with me, I'd have them wait outside with the dog while I went in to get our goodies. As a cat person, taking my pet with me places is generally not something that happens. But one year I took my cat Maddie with me when I joined my parents in their motorhome for our annual Thanksgiving camping trip. She was rather chill in general - thus taking her with me (my other cat had died the year before, and I thought she'd be happier with us than home alone other than my friend's daily visits) - but I figured she'd prefer coming with me to the check-in rather than being left in the car. So I carried her up there, but didn't just plop her down on the counter, I put her (she was on a leash) on the ground so I had my hands free and anyone with allergies would not have her shoved into their space. The two employees gushed over her and asked if she'd let them pet her (she would), so only then did I put her up on the counter. I didn't just impose that on someone. Like parents who think everyone should like their child and be cool with her/him all up in their business, pet owners who have a similar mindset are inconsiderate.
  11. I know it's only game two, but there's a notable part of me that hopes for a shitty enough Trojans season - my weekly blood pressure spike be damned - for USC to finally fire Clay Helton. The players and outside circumstances have changed from year to year during his tenure, and the teams generally manage to be okay, but the same fundamental problems - penalties, timid play calling, an inability to rebound, and questionable reliability of key players - crop up every year, relegating them to just okay. Those problems are all directly tied to coaching, and okay is not enough for this team. Even the butterfingers problem can be laid at Helton's feet, given how often it plagues both QBs and receivers; once again, he's not instilling the discipline that leads to self correction. He's been on the hot seat since he got the job as a dubious choice, and I did the well, let's see routine at first and then the well, ADs know more than me, but we seem to be backing a losing horse for unknown reasons kicked in, and then I wanted him gone. He keeps failing to course correct, causing at least one key division loss and at least one totally bizarre loss to an wildly inferior team each season, and I'm fed up. So, again, it's early, and we may wind up with another respectable finish in the grand scheme of college football, but not one befitting the program. That has well and truly stopped being okay. Basically, I'm where Keyshawn has finally arrived:
  12. He shows himself as the total asshole he is in that LA Times interview, and her response is great. Also, the linked article ticks me off with this choice of words: How about: "Buckingham, who physically abused Nicks during their relationship ..."
  13. I don't know, but those idiots yelling and hoisting the poor cat up in the air afterward like a victory trophy make me angry.
  14. It's pretty damn rare for me to cheer for an Oregon victory, but seeing them upset Ohio St. was a thing of beauty. The Buckeyes were two TD favorites, and never even led the game. Glorious. This is my first weekend of college football, having somehow managed to completely forget last weekend that the season was starting.
  15. I watched this last night and agree with many of the recurring opinions expressed in this thread: It was well done, it was too sympathetic to the parents, and it properly nailed the schools. I love it ending by pointing out Singer's side door is closed, but the traditional back door remains open. I also like it highlighting that Stanford's victim impact statement admitted they're $700,000k richer, and showing the lawyer saying he's never seen another case where the "victim" of a fraud was nearly a million dollars richer because of it. It was interesting to learn what a lying sleaze Singer had always been (love that one woman who'd been keeping a file of his lies jumping up and down in vindication when the news broke) and how that snowballed into what this became. If that guy arrested on a totally different matter didn't happen to know about the Yale coach in order to offer him up to the feds, this would still be going on; Singer wasn't on the FBI's radar at all before that.
  16. Seriously?! That's how the book ended? Then, yes, props to a mediocre film - I watched it once on TV, and, as I said in another thread, the only reason I stuck with it to the end was for the two sisters and the lawyer's dog - for providing a far better ending than its source material. I'm going to be shaking my head about that book ending the rest of the day.
  17. If it did, wouldn't all men claim to need the DDD, and then most of them would be walking around with extra fabric getting all scrunched up.
  18. I love the commentary on "Achy Breaky Heart" in the "When Country Goes Pop" episode of This is Pop (documentary series on Netflix) about how, at the time, this song was one of the several "this is the death of country music!" moments, and then decades later Billy Ray Cyrus's participation with Lil Nas X was an endorsement that "Old Town Road" is country music.
  19. I love my grabber. I'm tall, so I don't need it in grocery stores - I'm the one who frequently observes a shorter person straining to reach something and asks, "Would you like me to get that for you?" - but I use it to put up my Christmas lights. I am fine on a stepladder no matter how tall but feel very insecure on an extension ladder (I used to be able to suck it up, but no more - only if my cat's life depended on it would I go more than four rungs up one of those things even though that is totally irrational [as phobias, by definition, are]; on the ground, I understand physics and that I'm safe, but as I head up my fear kicks in, I get anxious, and there's too great a risk my mental state will result in a self-fulfilling prophecy), and there are many places around my house where bushes or bay windows mean I can't position the stepladder in a way that gets me close enough to reach the hooks just with my arm span (I'm plenty high, but too far out). So I picked up a grabber on Freecyle years ago and gave it a whirl, and it's the perfect extension of my arm for that task. I have, however, lost my grip on a strand of lights, so I'd be a bit wary of using it on a glass jar or such on a high shelf, although as long as you kept it out in front of you, the worst would indeed be a clean-up.
  20. Liability. If you fall off a store-provided ladder, they're in a lot more trouble than if you climb the shelves and fall, which is an unintended use of their equipment.
  21. I don't think it was that many*, but they did wind up using about twice as many as they thought they would because they forgot how quickly kittens grow, so halfway through filming the kittens were too big and they had to get new ones. They were all adopted from animal shelters, and Tiffany Haddish took one of them home with her. *Edited to say I just checked, and it was seven - three initially, then four replacements when those three aged out.
  22. I think opossums are so weird looking they're cute. They come through my backyard at night, and years ago I had one living in my firewood stack. She/he had big ears for its head, so I named it Mickey.
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